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There are 80 spells in Ultima 6, divided into 8 circles.

Magic shops[edit | edit source]

Rudyom lives in Cove, near the Shrine of Compassion. He would be considered a "cleric" or "white mage" in other games. He sells nine different spells: more than half are healing spells, and none of them deals damage to the enemy. He does not damage your wallet either, as his spells have low prices.

Buy sulphur ash and garlic from him.

Horance lives in Skara Brae. He is the opposite of Rudyom, in that he can be considered a "wizard" or "black mage". He sells eighteen different spells; the vast majority of them are harmful direct attacks, while none of them supports or heals the companions. His prices are "evil", too: his spells are the most expensive in Britannia.

Buy black pearls and mandrake roots from him.

Xiao lives in the Lycaeum north from Moonglow. She alone sells more than one third of the spells available in the game. The prices of her spells are intermediate, but her reagents are all very expensive.
Nicodemus lives in the Deep Forest north of Britain. The first time you will hear about him is from the inhabitants of Empath Abbey, although they ignore his name. You need the spells "Unlock Magic" and "Dispel Field" to enter his house; buy them from Horance and Xiao. He teaches spells that neither heal the companions nor damage their opponents. Instead, his magic focuses on special effects that strengthen the allies or hinder the enemies. In total, he sells 16 different spells.

The reagents he sells are all very cheap, except for the sulphur ash; in particular, buy ginseng and blood moss from him. He also sells yew staves that can be enchanted.

You can usually meet Wisps (also known as Xorinite Life) in the Deep Forest between Empath Abbey and Yew. They give you the Armageddon spell for free. It is a spell with limited use, though, because you will become unable to clear the game after you cast it.
Zoltan is a gypsy king who travels between Britain, Paws and Trinsic; ocasionally he can be met in Yew, too. He sells no spells, but reagents only. If you have the chance of meeting him, stock up on nightshade fungi, as he offers the best deal for this item.

Reagents prices[edit | edit source]

The table shows the price of the reagents in Gold Pieces per every magic shop.

The best deals are highlighted in green; easy-to-access locations are highlighted too. The worst deals are highlighted in red.

Reagent Rudyom
(Skara Brae)
(Deep Forest)
Free locations
Spider silk 2 1 1 2 3 In Spider Cave
Sulphur ash 1 2 2 2 3 Around the Shrine of Humility
Garlic 1 - 1 2 3 -
Black pearl - 3 - - 4 (Coast of Buccaneer's Den?)
Mandrake root - 5 - - 6 Fens of the Dead
Ginseng 2 - 1 1 3 -
Blood moss 3 3 2 3 - South of Empath Abbey
Nightshade fungus 2 2 - 1 3 Fens of the Dead, Blood Plains

Spell list[edit | edit source]

  • C = circle, level, and MP
  • R = reagents cost
  • G = gold pieces price to learn spell

For the reagents costs, the most convenient values have been used. See the table above.

