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Sandy said: Second, there is one on Dagger Isle, a hermit.

The hermit[edit | edit source]

Map of Dagger Isle.
Click to enlarge

Dagger Isle is the location of the Shrine of Honesty. It is located north from the Lycaeum on Verity Isle, and east from the Dry Lands. Bonn's hermitage is on the north of the island, at 19°N, 81°E.

Talk to Bonn, and he will tell you all you need: he hid his map piece in the place where he wants to be buried, and such place is the basement of his house.

The smallest dungeon ever[edit | edit source]

Move the furniture in Bonn's hut, and the entrance will be revealed.

This is the smallest dungeon ever: a single 5x5 room. It is so full of items that it will be almost difficult to find what you are looking for. In fact, the map part is inside a bag in the crate in the lower-right corner.

Rare items Useful items Weapons and armor Useless items
Bonn's basement Map part, orange potion, purple potion, black potion, blue potion Pick, shovel, 2 honey jars, 12 torches, 1 gold coin, 65 gold nuggets Throwing axe, 32 arrows, bow, cloth armor, leather armor, spiked shield, leather helm Hoe, wooden shield

You can sell the honey jars to Zeke in Empath Abbey for 7GC each; you can exchange gold nuggets for 10GC each in Britain.