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There are two key runic scripts used throughout the game. Learning to comprehend Druidic Runes is very important as all roadsigns and other inscriptions are written in them, while Gargish Runes are only found in a scant few places and in a handful of books.

Druidic Runes[edit | edit source]

Druidic Runes (or Britannian Runes) are found on buildings, gravestones and roadsigns throughout Britannia. No books are written using these runes. They are used as a replacement font of sorts; all text is still written in English.

Gargish Runes[edit | edit source]

Gargish Runes, however, are part of a full language. Translation of this language goes beyond the purpose of this guide; instead, consult The Language of the Gargoyles and Gargish Dragon's Ultima Page.