C Spell Type Target Effect R Reagents G Teacher Item
Healing spells
1 Heal Healing One ally Cure some Health Points 1 Gin, Sil 20 Start;
Yellow pot.
1 Dispel Magic Healing One ally Cure "poison" and "sleep" status 2 Gar, Gin 25 Start;
Red pot.,
orange pot.
1 Create Food Healing Allies Create some food 7 Man, Gar, Gin 20 Rudyom Fishing pole
4 Mass Dispel Healing Many allies Cure "poison" status 4 Prl, Nig, Sil 100 Xiao
4 Great Heal Healing One ally Cure Health Points fully 6 Man, Gin, Sil 80 Rudyom
8 Resurrect Healing One ally Cure "dead" status 8 Man, Mos, Gar, Sil 160 Rudyom
Field spells
1 Help Field
All allies Teleports to Lord British castle. Will also change time of day to mid-morning if spell is cast during nighttime 0 (none) 0 Start Moon Orb
4 Wind Change Field
All allies Grants faster travel by sea 3 Mos, Ash 100 Xiao Magic fan
7 Gate Travel Field
All allies Teleports to a Moonstone location 9 Man, Prl, Ash 175 Xiao Moonstone
1 Light Field
Area Create light in darkness 1 Ash 25 Start;
3 Great Light Field
Area Create light in darkness 6 Man, Ash 75 Xiao Torch
3 Peer Field
Area See map of surroundings 6 Man, Nig 75 Xiao Gem
4 Locate Field
Area See current coordinates 1 Nig 100 Xiao Sextant
5 X-Ray Field
Area See through walls 6 Man, Ash 125 Xiao White pot.
7 Wizard Eye Field
Area See area at specified coordinates 12 Man, Prl, Mos, Ash, Nig, Sil 175 Xiao Crystal Ball
1 Detect Magic Field One item Checks magic charge on enchanted item 2 Ash, Nig 25 Start;
1 Detect Trap Field One item Reveals trap in a chest or door 2 Ash, Nig 20 Nicodemus
1 Ignite Field One item Light a fire 4 Prl, Ash 20 Rudyom
1 Douse Field One item Extinguish one fire 4 Prl, Gar 20 Rudyom
2 Trap Support One item Sets a trap 1 Nig, Sil 60 Horance
2 Unlock Magic Field One item Open a magically locked door or chest 3 Mos, Ash 60 Horance [1]
2 Untrap Field One item Remove trap from chest or passage 3 Mos, Ash 40 Start;
2 Vanish Field One item Make one item disappear 6 Prl, Mos, Gar 50 Xiao
2 Reappear Field One item Make one item reappear, after targeted by "Vanish" 5 Prl, Mos, Sil 50 Xiao
2 Telekinesis Field One item Move one item by one step 10 Man, Prl, Mos 50 Xiao
3 Protection Field/
One ally Increase defense; immunity to traps 3 Ash, Gar, Gin 60 Nicodemus Purple pot.
3 Magic Lock Field One item Create magic lock on door or chest 4 Mos, Ash, Gar 60 Nicodemus
3 Dispel Field Field One item Removes one magic field 4 Prl, Ash 75 Xiao
4 Animate Field One item An item comes to life 8 Man, Mos, Ash 100 Xiao
5 Reveal Field/
Area Reveals traps and invisible enemies 6 Man, Nig, Sil 125 Xiao
5 Pickpocket Field One item Take an item from a character;
drops karma!
3 Mos, Nig, Sil 100 Rudyom
5 Seance Field One item Talk with a dead character 8 Man, Mos, Nig, Sil 100 Rudyom
6 Mass Protect Field/
Many allies increase defense; immunity to traps 8 Man, Ash, Gar, Gin 120 Nicodemus
6 Replicate Field One item Create copy of non-magical item 5 Mos, Ash, Gin, Nig, Sil 150 Xiao
7 Enchant Field One item Store spell charges in staves for later use 6 Man, Ash, Sil 140 Nicodemus
8 Armageddon Field All Kill all humans, animals and monsters in the world; makes it impossible to finish the game 14 Man, prl, mos, ash, gar, gin, nig, sil 0 Wisps
Support spells
2 Infravision Support All allies See enemies hidden in darkness 2 Ash, Nig 50 Xiao
3 Mass Awaken Support Many allies Cure "sleep" status 2 Gar, Gin 60 Rudyom
5 Invisibility Support One ally Enemies will not attack target 3 Mos, Nig 125 Xiao Black pot.,
blue ring
6 Charm Support/
One target Cure "charm" status or control enemy 4 Prl, Nig, Sil 120 Nicodemus
7 Mass Invisibility Support Many allies Enemies will not attack target 11 Man, Prl, Mos, Nig 140 Nicodemus
8 Eclipse Support All allies Allows party to flee battle 10 Man, Mos, Ash, Gar, Nig 200 Xiao
4 Conjure Support Allies Summon an animal 5 Man, Sil 80 Nicodemus
5 Insect Swarm Support Allies Summon insects 3 Mos, Ash, Sil 100 Nicodemus
5 Energy Field Support Allies Summon energy field 8 Man, Prl, Sil 125 Xiao
6 Clone Support Allies Summon a copy of an ally 10 Man, Mos, Ash, Gin, Nig, Sil 150 Xiao
8 Summon Support Allies Summon a demon 8 Man, Mos, Gar, Sil 200 Xiao
Disabling spells
2 Sleep Disable One enemy Inflict paralysis 4 Prl, Nig, Sil 40 Nicodemus Blue pot.
3 Mass Sleep Disable Many enemies Inflict paralysis 2 Gin, Nig, Sil 60 Nicodemus
4 Sleep Field Disable One enemy Inflict paralysis 2 Gar, Gin 100 Xiao
5 Paralyze Disable One enemy Inflict paralysis 5 Prl, Ash, Nig, Sil 150 Horance
6 Web Disable Many enemies Inflict paralysis 0 Sil 120 Nicodemus
6 Confuse Disable Many enemies Inflict paralysis 6 Man, Nig 120 Nicodemus
8 Time Stop Disable Many enemies Inflict paralysis 8 Man, Mos, Gar 200 Xiao
3 Repel Undead Disable Many enemies Undead enemies flee 2 Ash, Gar 60 Nicodemus
3 Curse Disable One enemy Reduce enemy attributes 3 Ash, Gar, Nig 90 Horance
6 Negate Magic Disable Many enemies Both enemies and allies cannot use magic 7 Man, Ash, Gar 150 Xiao Storm cloak
7 Fear Disable Many enemies All enemies flee 7 Man, Gar, Nig 175 Xiao
7 Mass Curse Disable Many enemies Reduces all enemies attributes 8 Man, Ash, Gar, Nig 210 Horance
8 Slime Disable One enemy Transform enemy into slime 8 Man, Mos, Nig 200 Xiao
8 Mass Charm Disable Many enemies Enemies attack each other 9 Man, Prl, Nig, Sil 200 Xiao
Attack spells
1 Harm Attack One enemy Deals damage 1 Nig, Sil 30 Horance
2 Magic Arrow Attack One enemy Deals damage 4 Prl, Ash 60 Horance
2 Poison Attack One enemy Deals damage; poison 6 Prl, Mos, Nig 60 Start;
Green pot.
3 Fireball Attack One enemy Deals damage; fire 4 Prl, Ash 90 Horance Fire wand
4 Fire Field Attack One enemy Create damage field; fire 4 Prl, Ash, Sil 100 Xiao
4 Poison Field Attack One enemy Create damage field; inflict poison 4 Prl, Gin, Sil 100 Xiao
4 Disable Attack One enemy Deals damage 6 Man, Nig, Sil 120 Horance
5 Lightning Attack One enemy Deals damage 9 Man, Prl, Ash 150 Horance Lightning wand
7 Kill Attack One enemy Instant defeat 5 Prl, Ash, Nig 210 Horance Glass sword
5 Explosion Attack Many enemies Deals damage 11 Man, Prl, Mos, Ash 150 Horance
6 Poison Wind Attack Many enemies Deals damage; inflict poison 4 Mos, Ash, Nig 180 Horance
6 Flame Wind Attack Many enemies Deals damage; fire 8 Man, Mos, Ash 180 Horance
6 Hail Storm Attack Many enemies Deals damage 10 Man, Prl, Mos 180 Horance
7 Wing Strike Attack Many enemies Deals damage 8 Man, Mos, Ash, Sil 210 Horance
7 Energy Wind Attack Many enemies Deals damage 9 Man, Mos, Ash, Nig 210 Horance
7 Chain Bolt Attack Many enemies Deals damage 11 Man, Prl, Mos, Ash 210 Horance
8 Tremor Attack Many enemies Deals damage 8 Man, Mos, Ash 200 Xiao
8 Death Wind Attack Many enemies Instant defeat 9 Man, Mos, Ash, Nig 200 Xiao
8 Mass Kill Attack Many enemies Instant defeat 10 Man, Prl, Ash, Nig 200 Xiao
  1. Nicodemus sells "Unlock Magic", too, but this spell is needed to reach Nicodemus himself first.

