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Map from the instruction booklet

Yew[edit | edit source]

Iolo's hut[edit | edit source]

You start in Iolo's hut. First of all, open the menu (START) and remove sword and shield from the Avatar (use A and B on empty slots in the inventary). Select Iolo (SELECT) and give him that sword and shield. Now select the Avatar again and give him the bow. From outside the door you will see a black/brown road. Follow it to a fork.

Dryden's hut[edit | edit source]

At the fork, take the path to the South to get to Dryden's hut, although it's not necessary now. Trace your steps back to the fork and take the path to the East. When the road ends, go south and cross the bridge.

Yew[edit | edit source]

These are the outskirts of Yew. The book sign means the nearby building is a Magic Shop. You don't need to buy anything now, but feel free to pick the Black Pearls and the An-Tym Scroll. Leave the shop and go to the South-East. A new road goes South. At the fork, go West, and when the road ends, continue West along the river. When you get to the bridge, go South instead, and you'll reach the walls of Yew. There's some Garlic here and there: pick it up. Jeremy will tell you that Chamfort knows a mantra.

Empath Abbey[edit | edit source]

Leave Yew and go North. Cross the bridge and you'll get to Empath Abbey. Lord Michael of Empath Abbey will give you a Horn of Summon: discard it, because you don't need it now. There's a White Talisman in a room: take it. Chamfort is the smithy and owner of the Arms of Justice. He will tell you the Mantra of Justice if you spoke with Jeremy in Yew. Tim the Bard will tell you about Sir Kenneth and a magic song. Now you can leave Empath Abbey and trace your steps back to the road to the East.

Britain[edit | edit source]

Britain[edit | edit source]

After traveling East and South along the road for a while, you'll get to a fork. The east path brings you to the city of Britain. When the road turns North, walk East instead and enter the house. There's a chest in the house: open it and get a random item. In the field past the house, Terrance will tell you to speak to the owner of the Arms of Justice: that's Chamfort, in Yew. Past the bridge and slightly North there's a house where Annon lives: he'll tell you the Word of Despise. Now trace your steps back to the road in Britain and go North to the Castle.

Britain Castle[edit | edit source]

Gwenno lives in the castle: ask her to join you. Justin the cook will tell you about Greyson and glassware. Greyson will tell you the Mantra of Compassion and, if you spoke to Justin, more information about glass weapons. If you tell Chuckles the jester that you don't like this videogame, he'll give you a gold coin. There's also a couple locked doors, but you cannot access them... for the moment.

Paws[edit | edit source]

Leave the castle, cross Britain to the West and get the south road at the fork. At the next fork, the East road will bring you to Paws. Kenneth will give you a Music Sheet: discard it, because you don't need it now. There's some food lying in one of the houses. Buy a Lockpick for 30 GP.

Now that you have this key, walk back to the Yew. Beyond the locked door in Yew you'll find just some Garlic. But now that you're here, if you spoke with Terrance in Britain, Chamfort in Empath Abbey will give you the Resistance Password. Go back to Yew now and talk to Landon. He'll tell you to seek Sir Simon and the members of the Council. Now, go back to Britain Castle. In Lord British's rooms you'll find a flying Carpet, some gold coins and a chest. A Great Council member, Felespar of Yew, is prisoner in Lord British Castle. He will tell you the Word of Wrong.

Trinsic[edit | edit source]

Trinsic[edit | edit source]

Let's go down South now, past Britain and Paws. At the subsequent fork, continue South, until you get to the walls of Trinsic. Jaana lives here. You can swap her for Gwenno, they're identical. Gruman will tell you the Mantra of Honor. Sindar will tell you the Word of Shame. Greymarch will tell you to talk to Sir Simon in Bordermarch. Well then, let's go!

Bordermarch[edit | edit source]

Leave Trinsic from the West gate and continue West until you get to the seaside. There, use the carpet to fly South-West across the shallow water and get to the island of Bordermarch. The main entrance to Bordermarch is beyond a mountain pass in the South-East. Dupre lives here: dismiss Jaana and recruit him. Sir Simon and Lady Tessa will tell you about Lord British's Crown, Sceptre and Amulet. In the weapon shop you can get for free a Magic Axe, a Magic Shield and a Magic Sword. There's also a Yellow Potion in a room.

Dungeon Despise[edit | edit source]

Travel back to Britain. In the Castle, I would suggest to dismiss and recruit Iolo, so that the strong Dupre advances towards the front line. Cross Britain and continue North-East along the road until you see the entrance of Dungeon Despise. Use a map to find your way in the Dungeon. Here I list all the treasures you will find:

FLOOR 1 2 chests, blue potion, flaming oil;
FLOOR 2 white talisman, red potion, mani talisman (blue), 2 chests;
FLOOR 3 3 chests;
FLOOR 4 2 chests, yellow potion, Sant talisman (red), 2 blue potions, An-Tym scroll (pink);
FLOOR 5 white talisman, food, An-Tym scroll; meet Johne and dismiss Shamino.

