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This level is made up of some tower areas over a lava lake, so have your fire resistance potions ready. Do not be stingy with them if they are needed, as you can find many replacements in the level. Flight spells are also helpful.

From the start, you should be able to jump across to the platform immediately beyond the first door, and ideally stay in the upper regions of the level for the most part. The pull chain on the red wall near the start raises stairs onto the tan spire to the right of it. Atop this rock you will find potions and a treasure chest. You'll also find that the pull chain made stairs rise on the other side of the tan rock as well, leading down to an area of dark grey rock. Take the teleporter here and get the glass key (bypassing the brass key), then teleport back and fly across to the nearby glass key door where the pentagram is stored. Just outside the door to the pentagram room, you'll find a Crystal Staff to recharge your health and armor.

Head back towards the start then, and go up the other set of narrow stairs, to the grey rock spires. Go to the point at the southern end where you can see a low bridge on the lava below, and jump down towards it to head to where you see the plate armor. Take the stairs up into the tan stone structure, and go across the bridge to the door where you see a bow. The exit chamber lies beyond the door, guarded by a Mino Drake.

Bonus Areas[edit | edit source]

  • The brass key is optional, but if collected, will allow you to open the door to the room where the glass key is located.
  • A diamond ring can be found in the northeast corner.