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The Temple of Singularity[edit | edit source]

Now that you have a hot-air balloon, you can access the Temple of Singularity. Next to the entrance of the Tomb of Kings is a triangular sign pointing to the Temple. Use the megic fan (or a "Wind Change" spell) and direct the wind to the north, then board the balloon and get to the temple. Cast "Dispel Field" to access the inside.

There are three book stands, but only one book. Read the Book of Circles: it gives insight about the Gargish system of principles and virtues. You can leave the Book of Prophecies on its stand, too.

Talk to the pyramidal Shrine. It will set you on a quest to the three catacombs containing the Shrines of Principles.

The Shrine of Control[edit | edit source]

This first catacomb is in the mountains to the west of the Temple, northwest from the fields of farmer Nash.

You have to operate only part of the switches and levers in order to open the seven portcullises and two electric fields. Specifically, operate the left switch and the first seven levers counterclockwise, except for the one in the lower-left corner.

Talk to the statue of Mondain, and he will tell you the Mantra of Control.

The Shrine of Passion[edit | edit source]

The second catacomb is in the mountains to the east of the Temple, northeast from the fields of farmer Krill.

You have to pass four barriers to get to the shrine: (1) wear swamp boots to pass the poison marsh; (2) cast the "Mass Protect" spell to pass the lava; (3) cast the "Dispel Field" spell to dispel the fire fields; (4) fight your way through a living barrier of Minax's daemons.

Talk to the statue of Minax, and she will tell you the Mantra of Passion.

The Shrine of Diligence[edit | edit source]

The last shrine is in the mountains to the south of the Hall of Knowledge, west from the house of the Snakecharmer.

There is absolutely no need to open any door that requires the "Magic Unlock" spell. Instead, look for a secret passage that is located to the south-west of the entrance.

Talk to the statue of Exodus, and it will tell you the Mantra of Diligence.

The mantra of Singularity[edit | edit source]

Singularity is the sum of the three principles of Control, Passion and Diligence. Its mantra is likewise the sum of the three mantras.

Remember in which order you battled against Mondain, Minax and Exodus, and put together their three mantras in that same order: this is the mantra of Singularity. Now you can go back to the Temple of Singularity.