Use a white talisman to exit the dungeon. Use it repeatedly until you recognize your surroundings. Go and sell any surplus weapon that you have found in the Dungeon Despise.

Minoc[edit | edit source]

Minoc[edit | edit source]

From the entrance of Dungeon Despise, follow the road to the Nort-East. At the fork, take the North path. After a long, long while you'll get to another fork: take the North path again. You are now at the gates of Minoc. There are some torches in a house and a blue Mani talisman in a field. Rew will tell you the Mantra of Sacrifice. If you spoke with Chamfort and Landon in Yew, Fiona will tell you the Word of Covetous. Tactus will tell you to speak with Dryden in Yew.

Dungeon Covetous[edit | edit source]

From Minoc, walk west to the seaside, then follow it shore south and get to the entrance of Dungeon Covetous. Here I list all the treasures you will find:

FLOOR 1 Mani scroll (white), gold coins, gold scroll;
FLOOR 2 An-Tym scroll (pink), 2 chests, food, sulfurous ash, Mani scroll (white);
FLOOR 3a (blue) Mani talisman;
FLOOR 3b Gold coins, flaming oil, chest, 2 blue potions, black pearls, gold scroll, 2 an-tym scrolls, mani scroll;
FLOOR 4 Sant talisman, 7 chests;
FLOOR 5 4 Magic Armours, 4 Magic Shields, 2 Magic Swords, Magic Axe, Magic Bow.

Use a white talisman to exit the dungeon. Use it repeatedly until you recognize your surroundings. Go and sell any surplus weapon that you have found in the Dungeon Despise.

Shrine of Sacrifice[edit | edit source]

OK, I assume that you're back in Minoc. Now that you are well equipped you can start fighting the Daemons and free the Shrines of Virtue. From Minoc follow the road South-East until you reach a fork. Take the East path and continue East across the bridge. The Shrine is a circle of white stones. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine of Sacrifice. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Sacrifice.

Sin'Vraal's hut[edit | edit source]

From the Shrine of Sacrifice, head South until you get to a house. Sin'Vraal will tell you about Hatred, its shadowlord and its gem shard.

Shrine of Compassion[edit | edit source]

Walk back to the main road near Minoc, and travel West for a long while. When you reach a fork, take the East path. Follow this road, cross two bridges, then walk North to get to Shrine of Compassion. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Compassion.

Shrine of Justice[edit | edit source]

Go back to the main road, and continue West to Britain. From Britain go North towards Yew, but at the fork go North. Remember to visit Dryden! He will tell you to speak with Flain in Skara-Brae. Back to the Yew bridge, instead of crossing the river to the South follow it North-East. Cross the North bridge, walk East, cross another bridge, continue East. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine of Justice. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Justice.

Shrine of Honor[edit | edit source]

Get back to Yew, then walk South until you get to Trinsic. Leave Trinisc from the South gate and follow the road South to a fork. Take the west path, and get to the Shrine of Honor. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Honor.

Jhelom[edit | edit source]

Serpent's Hold[edit | edit source]

From the Shrine of Honor, walk East to the fork, and follow the road to the South-East. Where the road ends, there's a bridge to the South-East. Beyond the bridge the road goes on, there's another bridge and another path. When the road ends again, go South-East then East between the river and the poisonous marsh. You'll eventually get to a bridge that leads you to Serpent's Hold. There are a red Sant talisman and a chest in the castle. Activate the lever in a room to free Gron in Blackthorn's castle. Buy a Skiff from the weapon shop. Lord Malone will give you a Horn of Summons: discard it, because you don't need it yet. Kristi the cook wants to sell you Skull Keys, but don't accept: they're very expensive. Thrud wants the password for the Resistance. In exchange, he would give you a worthless sword: refuse the bargain! Loubet will tell you about a magic carpet and a mage in Paws, but you should have the carpet already. In a field east of Serpent's Hold there's some mandrake and some blood moss. In a house near the field there's a white potion.

Jhelom[edit | edit source]

Now that you have a skiff, you can sail the seas. From the pier south of Serpent's Hold, sail West along the coast. Eventually you'll see an island across a narrow channel of deep water. Sail South along the coast of that island and land at the pier of Jhelom. Buy a Skull Key for 35 GP. In the houses you can find a Red Potion, a chain mail and a pink An-Tym scroll. Some nightshade is in the graveyard. Thorne will tell you the Mantra of Valor. Goeth will tell you the Word of Destard.

