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Keyboard controls[edit | edit source]

MS-DOS[edit | edit source]

For most actions you should press a button, then select a target with Mouse left click or // ↑ / ↓ 

Main character actions:

  •  A  - Attack
  •  B  - Begin/break combat (also, "Battle")
  •  C  - Cast
  •  D  - Drop
  •  G  - Get
  •  L  - Look
  •  M  - Move
  •  R  - Rest (in wilderness) or Repair hull (onboard ship)
  •  T  - Talk
  •  U  - Use

Single character actions:

  •  F1 - F8  - display inventory for specified party member
  •  F10  - display party statistics
  •  Tab  - Switch cursor between field and inventory
  •  1 - 8  - enter Solo Mode with specified party member
  •  0  - Party Mode

Basic actions:

  •  Ctrl + E  - Quit and return to MS-DOS
  •  Ctrl + H  - Help on/off
  •  Ctrl + Q  - Quit and return to MS-DOS
  •  Ctrl + R  - Restore previously saved game
  •  Ctrl + S  - Save Game
  •  Ctrl + V  - Display version
  •  Ctrl + Z  - Sound on/off

Secret code[edit | edit source]

  •  Alt + 2 + 1 + 3  - display Karma, as well as other statistics and a map of the surroundings.

This is the only way to see the amount of Karma in Ultima 6. In Ultima 5 it was easier are more easily understandable: it was sufficient to press Ctrl+K.

The series of 13 digits that is displayed by the code has the following meaning:

  • The first 2 digits are your Karma;
  • The next 4 digits are the time of day (HH:MM);
  • The next 6 digits are your longitude and latitude, expressed in hexadecimal numbers (3 digits for longitude, then 3 digits for latitude);
  • The last digit is the "floor" you are currently on (0 for Britannia, 1 to 4 for the dungeons, 5 for the underworld).

Commodore 64[edit | edit source]

  •  A  - Attack
  •  B  - begin/break combat
  •  C  - Cast
  •  D  - Drop
  •  H  - Help on/off
  •  L  - Look
  •  M  - Move
  •  R  - Rest
  •  T  - Talk
  •  U  - Use
  •  Z  - Statistics
  •  Space  - Pass time
  •  Shift  +  L  - Load (note: press N for load, Y for cancel)
  •  Shift  +  S  - Save
  •  Shift  +  1 - 4  - switch between members
  •  Shift  +  9  - See energy
  •  Ctrl  - open inventory
  • Run/Stop - Escape

SNES[edit | edit source]

Buttons other than those below have no use.

  • Neutral Dpad - move party; navigate menus
  • A Button - open menu; confirm decisions
  • B Button - cancel decisions
  • Start Button - confirm some decisions (no use during gameplay)

Battle tactics[edit | edit source]

Tactic Swordsman Avatar Archer or Wizard Avatar
Assault The character will attack the nearest enemy. The character will attack continuosly.
Berserk The character will attack the enemy with highest HP.
The enemy with highest HP can change every turn, or two enemies can have the same HP: in either case, the Berserker will wander aimlessly around the battlefield.
The character will attack every now and then.
Front The character will stay one step ahead of the Avatar and attack a nearby enemy (if any). The character will attack every now and then.
Flank The character will stay on any side of the Avatar and attack a nearby enemy (if any). The character will attack every now and then.
Rear The character will stay one step behind the Avatar and attack a nearby enemy (if any). The character will attack every now and then.
Retreat The character will not attack and run away.
If the character gets too far away, he/she will start losing lots of Health Points, as if he/she fell into an ambush..
Command The player will input the action that the character should perform.