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Box artwork for Ultima VI: The False Prophet.
Box artwork for Ultima VI: The False Prophet.
Ultima VI: The False Prophet
Developer(s)Origin Systems
Publisher(s)Origin Systems
Year released1990
System(s)DOS, FM Towns, SNES, Sharp X68000, Commodore 64/128, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, NEC PC-9801
Preceded byUltima V: Warriors of Destiny
Followed byUltima VII: The Black Gate
Rating(s)ESRB Teen
LinksUltima VI: The False Prophet at PCGamingWikiUltima VI: The False Prophet ChannelSearch

Ultima VI: The False Prophet was the first Ultima game to be developed primarily for MS-DOS (previous games were developed for Apple II and later ported to other systems). It takes full advantage of the hardware with 256-color VGA graphics and the first use of the series' unusual perspective.

A Super Nintendo version was produced. The title was not numbered, because it was the third Ultima game released in Japan by Nintendo. There were many minor changes, but on the whole it is still the same game, unlike other Ultima games ported on Nintendo consolles.

In 1991 Fujitsu Japan released a version of Ultima VI for the Japan-only FM Towns, what was at the time a considerably advanced PC. It was Origin's first CD-ROM game, and features fully digitized speech for all characters (in English!) many of which are voiced by their real-world namesakes (Richard Garriott voices Lord British, and so forth).

The New Ultima 6 Engine (NUVIE) supports the FM-Towns voiceovers, but it still requires the MS-DOS version as the base.

Title screen

Table of Contents


External links[edit | edit source]

  • Nuvie - an engine remake project similar to Exult
  • U6Edit - enables viewing and editing of most parts of the game