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Sandy said: "Well, first, there is one in Serpent's Hold. I cannot recall her name, but she has a piece of the map with her."

Serpent's Hold[edit | edit source]

The easiest way to reach Serpent's Hold is to sail straight south from Buccaneer's Den.

The Isle of Deeds and the fortress of Serpent's Hold
Name Quest/function Location
Loubet Dexterity +1 South buildings
Gherick Merchant: weapons South buildings
Amanda Merchant: food East tavern
Shubin Free food (2 only) East tavern
Morchella Map piece-1 East tavern
Koranada Map piece-2 Hold
Sir Simon - Hold
Tessa - Hold
Caradon - Hold
de Hugh - Hold
Seggallion Companion Hold
Sentri Companion Hold
Fighters of Serpent's Hold

Merchants and townsfolk

Many characters from Ultima 4 and Ultima 5 can be met here: Sir Simon and Lady Tessa from Bordermarch; Sentri, first lord of Serpent's Hold; Loubet the trainer. Furthermore, Seggallion is one of the main characters from Knights of Legend.

Talk to Loubet and learn fencing from him: the Avatar will get a permanent bonus +1 to his dexterity. Seggallion and Sentri may join the Avatar, but their sprite is identical to Dupre's. You can but several good armor parts from Gherick: buy 4 spiked collars and equip them to all your companions (the Avatar wears the Ankh; 3 spiked collars were already found in dungeons, if you followed this walkthrough). You might choose to buy and equip a spiked shield, a spiked helm and a short-ranged mace to the Companion with top strength: this way, he can effectively attack three times per turn.

Shubin the cook asks you a dragon egg. Feel free to say yes to him. If you have one in your inventory, it will not be removed. Therefore, there is no need to get a second dragon egg from the depths of Dungeon Destard.

The Order of the Silver Serpent[edit | edit source]

Ask Morchella about the map. She will ask you a magic shield in return. You can give her the one you found in Dungeon Destard, because you can get a replacement straight away.

Ask Koronada about joining the Order of the Silver Serpent. He will be glad to accept you. He will tell you that you need a magic shield to fulfill your membership, and Gherick can make you one. The weapons dealer requires three "ingredients". If you lack one or more, here is where they can be found:

  1. a snake shield (a curved heater): it can be purchased in Britain;
  2. a magic gem: it can be purchased in Britain, too, or in Buccaneer's Den;
  3. a gold nugget: get a shovel or a pick and start digging in Dungeon Shame.

Bring the three items back to Gherick, and he will give you a Magic Shield. Even if you come back later with the three items, Gherick will refuse to make more magic shields.

Chuckles' quest[edit | edit source]

This was the first time you had to visit Serpent's Hold. Therefore, it is theoretically the first time you can follow the first hint in Chuckles' quest. It can be the right time to complete that side-quest, indeed.