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I'm just an old civil engineer who has fallen prey to the addictive charm of Stardew Valley.

Stardew Valley Calendar Project[edit | edit source]

Stardew Valley/First Spring[edit | edit source]

Day 1[edit | edit source]

  • Consider "Always Show Tool Hit Location"
  • Arrange tools in your backpack intuitively. No. Not a walkthrough tip.
  • Ship fiber and clay day 1.
  • Pick up any Dandelion, Leek, Daffodil, etc. you see (include images) on your first trip to the store.
  • Consider returning from the store around its back where there is a fountain and playground to forage.
  • At the store, go to the greenish counter and interact with the cash register to the left.
  • Biggest challenges on Day 1 are energy (foraged L, WH, and SO) and pack space (wood for a chest).
  • To save energy and pack space by chopping no rocks, find the Cindersap Forest to the south by starting directly south from mailbox.
  • It starts to get dark at 7:30, which makes it hard to recognize (L, D, and WH)
  • After planting your 40 parsnips and clearing wood here and there, it will be all you can do to cut down even one tree.
  • At the end of the day, ship all your Clay, Fiber, and Daffodils. Trash your mixed seeds or save them for Spring 14-16 when you have more energy and stamina.

Spring 2[edit | edit source]

Mines[edit | edit source]

Levels rewards[edit | edit source]

  • 80 Fire Walker boots
  • 90 Obsidian Edge
  • 100 Stardrop
  • 110 Space boots

Test runs[edit | edit source]

2019-08-17[edit | edit source]

Spring 1: Got all but 1 tree for chest. Spring 2: Fairy came and gave me some Parsnips. Went fishing for at least 1/2 day as specified right in front of Willy's and on NE lake island. Spring 3: Weeds, wood, forage, fish. Wiki should recommend the 120 around scarecrow "box with flaps" layout.