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At the start of this challenge, the map of Widge will appear on the screen (although road A is randomly-generated so the map may not look exactly like it does in the above image) as Gorwen says from off-screen "The map shows where the last Veeton is. You must work out a way to get to it."; once you've pressed  Space  to continue Gorwen shall ask you "Which is the shortest road?" with the roads' four letters below it. The correct answer is C, and once you have chosen it Gorwen will say "Yes. Well done." - and once you have pressed  Space  again, Gorwen shall ask you "How much is road C shorter than road A?" with four options, 25km, 15km, 45km and 30km, under it. Although road A is randomly-generated the right answer is always 30km; once you have chosen it Gorwen will say "Well done.". Once you have pressed  Space  for a third time Gorwen will say "Road C is a lot shorter than road A but it may not be the safest." - and once you have pressed  Space  for a fourth time, Gorwen shall ask you "Which road will you take?", with the roads' four letters under it. The correct answer is A, and once you've chosen it Gorwen will say "Yes, that's the safest road."; once you have pressed  Space  for a fifth time, Gorwen will ask you "Which way must you walk to reach the first bend?", with the eight directions' initials to the right of it. Once you have chosen the right direction, Gorwen will say "Good." as the first bend on road A flashes magenta and a black dot moves over it three times - and Gorwen shall now ask you "Which way next?" for the next five bends (he'll also again say "Good." for the next four correct answers, as the next four bends flash magenta and the black dot moves over them three times). After the sixth correct answer Gorwen will say "Good. You've worked out the best way to get to the Veeton."; once you have pushed  Space  for a sixth time, he shall say "Hurry now. Scott went ahead of you. He's in danger!", so once you have pressed  Space  for a seventh time, the game shall proceed onto the ninth challenge, which involves having to answer ten yes/no questions correctly.