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  • Name: Wagner

Moves[edit | edit source]

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late cl-r[edit | edit source]

Force Function
Schild Zack +
Unique Attacks
Filthy Dog! ++
Increasable Attacks
+ or
+ or
Special Attacks
Kugel Blitz +
Wackenroder +
Sturm Brecher +
Lohen Schneide +
Lohe Garde + or
Sturm Schlag +
Infinite Worth
Hitze Falke +
Infinite Worth EXS
Meggido L'or
Celeste Grace

Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes[edit | edit source]

Force Function
Schild Zack +
Eroberung ++
Hollenbrand (dash) ++
Unique Attacks
Filthy Dog! ++
Increasable Attacks
+ or
+ or
Special Attacks
Kugel Blitz +
Wackenroder +
Sturm Brecher +
Lohen Schneide +
Lohe Garde + or
Sturm Schlag +
Infinite Worth
Hitze Falke +
Infinite Worth EXS
Meggido L'or
Celeste Grace