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From the start, the way to progress is directly forward, but you may want to explore the side chambers for supplies, and also collect the flight scroll you'll see up the stairs near the big door.

Once you're ready, head through the big door to find an outdoor area with a lava chasm; the main bridge across is broken but to your left is another bridge made of searing lava which is where you should head first. If you're high enough level (as you should be if you've been killing monsters and haven't died yet), you can use the flight spell to fly safely over the lava, otherwise, you'll need a fire resistance potion to walk along the lava bridge. Head through either of the doors into a chamber with a pull chain on one wall. Activate the pull chain to open a chamber with the pentagram and a treacherous spike pit. To get the pentagram, run into and out of the chamber where it is, just making sure that you don't touch the one spike that's sticking up higher than the others.

Pentagram in hand, return to the lava chasm. This time, you should head to where you see a wooden lift near the far end of the broken bridge. Head into the opening you can see down at the bottom and find a black key, then go up, collecting the chain mail and opening a door out into the hallway at the far end of the broken bridge.

Your next destination should be a little further down the hallway and to the west, where you find another hallway with a pool of lava in the center and several doors and niches along the sides containing goodies. The northwesternmost niche in this hallway opens to reveal the brass key; it is locked with the black key. Return to the first hallway and head to the door all the way at the end; it is locked with the brass key and guards the exit.

Bonus Areas[edit | edit source]

  • In the side rooms near the start, when first faced with the three triangles of light on the floor that trigger actions, the leftmost one will permanently seal the treasure room that you see through the grating. The rightmost one lowers the bars to the treasure room entrance and the center one opens a closet containing a Mino Drake.
  • The black doors leading off of the pentagram area contain various potions, an Onyx Ring and an Amulet of the Mist.