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Box artwork for Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle - The Silver Seed.
Box artwork for Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle - The Silver Seed.
Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle - The Silver Seed
Developer(s)Origin Systems
Publisher(s)Electronic Arts
Year released1993
ModesSingle player
LinksUltima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle - The Silver Seed ChannelSearchSearch

Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle - The Silver Seed is an expansion pack for Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle. It adds many new and incredibly powerful items to the game world, but you will need to solve puzzles to get them.

After you've died for the first time with the expansion installed Karnax will give you the Amulet of Balance; double-click this when on or near any Serpent Gate. The first time you go through you will see a lengthy teleportation sequence, but after the first time you'll skip this scene. Note that it takes a whole week for the Amulet of Balance to recharge, so if you want to pop in and grab an item or two before continuing your quest you'll need to repeatedly sleep in order to leave once more.

Table of Contents
