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Commodore Amiga[edit | edit source]


Once all eleven cars have reappeared on the screen, the other ten Wacky Racers will drive away off that right side of it, leaving Dick Dastardly in a cloud of smoke to catch them up; you will then have to accelerate, jump over a pit and spike a hedgehog to kill him. You will then have to jump over another pit and spike another hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump over a third pit and spike a falling barrel to destroy it. You will then have to jump over a fourth pit and spike a third hedgehog to kill him; once you have done so, you will have to jump over a fifth pit and spike a fourth hedgehog to kill him. You will then have to jump up thrice more and spike a fifth hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump over a sixth pit and spike a sixth hedgehog to kill him. You shall now have to jump over a seventh pit and spike a seventh hedgehog to kill him; once you do so, you shall have to jump over an eighth pit and spike two bats to kill them. You will then have to jump over a ninth pit and spike an eighth hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so, you shall have to jump over a tenth pit and spike two more bats to kill them. You will then have to jump up, drop down, jump up and spike a ninth hedgehog to kill him; once you have done so you shall have to jump over an eleventh pit and collect a heart (which will give Dastardly another extra life). You'll then have to jump over a twelfth pit and a satellite dish (which is firing laser beams), and spike Peter Perfect and The Anthill Mob to kill them - and once you've done so you will have to jump up, jump over another satellite dish (which is firing laser beams), drop down and spike another falling barrel to destroy it. You shall then have to jump up twice more, drop down and spike a third falling barrel to destroy it; once you have done so you will have to jump up, drop down, jump over a thirteenth pit and spike a tenth hedgehog to kill him. You will then have to jump up thrice more, and spike an eleventh hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up twice more and spike a twelfth hedgehog to kill him. You shall then have to jump up twice more, jump over a third satellite dish (which is firing laser beams) and two more pits and collect a blue sphere (if Dastardly's car was unfortunate enough to get hit, it shall restore a bit of its energy), and another heart; once you have done so, you will have to jump up over a sixteenth pit, drop down and spike a thirteenth hedgehog to kill him. You shall now have to jump over a seventeenth pit and spike a fourteenth hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up, drop down, and spike a fifteenth hedgehog to kill him. You will then have to jump up twice more, drop down, and spike two more bats to kill them; once you've done so, you will have to jump up, jump over two more pits and spike a sixteenth hedgehog to kill him. You will then have to jump over a twentieth pit and spike a seventh bat to kill him - and once you have done so you will have to jump over a twenty-first pit and spike a seventeenth hedgehog to kill him. You then have to jump over a fourth satellite dish (which is firing laser beams), three more pits, a fifth satellite dish (that's firing laser beams) and two more pits and spike three more falling barrels to destroy them; once you do so, you must jump over a twenty-seventh pit and four more satellite dishes (that are firing laser beams), jump up, and spike an eighteenth hedgehog to kill him. You'll then have to drop down and spike a nineteenth hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so you will have to jump over a twenty-eighth pit, jump up and spike a seventh falling barrel to destroy it. You will then have to jump up twice more and spike an eighth falling barrel to destroy it; once you've done so, you will have to jump up twice more, and spike a ninth falling barrel to destroy it. You will then have to jump up twice more and spike a tenth falling barrel to destroy it - and once you have done so you shall have to jump up and spike an eighth bat to kill him. You will then have to jump over two more pits and spike a twentieth hedgehog to kill him; once you've done so, you shall have to jump over a thirty-first pit, drop down, jump over two more pits, and spike a twenty-first hedgehog to kill him. You'll then have to jump over three more pits and spike a twenty-second hedgehog to kill him - and once you have done so, the text NO. 8 IS OUT OF THE RACE. will appear at the top of the screen (meaning that Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear must have fallen into a pit). You will now have to jump up, drop down, jump up and spike two more falling barrels to destroy them; once you have done so you shall have to jump up, drop down, jump up and spike a twenty-third hedgehog to kill him. You will now have to jump over two more pits, a tenth satellite dish (that is firing laser beams) and a thirty-ninth pit, jump up, and spike a thirteenth falling barrel to destroy it - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up, drop down twice more, and spike a fourteenth falling barrel to destroy it. You then have to jump over an eleventh satellite dish (that is firing laser beams), and spike a fifteenth falling barrel to destroy it; once you do so, the text NO. 10 CROSSES THE LINE. shall appear at the top of the screen (meaning Rufus Roughcut and Sawtooth must have finished first). You will now have to jump over a fortieth pit, a twelfth satellite dish (that's firing laser beams), a forty-first pit, a thirteenth satellite dish (that's firing laser beams) and a forty-second pit and cross the finish line - and once you do so, the text WELL DONE! YOU HAVE FINISHED. will appear on the screen. Dastardly and Muttley will then proceed to the eighth stage.

ZX, CPC and Commodore 64[edit | edit source]


Once all four cars have reappeared on the screen, the other three Wacky Racers will drive away off the right side of it, leaving Dick Dastardly in a cloud of smoke to catch them up; you'll then have to accelerate, jump over nine pits, pass a Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over twelve more pits (the clouds after the fourteenth, sixteenth, and nineteenth ones move vertically), and spike a worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him; once you have done so, you will have to pass another Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning and spike two flies to kill them. You will then have to jump over two more pits (the cloud after the twenty-second one again moves vertically) and spike a third fly to kill him - and once you have done it, you will have to jump over a twenty-fourth pit, and spike the Slag Brothers to kill them. You will now have to jump over two more pits, jump up, drop down, jump over a twentyseventh pit, drop down, jump up, and spike Rufus Roughcut and Sawtooth to kill them; once you do so, you will have to pass a third Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump up, jump over two more pits, jump up, drop down, jump over eleven more pits (the cloud after the thirty-sixth one, once again, moves vertically), pass a fourth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning and spike a fourth fly to kill him. You shall then have to jump over a forty-first pit and spike another worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump over a forty-second pit and spike Peter Perfect to kill him. You will then have to jump over four more pits, jump up, drop down, jump up, pass the fifth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning and spike a fifth fly and a third worm (who's poking his head out of the ground) to kill them; once you have done so you will have to drop down, jump over seventeen more pits, fall down, jump over two more pits, pass a sixth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over two more pits, and spike a seventh fly, to kill him. You will then have to jump over seven more pits, drop down, pass a seventh Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over seven more pits, pass an eighth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to get it spinning, jump over sixteen more pits, and pass ninth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign (that indicates the end of the race) to start it spinning - and it is also worth noting that in some versions, Peter Perfect is substituted with The Red Max on this stage (and for the ZX version, he'll be white), but the difference is, once again, merely graphical.