You start out in a room with a goblin and a grey witch. The witch is your priority to deal with. Once you leave the room, your sole available path will take you to the exit chamber, which also serves as the central hub room of the level. Since you don't have the pentagram, you'll have to go hunt it down.
Head through the biggest door, leading to the east, and head to the northeast corner of the square hallway where the dark pad on the floor will cause some stairs to rise. Head upstairs and into the circular chamber at the middle of this section of the map, where the black key resides.
Going back downstairs, find the black key door in the tan stone section of this area. The brass key is inside, guarded by a Mino Drake.
Now head to the northeastern section of the map. The pentagram can be found in a room adjoining the northern end of the lava cavern, locked with the brass key door; take it and return to the exit once you've finished exploring any other areas you wished to.
Bonus Areas[edit | edit source]
- The southwest room contains a broad sword. Be careful of the teleporter, it leads to a lava area.
- The lava lake accessible by the aforementioned teleporter (southeast area) has a dropdown where you can find a Nuke scroll and Fly scroll (which you need to get back out).
- The grey structure in the big lava cave contains a Nuke scroll. Stepping on one of the nearby islands opens it.