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Listed here are primary and secondary weapons usable by pilots in Titanfall 2. For Titan weapons, see Titan Loadouts. Weapon information on this page is relevant across the single-player campaign and multiplayer modes, though mods and attachments are exclusive to multiplayer. While pilots are limited to one primary and one secondary weapon in multiplayer, Jack can replace his secondary weapon with a primary weapon in the campaign.

Assault Rifles[edit | edit source]

G2A5[edit | edit source]

Damage 90
Accuracy 85
Range 65
Rate of Fire 33
Magazine Capacity 14
Unlock Level 35

The G2A5 is a semi-automatic rifle with high damage output per shot. It also has high accuracy and a good range, ensuring that the damage provided by this rifle will not be reduced over long distances. As far as rifles go, these stats are exceptional, though it lacks the hip-fire accuracy that can be found in shotguns such as the EVA-8 and the Mastiff. Its rate of fire is also low, so despite its high damage capabilities, this gun is best used from a distance where cover is available.

Mods[edit | edit source]

  • Extra Ammo: Increases magazine capacity from 14 to 18.
  • Gunrunner: Allows hipfire while sprinting.
  • Speedloader: Reduces reload time by 30%.
  • Gun Ready: Halves the time to go in and out of ADS (aiming down sight).
  • Quickswap: Faster transition when switching to this weapon.
  • Tactikill: Pilot kills reduce your Tactical ability's cooldown.

Attachments[edit | edit source]

  • Factory Issue: The G2A5's base ironsights.
  • HCOG: Open-sight reticle with no zoom.
  • HCOG Ranger: Sights with increased zoom.
  • Threat Scope: Highlights enemies in red, even through smoke. Disables second mod slot.
  • Pro Screen: Displays counter for lifetime pilot and Titan kills.

Hemlok BF-R[edit | edit source]

Damage 75
Accuracy 80
Range 65
Rate of Fire 80
Magazine Capacity 24
Unlock Level 15

The Hemlok BF-R is a semi-automatic burst-fire assault rifle that boasts a heavy rate of fire, capable of shooting in bursts of two, three, and five rounds. It is a popular weapon among both allies and enemies in the campaign, making it a common drop that can be picked up by Jack. However, its unconventional firing pattern may take some getting used to, as despite its high rate of accuracy, it must be aimed low in order to connect for a headshot. With practice, the Hemlok becomes a reliable gun, as its specs are all well above average when compared to other guns in its category.

Mods[edit | edit source]

  • Extra Ammo: Increases magazine capacity from 24 to 30.
  • Gunrunner: Allows hipfire while sprinting.
  • Speedloader: Reduces reload time by 30%.
  • Gun Ready: Halves the time to go in and out of ADS (aiming down sight).
  • Quickswap: Faster transition when switching to this weapon.
  • Tactikill: Pilot kills reduce your Tactical ability's cooldown.

Attachments[edit | edit source]

  • Factory Issue: The Hemlok's base ironsights.
  • HCOG: Open-sight reticle with no zoom.
  • HCOG Ranger: Sights with increased zoom.
  • Threat Scope: Highlights enemies in red, even through smoke. Disables second mod slot.
  • Pro Screen: Displays counter for lifetime pilot and Titan kills.

R-101 Carbine[edit | edit source]

Damage 55
Accuracy 90
Range 65
Rate of Fire 80
Magazine Capacity 24
Unlock Level 0

The R-101 Carbine was added to the game as part of a patch released on March 30, 2017, and is available in multiplayer by default. It is a fully-automatic rifle with high accuracy and a high rate of fire, making it effective against enemies on the ground. However, its damage output is only average, and its accuracy is reduced when firing from the hip. Thus, it is best used when aiming down its AOG (Advanced Optical Gunsight) scope. This scope is what separates it from the R-201 Carbine, a rifle that is otherwise similar in every way.

Mods[edit | edit source]

  • Extra Ammo: Increases magazine capacity from 24 to 30.
  • Gunrunner: Allows hipfire while sprinting.
  • Speedloader: Reduces reload time by 30%.
  • Gun Ready: Halves the time to go in and out of ADS (aiming down sight).
  • Quickswap: Faster transition when switching to this weapon.
  • Tactikill: Pilot kills reduce your Tactical ability's cooldown.

Attachments[edit | edit source]

  • Factory Issue: The R-101's base ironsights.
  • HCOG: Open-sight reticle with no zoom.
  • HCOG Ranger: Sights with increased zoom.
  • Threat Scope: Highlights enemies in red, even through smoke. Disables second mod slot.
  • Pro Screen: Displays counter for lifetime pilot and Titan kills.

R-201 Carbine[edit | edit source]

Damage 55
Accuracy 90
Range 65
Rate of Fire 80
Magazine Capacity 24
Unlock Level 0

The R-201 Carbine, alternatively known as the R-201 SOAR (Special Operations Assault Rifle), was manufactured by the Lastimosa Army as a successor to the R-101C Carbine from the first Titanfall. Like the R-101 Carbine, it is available in multiplayer by default. It is a fully-automatic rifle with high accuracy and a high rate of fire, making it effective against enemies on the ground. However, its damage output is only average, and its accuracy is reduced when firing from the hip.

Mods[edit | edit source]

  • Extra Ammo: Increases magazine capacity from 24 to 30.
  • Gunrunner: Allows hipfire while sprinting.
  • Speedloader: Reduces reload time by 30%.
  • Gun Ready: Halves the time to go in and out of ADS (aiming down sight).
  • Quickswap: Faster transition when switching to this weapon.
  • Tactikill: Pilot kills reduce your Tactical ability's cooldown.

Attachments[edit | edit source]

  • Factory Issue: The R-201's base ironsights.
  • HCOG: Open-sight reticle with no zoom.
  • HCOG Ranger: Sights with increased zoom.
  • Threat Scope: Highlights enemies in red, even through smoke. Disables second mod slot.
  • Pro Screen: Displays counter for lifetime pilot and Titan kills.

V-47 Flatline[edit | edit source]

Damage 70
Accuracy 45
Range 65
Rate of Fire 60
Magazine Capacity 30
Unlock Level 47

The V-47 Flatline is a fully-automatic rifle "with a punch." It differs from other assault rifles in its bullpup design, allowing for increased maneuverability with a low vertical recoil. It is similar to the Alternator in that its recoil is instead horizontal, resulting in a unique degree of fire. Aside from this unique feature, the Flatline's stats are no better than any other rifle, showing decent but not exceptional performance in all categories. It is a common find among enemy soldiers in the campaign.

Mods[edit | edit source]

  • Extra Ammo: Increases magazine capacity from 30 to 36.
  • Gunrunner: Allows hipfire while sprinting.
  • Speedloader: Reduces reload time by 30%.
  • Gun Ready: Halves the time to go in and out of ADS (aiming down sight).
  • Quickswap: Faster transition when switching to this weapon.
  • Tactikill: Pilot kills reduce your Tactical ability's cooldown.

Attachments[edit | edit source]

  • Factory Issue: The Flatline's base ironsights.
  • HCOG: Open-sight reticle with no zoom.
  • HCOG Ranger: Sights with increased zoom.
  • Threat Scope: Highlights enemies in red, even through smoke. Disables second mod slot.
  • Pro Screen: Displays counter for lifetime pilot and Titan kills.