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Game coverage[edit | edit source]

Closed platforms[edit | edit source]

Traditional media[edit | edit source]

Traditional media
Platform or Status Requirements Product
2nd: Fairchild Channel F (1976 Aug)
  • Authenticity (Have the game go through the game console manufacturer for quality control so that the game can be licensed, and officially released on the respective platform.)
2nd: Bally Astrocade (1977)
2nd: Atari 2600 (1977 Oct)
2nd: Magnavox Odyssey2 (1978)
2nd: Intellivision (1980)
2nd: Emerson Arcadia 2001 (1982)
2nd: ColecoVision (1982 Aug)
2nd: Atari 5200 (1982 Nov)
2nd: Vectrex (1982 Nov)
3rd: SG-1000 (1983 Jul)
3rd: Famicom (1983 Jul)
3rd: Nintendo Entertainment System (1985 Oct 18)
3rd: Sega Master System (1985 Oct 20)
3rd: Atari 7800 (1986)
4th: PC-Engine (1987 Oct)
4th: Sega Genesis (1988 Oct)
4th: Game Boy (1989 Apr)
4th: Atari Lynx (1989 Sep)
4th: Hartung Game Master (1990)
4th: Sega Game Gear (1990 Oct)
4th: TurboExpress (1990 Nov)
4th: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1990 Nov)
4th: Neo Geo AES (1991 Jul)
4th: Gamate (1991)
4th: Watara Supervision (1992)
4th: Mega Duck (1993)
5th: FM Towns Marty (1993 Feb)
5th: Pioneer LasterActive (1993 Aug)
5th: Amiga CD32 (1993 Oct)
5th: 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (1993 Oct)
5th: Atari Jaguar (1993 Nov)
5th: Neo Geo CD (1994)
5th: Playdia (1994 Sep)
5th: Sega Saturn (1994 Nov)
5th: PlayStation (1994 Dec)
5th: PC-FX (1994 Dec)
5th: Sega Nomad
5th: Virtual Boy
5th: Apple Bandai Pippin (1995 Mar)
5th: Atari Jaguar CD (1995 Sep)
5th: Casio Loopy (1995 Oct)
5th: Nintendo 64 (1996 Jun)
5th: Game Boy Color (1998)
5th: Neo Geo Pocket (1998)
5th: Nintendo 64DD (1999)
5th: WonderSwan (2000)
6th: Dreamcast (1998 Nov)
6th: PlayStation 2 (2000 Mar)
6th: Game Boy Advance (2001 Mar) Drake and Josh
6th: GameCube (2001 Sep)
6th: GP32 (2001 Nov)
6th: Xbox (2001 Nov)
6th: N-Gage (2003 Oct)
6th: Tapwave Zodiac (2003 Nov)
7th: Xbox 360 (2005)
7th: Gizmondo (2006 Mar)
7th: HyperScan (2006)
7th: PlayStation 3 (2006 Nov)
7th: Wii (2006 Nov) Battle of the Bands
7th: GP2X Wiz (2009 May)
7th: Zeebo (2009 Jun)
7th: Pandora (2010)
7th: CAANOO (2010 Aug)
8th: Nintendo 3DS (2011)
8th: PlayStation Vita (2011)
8th: Wii U (2012)

Side-digital media[edit | edit source]

Side-digital media
Platform or Status Requirements Product
Xbox Live Arcade (Xbox 360)
  • Authenticity (Have the game go through the game console manufacturer for quality control so that the game can be licensed, and officially released on the respective platform.)
  • Media coverage (For games released on Xbox Live Arcade Games, how widespread the game is mentioned by a variety of media sources and how influential they are.)
Ms. Splosion Man (XBLA)
Playstation Network (PS3) (PS mini) (PS Vita) (PS4)
  • Authenticity (Have the game go through the game console manufacturer for quality control so that the game can be licensed, and officially released on the respective platform.)
Gravity Crash (PS3)
1000 Tiny Claws (PS mini)
Escape Plan (PSV)
Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4)
WiiWare (Wii) Line Attack Heroes
DSiWare (DSi) 1001 Crystal Mazes Collection
Nintendo eShop (3DS) (Wii U) Maido Heibo Shogi (3DS)
Pokémon Rumble U (Wii U)

Digital media[edit | edit source]

Digital media
Platform or Status Requirements Product
Java mobile
Nvidia Shield
Razer Switchblade

Open platforms[edit | edit source]

Home operating systems[edit | edit source]

Home operating systems
Platform or Status Requirements Product
  • Commercial (The game must be sold for a price.)
  • Publisher backing (For independent developers needing aid, the game must be tied to a publisher to help in selling the game instead of the developer doing all the work marketing or hosting. Software hosting portals do not count.)
  • Media coverage (For freeware and independent games, how widespread the game is mentioned by a variety of media sources and how influential they are.)

Web browser[edit | edit source]

Web browser
Platform or Status Requirements Product
Java (1995)
  • Quality (How much does the game stand out from others who want to make easy money, copycat ideas without putting a new spin, or utilize copyrighted content.)
  • Popularity (How many people played it and/or are fans of the game.)
  • Complexity (How much time the game needs to be beaten or completed.)
  • Media coverage (How widespread the game is mentioned by a variety of media sources and how influential they are.)
Macromedia Flash (1996)
Dynamic HTML
Adobe Flash (2005) Happy Wheels
Silverlight (2007)

Notes[edit | edit source]

Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]

  • How come ?
    • Because it went through the console manufacturers.
  • Why does Acno's Energizer remain undeleted, and other Adobe Flash games were denied, despite the fact it is found in it's official website and Adobe Flash game portals?
    • Apparently, it came from Wikibooks moving game walkthrough content to the wiki. When checking it's edit history, the article was created in 2004 wheres StrategyWiki was created in 2005. Plus, the admins seemed to be okay with this page existing. It doesn't