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Follow the path with BT and you will eventually receive a transmission from Lt. Freeborn, requesting backup against some enemy forces. Drop in and assist the ally Titans in fighting off enemy Titans and soldiers, making frequent use of the Expedition's Multi-Target Missile System and Vortex Shield. While the Missile System cools down, fire at enemies with the XO16A2 Chaingun, an automatic rifle that acts as the primary weapon for this loadout. Land enough successful attacks on the enemies to gain access to the Burst Core, a special attack exclusive to this loadout which allows BT to continuously fire a stream of Amped bullets. Defeating a Titan with the use of this attack unlocks an achievement/trophy. While this isn't necessary, staying ahead to act as a shield for Lt. Shaver and Lt. Freeborn during this segment of the mission should ensure their survival, allowing you to obtain a hidden achievement/trophy.

The first Pilot Helmet can be found behind this gate; climb some pipes on the other side of the area to access it.
Excessive Force

15 Gamerscore points
Excessive Force
Destroy a Titan with your Burst Core in the Campaign
Close Shave

15 Gamerscore points
Close Shave
Kept Lt. Shaver and Lt. Freeborn Alive
Fire Everything!

15 Gamerscore points
Fire Everything!
Destroy a Titan with your Salvo Core in the Campaign

Enter the structure at the end of this area to find a new Titan Loadout. Equip it to try it out in the next fight, and go through the tunnel to find Pilot Helmet 1/6 immediately to your left, behind a gate. To your right, you should see a pipe sticking out of the ground. Disembark BT so that Jack lands on the pipe (since stepping on the ground here would harm him), and climb onto another pipe above. Walk along this pipe and drop into the otherwise closed-off area to pick up the Helmet, then return to BT to continue. Pick up the batteries on the way if health is needed, as the next battle will be against two Tone Titans. Tone's Particle Wall and Salvo Core should come in handy here; you should obtain an achievement/trophy if Salvo Core is used to defeat one of the Titans. Use Expedition's Multi-Target Missile System to finish off the rest of the enemies before disembarking BT.

Splitting up[edit | edit source]

Climb some pipes shortly after disembarking BT to find the second Helmet, on top of a tank.

Disembark so that Jack lands on the platform to the right. Go up the stairs until you come across a set of pipes. Step onto them and you should see another set of pipes looping above them. Climb those pipes and use them to reach the top of a tank, where Pilot Helmet 2/6 sits. The enemies here will be using submachine guns such as the Alternator and the R-97 Compact SMG, so feel free to pick them up if you prefer them to rifles. After clearing out the area, go through the open door to face the next set of enemies. A new type of explosive weapon that can be found here, the Firestar, may prove helpful in herding enemies away from their cover. Once everyone is defeated, a door will open to reveal four more enemy soldiers. Shoot them down and climb up the pipes, which will take Jack above the control room. Drop down and use the button here to open the Flow Regulation Gate.

After encountering friendly soldiers, look to the left to see the third Pilot Helmet.

A door will open behind you after accessing the controls. Go through it and follow the path until you have to slide under a door; you will encounter more enemies on the other side, so use the Cloak to get a jump on them. Wallrun to continue forward, and double jump after sliding down a ramp. Continue to wallrun until you see a door that you can go through, after which will be some platforms riddled with enemy soldiers. At the end of this path are some pipes that you can walk on, which lead you through a tunnel marked with a 7. Past this tunnel will be some friendly soldiers and Pilot Helmet 3/6, to the left of the area. Double jump to reach it. Approach the soldiers for some weapons and a new objective.

Assisting the Militia and rejoining BT[edit | edit source]

After the big firefight with the Stalkers, go through the door that opens and turn left to find this area, where the fourth Helmet is.

Ahead is an army of Stalkers, armed with L-STAR machine guns. These weapons are capable of vaporizing enemy soldiers and have the benefit of a magazine capacity of 140. This also happens to be its maximum ammo capacity, so make sure to take advantage of no longer having to reload. Continue forward to come across more friendly soldiers, combating a wave of Stalkers. Shoot them as they approach and use a sniper rifle to take care of the distant enemies. Once most have been dealt with, cross the toxic substance on the floor by wallrunning and double jumping, and take out the remaining enemies. A door should open at the end of this area revealing more Stalkers. Shoot them down and turn left to find an area filled with a toxic substance. Wallrun and double jump to Pilot Helmet 4/6.

Climb up to this high walkway after opening a door to find the fifth Helmet.
The last Helmet of the chapter is at the top of the circular room, near the exit.

Return to the main path and climb up some pipes to encounter more enemies. Continue forward until you come across a large door with a green panel next to it. Use the panel to open the door, then look up to see a walkway with Pilot Helmet 5/6 sitting on top. Climb up the pipes in the area to reach it. Drop back down and continue forward, into a round room. Climb to the top of the room to find the exit, and Pilot Helmet 6/6 nearby. Follow the narrow path forward to finally catch sight of BT again.

Follow the waypoint to the control room. After accessing the controls, waves of enemies will approach. Make sure to constantly stay on the move to avoid the Ticks, bombs capable of walking and even floating across gaps to chase you. Shoot them to detonate them early, or simply run away when they begin to detonate near Jack. Checkpoints will activate occasionally, not based on location but based on how many enemies Jack has taken down. Once all enemies are flushed out, BT will call Jack over to his position. Embark and proceed forward to the boss fight against Kane.

Boss: Kane[edit | edit source]

Hot Mess

30 Gamerscore points
Hot Mess
Defeated Kane

Kane uses a Scorch Titan, so his attacks will consist of slamming the ground to create a line of fire and firing thermite projectiles. These attacks are easy enough to avoid thanks to the many walls around the area, in addition to Tone's Particle Wall. If the Particle Wall isn't available, dash behind walls when Kane attacks and peek back out once BT's offensive abilities are ready to use. Consider this an introduction to Titan battles; while it shouldn't be too difficult even on Master difficulty, strategic maneuvering is necessary to overcome it.

Once the battle is over, disembark BT and interact with the fallen Titan. This valuable retrieval of enemy intel concludes the mission.