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Necropolis/Halls of the Dead/Black Citadel[edit | edit source]

The central base building. Produces Acolytes, the Undead worker units, although they cannot harvest lumber. Has a nasty defensive bite.

Ziggurat[edit | edit source]

Provides food. Has a nasty defensive bite, although it isn't very durable.

Altar of Darkness[edit | edit source]

Produces Heroes.

Graveyard[edit | edit source]

Provides upgrades. Continually spawns corpses around itself to be used by Meat Wagons and Necromancers and Ghouls. Also used as lumber drop-off.

Crypt[edit | edit source]

Produces the early Undead combat units - Ghouls and Crypt Fiends.

Slaughterhouse[edit | edit source]

Produces Abominations (big melee units) and Meat Wagons (artillery and corpse transports).

Temple of the Damned[edit | edit source]

Trains Necromancers and Banshees, the Undead spell-casters. Can upgrade their abilities here.

Sacrificial Pit[edit | edit source]

Used to convert Acolytes to Shades.

Boneyard[edit | edit source]

Trains Frost Wyrms (big honking air units). They might be big, but they can be killed very quickly by proper anti-air tactics. You can upgrade their breath attack here.