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Map legend

Collect the useful resources near the start and head southwest, being wary of the lava pool and the willow wisps in that direction. As you head southwestwards, you will also notice the exit pad, but you'll have to locate the pentagram before you can get out of here. You will find two rooms with weapon enchant shrines. Whichever one you go to will lead you to the same place; so break one of the stained glass windows that hides a pull chain. The chain will open a door into another corridor.

Keep heading southwest, but be wary of the light spots on the floor of the hallway: they are trap triggers that will fire poison darts (although in vanilla Witchaven II, the darts will probably fly harmlessly over your head.) Continuing southwest, you will come to an area protected by a Guardian. Defeat him and continue in the same direction.

In the area downstairs, you'll find the brass key, as well as a good supply of health potions and a halberd. Grab what you want and backtrack to the northeast. The brass door is along the hallway you came in through. Head into the room and break the windows to find the mechanisms that will reveal the black key. There's also an ankh in this area so go ahead and heal up.

Head a short way back to the junction near where you killed the Guardian, and take the eastward-leading hallway that you hadn't explored yet. This will lead you to the black key door behind which is the pentagram. Now you can head back to the exit.

Tips and secrets:

  • Right near the start, there's a square wall with stained glass windows on every side. Break the windows to find a bunch of goodies, including a Hero Time helmet.
  • There's a Nuke scroll floating over the exit pad. Use flight to get it, and make sure you pick it up before you get the pentagram, or you'll end up leaving the level without it.
  • Several side chambers with useful items are hidden behind the stained glass windows in the southwest near where the Guardian is located. But beware, as one of them leads to a pit of death.