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Box artwork for Visco Collection.
Box artwork for Visco Collection.
Visco Collection
Developer(s)QUByte Interactive
Publisher(s)QUByte Interactive, PixelHeart
Year released2023
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
ModesSingle player, multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 7+USK Ages 12+Parental GuidanceIARC Ages 7+GRB 12+
LinksVisco Collection ChannelSearch

Achievements and trophies[edit | edit source]

Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
23 24
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
1,000 7 9 7 This game has a platinum trophy.

There are 23 achievements for Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, and 24 trophies for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

General[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Arcade Master Unlock All Trophies N/A 4: Platinum trophy Platinum
Earth Warrior Beat the score of 100.000 in the game Andro Dunos 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Earth Guardian Beat the score of 200.000 in the game Andro Dunos 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Intergalactic Massacre Beat the score of 300.000 in the game Andro Dunos 90 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Amateur Beat a score of 60.000 in the game Bang Bead 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Professional Beat the score of 80.000 in the game Bang Bead 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Legendary Beat the score of 100.000 in the game Bang Bead 90 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Not Bad For A Tomato Beat the score of 10.000,00 in the game Captain Tomaday 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Real Hero Beat the score of 20.000,00 in the game Captain Tomaday 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Fruitful Peacemaker Beat the score of 30.000,00 in the game Captain Tomaday 90 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
The King Server Beat a score of 50.000 in Battle Flip Shot 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Prodigy of the Season Beat a score of 100.000 in Battle Flip Shot 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Championship Legend Beat a score of 180.000 in Battle Flip Shot 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
The Revenge Complete level 1 in the game Musashi Ganryu 10 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Ambition Complete level 3 in the game Musashi Ganryu 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Ganryujima War Complete level 5 in the game Musashi Ganryu 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Round of 16 Win the Round of 16 in the game Goal! Goal! Goal! 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
World Champion Win the Final Match in the game Goal! Goal! Goal! 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
European Track Start the 1st stage in Neo Drift Out 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Snow Drift Start the 3rd stage in Neo Drift Out 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Scandinavian Circuit Start the 5th stage in Neo Drift Out 90 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold

Secret[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Return to the Monkey Get the Monkey mutation in the game Captain Tomaday 90 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
It's Tetra! Win the Final Match with Brazil in the game Goal! Goal! Goal! 90 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
94's Classic Win against Italy with the team Brazil in the game Goal! Goal! Goal! 90 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver