In this level, each of the four main doors leads to a room with a pull chain that opens one of the four secondary doors. When choosing your initial path, pick the stairway that has three ogres (east). This will lead you to an angled room whose pull chain opens the way to the magic sword, which is a massive upgrade to your arsenal and will be a great help in battling the many Skeletal Witches in this level.
Next, you will need a black key. There are two options, but one is near the final area of the map in a lava zone, so go for the other one. You can open it with the chain in the room that has plate armor and a bow on platforms (south).
With the black key, you can open the pentragram room in the tan stone area towards the southeast of the map. Pick up the ivory key in the room at the opposite end of the hall from the pentagram, as you'll need it for the exit door.
The exit is in the northwest section of the map, in a lava zone.