Spells analysis[edit | edit source]

Healing spells[edit | edit source]

  • C1 Create food (food enables health recovery when camping for the night)
  • C1 Heal
  • C1 Dispel magic (removes status ailments)
  • C4 Great heal
  • C4 Mass dispel
  • C8 Resurrect

Field spells[edit | edit source]

These spells can be used when the Companions are not involved in a battle. Many of these can also be used in battle.


  • C1 Help (teleports to Britain Castle, but drops Experience)
  • C4 Wind change
  • C7 Gate travel


  • C1 Light
  • C3 Great light
  • C3 Peer
  • C4 Locate
  • C5 X-ray
  • C7 Wizard eye


  • C3 Protection (prevents damage from traps, reduces combat damage)
  • C6 Mass protect (prevents damage from traps, reduces combat damage)


  • C1 Detect trap
  • C1 Douse
  • C1 Ignite
  • C2 Unlock magic
  • C2 Vanish
  • C2 Reappear
  • C2 Telekinesis
  • C2 Untrap
  • C3 Dispel field
  • C5 Seance (speak with dead characters; useful before learning C8 Resurrect)
  • C5 Pickpocket
  • C5 Reveal (reveals hidden traps and/or removes invisibility from enemies)
  • C6 Replicate (makes a copy of a non-magic and non-stackable item)
  • C8 Armageddon (kills every character, enemy and animal in the world except for the Avatar and Lord British; useful for safe exploration, but DO NOT save after casting it, or you cannot complete the game)

Magic items:

  • C1 Detect magic (determines whether an item is magic or not)
  • C4 Animate
  • C7 Enchant (enables staves to cast spells)

The 6th circle spell Replicate affects "normal" items, but it will always fail if cast on magic items (e.g. a lightning wand) or stackable items (e.g. gold coins, arrows). In order to replicate a magic item, you should use the combo C4-Animate + C6-Clone. Be careful, because an animated magic weapon will attack the Companions!

