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Homer said: "Then there was one more... Can't remember his name, but I have heard tell he settled in Jhelom. He will be easy to recognize: he has a hook in place of one of his hands."

The pirate in Jhelom[edit | edit source]

The one-handed pirate is Heftimus. He can be met near the pub. When you ask him about the map, he will ask 20 Gld Coins for the information. Refuse, and he will ask just 10 gold coins. Heftimus will then reveal that his map piece is in Dungeon Wrong, more or less at the opposite end of Britannia.

Getting ready[edit | edit source]

SNES differences

The "explosion" spell has no effect on locked doors. You have to carry some powder kegs with you.

The "telekinesis" spell was omitted, and Sherry can be "used" only inside the buildings on the surface, therefore extra levers were added to open the portcullises on the second floor. There are two levers per portcullis. Operate any one to open it; if you operate both at the same time, one opens and the other one closes the gate.

Before adventuring in Dungeon Wrong, you need the following equipment:

  1. The lv.2 spell "Unlock Magic" and enough reagents to cast it 20 times.
  2. Sherry the mouse, or the lv.2 spell "Telekinesis".
  3. The lv.5 spell "Explosion" and enough reagents to cast it 3 times, or alternatively 3 powder kegs.

Dungeon entrance[edit | edit source]

According to the Ultima philosophy, Wrong is the opposite of Justice. Justice comes from the union of Love and Truth, therefore Wrong comes from the union of Hatred and Falsehood.

The entrance to Dungeon Wrong is far from any town. It is actually near the Long Haul, a road that starts near the Shrine of Justice, continues across a sea gulf, then gets down to Lock Lake, near the Shrine of Compassion. The entrance to Dungeon Wrong is in the mountains east of the northmost part of the Long Haul. Follow the north cast of Britannia eastwards, walk through a mountain pass, continue clockwise until sea and mountains block your way, then explore the valley to the west.

Another entrance to the same dungeon is labeled as "Dungeon Covetous". It is close to Minoc. Take a skiff at the pier and follow the coast eastwards. Get off as soon as you pass some mountains, and there you are.

A covetous person is a person affected by greed. "Covetousness", or better Greed, is the opposite of Self-Sacrifice. Sacrifice comes from the union of Courage and Love, therefore Greed comes from the union of Cowardice and Hatred.

Dungeon walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Click to enlarge.
  • Floor 1

This floor consists of 12 rooms structured as a 3x4 grid. The party enters from room A-3. There are several puzzling obstacles to overcome:

  1. Magic locks: use the lv.2 spell "magic unlock" to access the four rooms A-2, B-2, B-3 and C-3.
  2. Portcullises and levers: the three levers in room A-2 operate the portcullises in rooms A-1, B-1 and C-1; the three levers in room C-3 operate the portcullises in rooms A-4, B-4 and C-4.
  3. Steel doors: located in rooms B-1 and B-4; lockpicks have no effect on them, and the keys are nowhere to be found; you should blast them using powder kegs (one is on the next floor) or the lv.5 spell "Explosion".
  4. Electric fields and switches: the two switches in room A-2 operate the electric fields beyond the steel doors in room B-1; the two switches in room C-3 operate the ones beyond the steel doors in room B-4.
  5. Secret door: check the walls in rooms C-4 to open the secret passage. The switch in B-4 should operate the electric field hidden there, but apparently it is broken and there is no way to get through[1].

The ladders down are in B-2 and B-3. Take those in B-3 for some loot.

  • Floor 2

This floor is divided in three separate areas. The "east cave" cannot be accessed (it is beyond the unbreakable electric field on the upper floor). The "south cells" and "north cells" are two completely symmetric areas; the only difference is that a few items can be obtained in the north area. In the room with the magically locked door there are eight levers that operate eight portcullises: the four ones on the upper row and the four ones on the lower row. The east portcullis cannot be moved: Sherry the mouse or a Telekinesis spell can operate the lever there. Such lever opens and closes the portcullis of the west room, that allows access to the next floor.

  • Floor 3

This floor consists of a big hall and six cells: two East, two West and two South, all magically locked. The upper-west cell is where you can find the ladders down. The upper-east cell conceals a secret passage, where you can find the map piece that belonged to Heftimus.

  • Floor 4

The party will probably get here only if they missed the secret passage on the previous floor, or for the sake of 100% completion. Anyway, there is nothing interesting here, just two magically locked cells.

  1. This is confirmed in and In the New Ultima VI Engine (under development) the aforementioned switch turns on/off the electric field.

Item summary[edit | edit source]

Dungeon Wrong-Covetous item list
Rare items Useful items Weapons & armors Useless items
Floor 1 - 4 cauldrons - -
Floor 2 (North) - Powder keg, 2 gold nuggets, 1 gem Flask of oil -
Floor 3 Map part Lockpick, 1 gem, 28 gold coins, 2 torches Magic bow -
Floor 4 - - - -

Exchange the gold nuggets in Britain for 10 gold coins each.