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Map legend

You can tackle this level via a few different routes, but your first major goals are getting the pentagram from the chapel at the southeast part of the map, and the brass key from the southwestern part of the main building.

For the key: head forward through the big skull's nose and into the main chamber. (If you opted to go for the pentagram first, get back into the building via the stained glass windows.) Step on the floor pad in the center to open the doors. Head west, then south, and follow the hallway that circles around until you reach the stairs to a smaller room. To open the door, step on one of the sloped floors that has a dragon statue sitting on it (either one should work). The key is inside.

For the pentagram: head to the east of the level, either fire resisting your way across the lava, flying over it, or smashing through the windows of the large building. The chapel is to the south, and inside you'll find a Guardian and some Ciraean Sentinels at worship. These are spellcaster Sentinels, and with their backs turned haven't noticed you until you approach or attack, so if you have the spell, you might want to just make like Duke and nuke 'em. There are also some skeletons further in, but they should pose little threat. Once the coast is clear, jump on the altar to open a hidden section of wall with the pentagram behind it.

Once you have both the key and the pentagram, head back to the large three-way room north of the skull entrance and go north up the stairs to the locked door.

Past the brass key door, don't miss the ankh, then head to the west, pulling the chain to open the western door of the water pool room. Up the stairs, go south and pull the chain to find the black key in one of the niches that opens. The switch that's in one of the niches will open the way back to the pool room, but close off the niches, so collect what you can before you pull it. Key in hand, backtrack to the water pool and head through the black key door to find yourself in the final room. Fight your way over to the pentagram pad and journey onward.

Tips and secrets:

  • Beware of the room that contains the shield. You will see that the floor in the doorway is a bit lighter in color. Don't step there, or you'll fall through onto a spike.
  • You can get over the uneven rock by the chapel to get behind the building. There are some potions and scrolls as well as an onyx ring back there.
  • In the armory where you find weapons that can be taken from the wall, walk under the skylights to open a couple of secret chambers. One contains a weapon enchant shrine, the other, some potions and treasure. There is a spike trap under the doorway to the treasure room, so beware.
  • In the dark hall along the eastern side of the main building, break the stained glass on the west wall to find some hidden scrolls.
  • If you go to the island at the southwest side of the lava lake by the start, you can find a hidden door in the wall.
  • There's also a hidden door on the west wall at the far northern extremity of the eastern outdoor area, where some ogres are. It contains a Nuke scroll.
  • Before you leave, check the northeast corner of the final room to find a secret door with a small hoard of silver behind it.
  • The final chamber also has some goodies placed on the central structure, so jump up and take a look there too.
  • Be alert for scrolls placed high up near the ceiling. You can reach them by flying (and in some cases jumping).