The 7th circle spell Enchant can only be used on a yew staff. It will enchant the staff with a second spell chosen by the caster. A staff can be enchanted with up to ten spells at a time. When using the staff, it will cast the spells in the same order as they were cast on the staff. This has many useful applications: (1) it allows casting 8th circle spells when still at level 7; (2) it allows characters without MP to use spells; (3) it allows the Avatar to cast spells when he is out of MP. In later Ultima games, this spell is completely different: it will become a 2nd circle spell that simply upgrades arrows and bolts only.

Completion spells:

  • C2 Trap
  • C3 Magic lock
    • These two spells have no real use for the player. They exist because the player will find trapped chests and magically locked doors throughout the game. If such obstacles exist, the spells that create them must exist as well: this is the only reason for these spells.

Support spells[edit | edit source]

Support spells are battle spells that target the Companions or summon more allies:

  • C2 Infravision
  • C3 Mass awaken
  • C5 Invisibility
  • C6 Charm (cures charmed ally, or inflicts "charm" status, i.e. control an enemy)
  • C7 Mass invisibility
  • C8 Eclipse (allows the party to flee)

Summon spells:

  • C4 Conjure (summons an animal)
  • C5 Insect swarm
  • C5 Energy field
  • C6 Clone (creates a copy of an ally)
  • C8 Summon (summons a demon)

Disabling spells[edit | edit source]

Disabling spells are battle spells that target enemies without dealing damage:

  • C3 Curse (reduces defense of enemy)
  • C3 Repel undead (undead enemies will flee)
  • C6 Negate magic (neither enemies nor companions can use magic for a while)
  • C7 Fear (enemies will flee)
  • C7 Mass curse (reduces defense of enemies)
  • C8 Mass charm (affected enemies will attack each other)
  • C8 Slime (turns enemy into slime)

Paralysis spells:

  • C2 Sleep
  • C3 Mass sleep
  • C4 Sleep field
    • Asleep enemies can wake up when attacked.
  • C5 Paralyze
  • C6 Web
  • C6 Confuse (enemies will stop fighting and behave as if the Companions were not around)
  • C8 Time stop

Attack spells[edit | edit source]

Attack spells are battle spells that deal damage to enemies, but they are generally less effective than ranged weapons.


  • Poison gradually lowers the target HP; the spellcaster will gain no experience if an enemy dies by poison damage.
  • Magic fields: enemies will not step on a magic field; either create a field on an enemy, or create a barrier to prevent melee combat; the spellcaster will gain no experience if an enemy dies by field damage.
  • Wind cones and 5x5 area spells will damage any ally in the targeted area.
  • Instant defeat spells are the only spells effective against enemies resistant to magic (e.g. dragons).

The effects of attack spells are rather similar, and they can be better summarized in a table, as follows:

Spell Circle Target Element Notes
Harm 1 Single - -
Magic arrow 2 Single - -
Poison 2 Single Poison Item: green potion
No experience gained
Fireball 3 Single Fire Item: fire wand
Disable 4 Single - -
Lightning 5 Single Lightning Item: lightning wand
Kill 7 Single Instant defeat -
Poison field 4 Tile Poison No experience gained
Fire field 4 Tile Fire Item: flask of oil
No experience gained
Explosion 5 Multiple - 5x5 area Fire Item: powder keg
Can blast steel doors open
Hail storm 6 Multiple - 5x5 area - -
Mass kill 8 Multiple - 5x5 area Instant defeat -
Poison wind 6 Multiple - wind cone Poison No experience gained
Flame wind 6 Multiple - wind cone Fire -
Energy wind 7 Multiple - wind cone Lightning -
Death wind 8 Multiple - wind cone Instant defeat -
Chain bolt 7 Multiple Lightning Bolt goes from enemy to enemy
Wing strike 7 All enemies - -
Tremor 8 All enemies - -

SNES cut[edit | edit source]

30 spells (out of 80) were removed from the SNES version. The main reason for this is that such spells were harder to implement and the SNES cartridge has limited memory.

  • Animate, Conjure, Insect swarm, Clone, Summon: the SNES artificial intelligence was limited, and could not handle more characters in battle.
  • Vanish, Reappear: require extra memory for all the vanished items.
  • Fire field, Poison field, Sleep Field, Energy field: all these require extra sprites.
  • Wind change: no wind in the SNES port.
  • Enchant: very difficult to implement.
  • Infravision, Ignite, Douse: torches and light spells are sufficient.
  • Confuse, Web: 3 other paralysis spells are sufficient.
  • Trap, Magic lock: these spells were already useless in the original version.
  • Further spells that were removed, for similar reasons: Detect trap, Detect magic, Telekinesis, Pickpocket, Seance, Replicate, Wizard eye, Eclipse, Slime, Armageddon.