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Table of Contents
Human Campaign
- The Scourge of Lordaeron
- The Defense of Strahnbrad
- Blackrock n Roll
- Ravages of the Plague
- Cult of the Damned
- March of the Scourge
- The Culling
- The Shores of Northrend
- Dissension
- Frostmourne
Undead Campaign
- Path of the Damned
Orc Campaign
- The Invasion of Kalimdor
- Landfall
- The Long March
- Cry of the Warsong
- The Spirits of Ashenvale
- The Hunter of Shadows
- Where Wyverns Dare
- The Oracle
- By Demons be Driven
Night Elf Sentinel Campaign
- Eternity's End
Custom games
Custom games
Night Elf Sentinel Campaign
- Terror of the Tides
Human Campaign
- Curse of the Blood Elves
Undead Campaign
- Legacy of the Damned
Orc Campaign
- The Founding of Durotar
- Act 1: To Tame A Land
- Act 2: Old Hatreds
- Act 3: A Blaze Of Glory
This game has strong connections to Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, although W3tFT has new units. Therefore, the strategies for W3tFT will not be the same as for W3RoC, but there will be similarities. We recommend that you check out the strategies presented on that page. We also advise you that the some of the strategies presented here are actually written for W3tFT.
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Table of Contents
Human Campaign
- The Scourge of Lordaeron
- The Defense of Strahnbrad
- Blackrock n Roll
- Ravages of the Plague
- Cult of the Damned
- March of the Scourge
- The Culling
- The Shores of Northrend
- Dissension
- Frostmourne
Undead Campaign
- Path of the Damned
Orc Campaign
- The Invasion of Kalimdor
- Landfall
- The Long March
- Cry of the Warsong
- The Spirits of Ashenvale
- The Hunter of Shadows
- Where Wyverns Dare
- The Oracle
- By Demons be Driven
Night Elf Sentinel Campaign
- Eternity's End
Custom games
Custom games
Night Elf Sentinel Campaign
- Terror of the Tides
Human Campaign
- Curse of the Blood Elves
Undead Campaign
- Legacy of the Damned
Orc Campaign
- The Founding of Durotar
- Act 1: To Tame A Land
- Act 2: Old Hatreds
- Act 3: A Blaze Of Glory
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