Shrine of Valor[edit | edit source]

South of Jhelom there's a bridge that takes to the Shrine of Valor. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Valor.

New Magincia[edit | edit source]

Blackthorn's Castle[edit | edit source]

From the pier sail East, then follow the coastline South-East until you get to the pier of Serpent's Hold. Continue East beyond the cape, and you'll reach Blackthorn's Castle. There's a pier on the southern side of this island. A lever in the pier house will open the portcullis. Do not talk to Blackthorn now: he will summon four Daemons to attack you! If you activated a lever in Serpent's Hold, Gorn will be in the castle: ask him to join and dismiss Johne. Hassad of New Magincia is prisoner here. He will tell you the Word of Hythloth.

Sutek's island[edit | edit source]

Circumnavigate Blackthorn's Castle to the West, and when you reach the North side, head straight North. You'll reach soon Sutek's Island. You need to cast a Dispel Field spell to access Sutek's castle. Sutek will tell you how to use the Horns of Summons and the Gem Shards to defeat the Shadowlords.

New Magincia[edit | edit source]

Leave Sutek's Island, then sail North and land in New Magincia. Katrina lives here: ask her to join and dismiss Gorn, if you want. Wartow will tell you the Mantra of Humility.

Shrine of Humility[edit | edit source]

From New Magincia sail East, until you get to some small islands. Follow the coast South-West, then go straight South. You'll get to the end of a V-shaped gulf. Land here and walk South to get to the Shrine of Humility. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Humility.

Moonglow[edit | edit source]

Moonglow[edit | edit source]

From the gulf of the Shrine of Humility sail straight North. You'll eventually land in Moonglow. Mariah lives here: ask her to join and dismiss Katrina. In the same house you'll find a white Mani scroll. Cast the Dispel Field spell and you'll get to a white talisman, a Mani talisman, a Sant talisman, a Mani scroll, a chest and some Gold Coins.

The Lycaeum[edit | edit source]

Follow the road North, and you'll get to the Lycaeum. The Lord of the Lycaeum will give you a Horn of Summons: discard it, because you don't need it yet. Lady Jannell will tell you when you can access the Shrine of Spirituality: within one hour from midnight. If you spoke with Greyson in Britain Castle, Malik will tell you about the glass sword. Malifora will tell you the Mantra of Honesty and the Word of Deceit. There's a Gold Scroll in a room.

Shrine of Honesty[edit | edit source]

Leave the Lycaeum and follow the moat East and North, then continue North until the coast. From the seashore sail North and land in the next island. Walk North-East along the coast and you'll get to the Shrine of Honesty. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Honesty.

Skara Brae[edit | edit source]

Buccaneer's Den[edit | edit source]

Sail from the Shrine of Honesty around the Southern cape of the island, then West. Circumnavigate the North cape of the next island and continue South until you see a new island. From there, sail straight West until you get to New Magincia. Continue West past New Magincia. When you get to another island, circumnavigate it and land at the pier in the inner bay. You are now in Buccaneer's Den. Scally will tell you about David, who invented a sextant. Sven will tell you about the Glass Sword in the mountains. Bidney will tell you about the grapple that he gave to the Lord of Empath Abbey.

Skara-Brae[edit | edit source]

Leave the bay of Buccaneer's Den from the North strait, and sail West. When you see the coast, follow it South-West and land on the pier of Paws. If you spoke with Loubet in Serpent's Hold, Bandaii will tell you about the carpet, but you should have it already. Before going to Skara Brae, walk North beyond Yew to Iolo's hut. There, talk with David and get the Sextant. Now, trace your steps back to Paws, and continue more South along the main road. At the fork, take the road to the West. Follow the road West and North, then West again across a long bridge, and you'll end up in Skara Brae. Kindor will tell you the Mantra of Spirituality, and will also suggest you to talk to Lady Jannell at the Lycaeum about the Shrine. If you spoke with Dryden in Yew and Fiona in Minoc, Flain will tell you the Oppression password to be said to Elistaria of New Magincia.

Shrine of Spirituality[edit | edit source]

Now get to the westernmost road end in Skara Brae, select the watch from the menu, and wait for the Moongate to appear. Remember what Lady Jannell told you, and wait for the right time before stepping in the Moongate. Tell the mantra to the guardian statue in the center of the Shrine. You are now on a mystic quest to learn of the Virtue of Spirituality. Wait until 2:00 am before stepping again in the Moongate, otherwise use either the White Talisman or the Escape spell. Use the sextant to find your location in Britannia.