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Jhelom[edit | edit source]

The town of Jhelom and the Shrine of Valor, on the Valorian Isles.
Heftimus Cave, in Jhelom, is connected to the Heroes' Hole, on the mainland. The entrance to the Heroes' Hole is in the North-Eastern corner of the map above, between the Shrine of Honor and the Moongate of Trinsic.

There are two ways to get to Jhelom. The most obvious is to buy a frigate and cross the sea from Trinsic to the South and to the West. Unfortunately, the cheapest ships can be purchased in Jhelom!

The other option is an underground tunnel. From Trinsic walk East along the northern limit of the swamp, and you'll get to the entrance of the Heroes' Hole. From there, walk underground to the West. At the third fork, turn South into an alcove with a stepladder: the Companions will exit from Heftimus' Cave in Jhelom.

Name Quest/function Location
Zellivan Mantra-1, Rune-1 South building
Nomaan Rune-2; merchant: armory South-west building
Lyssandra Mantra-2, Rune-3 Pub
Culham Mantra-3 Pub
Jerris - Pub
Stelnar - Pub
Van Kellian - Pub
Arvin Merchant: food Pub
Martin Merchant: inn West building
Peer Merchant: shipwright Harbor
Quests started later or elsewhere
Heftimus Nystul's quest Outside the pub

Inhabitants of Jhelom

Pub patrons:

You should buy a ship deed from Peer on the pier; his price is the best in Britannia. You can sell all your flasks of oil to Nomaan, and you can restock on arrows and crossbow bolts from him.

At the pub, Stelnar and Van Kellian debate about the gargoyle Sin'Vraal, who lives in the eastern drylands. Culham tells you a story about the gypsy thieves who live near Trinsic.

The mantra and the rune[edit | edit source]

Zellivan, the Lord Mayor, tells you to ask in the pub about both the mantra and the rune, but he also hints at Nomaan. The weapons merchant tells you about the location of the rune, but he ignores how to reach it. The young waitress at the pub, Lyssandra, tells you how to get the rune, but relays you to Culham for the mantra. Ask Culham to sing, and the refrain of his song holds the mantra of Valor.

Be careful not to ask the customers about the rune, a rat or a mouse, or they will start a brawl and attack anyone in the pub.

In order to get the rune of Valor, you need to select Sherry the mouse in solo mode. If she is not in the party, you can meet her in Lord British's castle. The mouse hole where the rune is hidden also holds some cheese and an invisibility ring.

The shrine[edit | edit source]

There is a smaller pier to the south of town. You can borrow the skiff there and row to the south/south-west along the coast of the next island. Disembark at the pier and walk east. Fight the gargoyles, then use the rune and the mantra to dispel the magic field that binds the shrine altar.

If a character with sufficient experience meditates at the Shrine of Valor, they can gain a level and Strength +3. This upgrade is particularly useful for Sherry the mouse, who starts the game with a Strength score of 1. On the other hand, characters who start the game with strength equal to 26 or more (like Dupre) should not meditate here; such characters should instead improve their dexterity at other shrines.