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Box artwork for TimeSplitters 2.
Box artwork for TimeSplitters 2.
TimeSplitters 2
Developer(s)Free Radical Design
Year released2002
System(s)Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox
Preceded byTimeSplitters
Followed byTimeSplitters: Future Perfect
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ELSPA Ages 15+ESRB TeenOFLC Mature
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LinksTimeSplitters 2 ChannelSearch

TimeSplitters 2 is the successor to TimeSplitters on PlayStation 2. It now expands to the Xbox and GameCube systems. This game plays homage to the Rare Nintendo 64 classics Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark.

The player travels through time periods at various places on a journey in which the objective is to collect crystal shards with different characters. The player also encounters various enemies and clears out objectives that need to be resolved.

Table of Contents
