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Box artwork for Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny.
Box artwork for Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny.
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Developer(s)Origin Systems
Publisher(s)Origin Systems
Year released1988
System(s)Commodore Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64/128, FM Towns, DOS, NEC PC-88VA, NEC PC-9801, Sharp X68000
Preceded byUltima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Followed byUltima VI: The False Prophet
ModesSingle player
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksUltima V: Warriors of Destiny at PCGamingWikiUltima V: Warriors of Destiny ChannelSearch
For the NES version, see Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (NES).

Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny is a computer role-playing video game published in 1988 by Origin Systems for DOS, Apple II, and Commodore 64. Each year, additional ports were created. The last one was released in 1993 for the NES, but it was a simplified version (for this guide see Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (NES)).

Versions[edit | edit source]

Original version 1988: Apple II
Most popular port 1988: MS-DOS (with fan-made patch)
Most advanced port 1989: Atari ST (no patch needed)
Other ports 1988: C64, Atari 8-bit; 1990: Amiga
1990: PC-88, PC-98, X68000; 1992: FM Towns
Most infamous port 1993: NES (downgraded)

In the Atari ST port, if you leave a companion at an inn, the party's karma drops to the minimum (thus inflating all shop prices to the maximum). Since this makes no sense, it is possibly a bug.

MS-DOS music upgrade[edit | edit source]

The original MS-DOS version of Ultima 5 featured no sound. A fan-made upgrade adds music scores from the other versions of the game. It can be downloaded from

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