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Coliseum[edit | edit source]

A new challenge is now available.

Coliseum challenges from Main Game
Name Level Unlock Conditions Mirages Rewards (Initial) Rewards (Subsequent) Gil
Forest Fauna 1 14 Clear Chapter 5 Stack: (Valefor, Cockatrice, Mu) x2 Cure Seed Potion x2 234
Forest Fauna 2 34 Clear Chapter 5 Stack: (Valefor, Cockatrice, Mu) x2 Turbo Ether Hi-Ether x2 846
Mirages in Coliseum
Name HP Fire Ice Thunder Air Water Earth Light Dark Poison Confusion Sleep Blind Oblivion Berserk Slow Death Imprism
Valefor 361/??? 0 -50 0 50 0 0 25 -25 25 0 0 0 0 0 -25 0 Earth Attacks
Cockatrice 301/??? 50 25 0 0 -25 0 25 -50 25 -25 -25 0 0 0 -25 25 Physical Attacks
Mu 344/??? -25 0 -25 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 -25 -25 0 25 Physical Attacks

The Girl's Tearoom[edit | edit source]

A new Intervention Quest is now available.

Princess Goblin★
Clearing this quest will unlock Princess Goblin★ as an NPC in the Cornelia Region, where you can talk to her to fight and imprism her. However, it will likely be hard, if not impossible, to imprism her at this level, unless you have a Mirage that can inflict Blindness, or you stock up on Flash Bombs from Chocolatte's Shop
Intervention Quests from Main Game
Name Difficulty Unlock Conditions Mirages Rewards (Initial) Rewards (Subsequent)
Where Art Thou, Smoochy-Poo? Clear Chapter 5 and "The Girl Who Forgot Her Name" Princess Goblin★ Memento (Princess Goblin), Hi-Potion Potion x2
Mirages in Intervention Quests
Name HP Fire Ice Thunder Air Water Earth Light Dark Poison Confusion Sleep Blind Oblivion Berserk Slow Death Imprism
Princess Goblin★ 3610 25 -25 25 -25 -25 25 -25 25 100 100 100 25 100 100 100 100 -
Mirages in Cornelia Region
Name HP Fire Ice Thunder Air Water Earth Light Dark Poison Confusion Sleep Blind Oblivion Berserk Slow Death Imprism
Princess Goblin★ 26830 25 -25 25 -25 -25 25 -25 25 100 100 100 25 100 100 100 100 Inflict Blind

Ice Region[edit | edit source]

Treasure in Sherlotta's Solace
Found Acquisition
Rename Prism Chest next to the fireplace
Warlock's Warmer Sparkle next to Sherlotta

After entering the area, walk a short distance and enter the building to your right. Inside, you will meet Sherlotta. Lann carelessly transforms into Jiant form, which doesn't seem to bother Sherlotta all that much, since according to her she remembers a time when Jiants used to be a common sight, and finishes up by saying everyone is welcome under her roof, and adds that it would help if you did a little shopping while you're here (which is funny since there's no shop in this area to do so at).

After examining the Warlock's Warmer, Sherlotta expresses concern at you wanting to cross the ice fields, and tells you not to even bother. Normally it would be treacherous this time of year as it is, but now that it's overrun by Mirages nobody would be safe. Reynn and Lann inform her that it won't be a problem for you, since you're Mirage Keepers. A girl nearby overhears you, and introduces herself as Refia, who says that she has been stuck here for a while now because of the Mirages. Sherlotta is displeased at your insistence to cross the field, and after a short grumble she encourages you take Refia with you, since she knows white magic and can heal your team.

Exit the inn, and continue north

Icicle Ridge[edit | edit source]

Mirajewels in Icicle Ridge
Ability Mirage
Blizzard Quachacho
Thunder Right Claw
Holy Holy Dragon

This dungeon finally will pose a bit of a challenge. You won't be able to navigate easily here, because every screen has everyone's favorite puzzle, the sliding ice floor. Note that the White Nakk's in this area will not be imprismable until you defeat the boss. During this chapter, this area is a good grinding opportunity, since whenever your health gets low after a battle, Refia will automatically heal you for free.

Area Weakness
Almost every Mirage here is weak to Fire, so a stack with one or more Fire skills will help greatly. One example of such a stack would be Cockatrice and Black Nakk, and Tama and Red Captain. Both Mirages in both stacks should have access to a Fire attack, even if not directly named "Fire". Having two or more skills of the same element in one stack unlocks the upgraded form as a stacked ability, so "Red Fang" and "Fire" gives you "Fira", as does "Foxfire" and "Fire". You'll notice that this is only available in stacked form, so if you unstack you'll lose access to the upgraded ability until you re-stack.


  • From the top, head down, left, up, and right, then Sizzle the chest to unlock it.
  • Then, head left, down, left, down, right, and down, to reach a platform with another chest.
  • Afterwards, head up, right, down, right, up, and right, to continue to the next area.
Treasure in Icicle Ridge
Found Acquisition
Phoenix Down x2 Slip 1, Chest behind second Sizzle point
Potion x3 Slip 1, Chest inside a Sizzle point in ice puzzle
Blizzard Seed Slip 1, Chest south of ice puzzle
Wobblestopper x3 Slip 2, Chest north of first Sizzle point.
Mirajewel (Defense+) Slip 2, Chest inside a Sizzle point in ice puzzle
Squishsparkly Slip 2, Chest just before the Gimme Golem
Elixir Slip 3, Chest inside a Sizzle point in ice puzzle after activating Puzzle Switch
Arma Gem x2 Reward for defeating the boss
Memento (Fenrir) Reward for defeating the boss
Ether x3 Slip 4, Chest to the right of where the boss was


  • From the bottom, head up, right, up, right, and down, to reach the first platform. Before heading right, however, head down and left, and then Sizzle the chest. Head back to the platform by going right and up. Loop around, picking up the Squishsparkly in the chest and give it to the Gimme Golem.
  • From the top, head down, left, down, right, and down, to reach the second platform and continue to the next area.

SLIP 3 ICE PUZZLE: This puzzle actually has two forms, the changing of which is irriversible. To complete this puzzle you will need a Mirage with smash, and be able to trigger a Puzzle Switch needing 11 weight and 100 earth resistance. The earth resistance can be filled by a Copper Gnome and Mandragora, and the remaining 4 weight can be filled by any Large Mirage with any non-negative amount of earth resistance. Without DLC, the only available Mirage with "Smash" is the Mythril Giant, which requires leveling the Copper Gnome up to level 10 and unlocking it. With DLC, the Sky Dragon is a much cheaper choice. If you need to swap out some Mirages, there is a Save Crystal just past the exit of this screen.

  • From the bottom, head left, up, left, up, right, up, left, up, right, up, right, up, right, and up, to reach the platform to the next area, where a Save Crystal is located.
  • From here head down, left, down, left, down and left to a path leading up to the Puzzle Switch.


  • From the newly created platform, head down, left, down, and right to exit to the bottom platform.
  • From the bottom platform, head up, right, up, right, and up to Sizzle the chest.
  • From the chest, head left, up, right, and up to exit the area.

The Secret Area only contains a single encounter, and currently you are likely too weak to imprism it, so return around level 30 with light and dark skills and high light resistance to imprism the Holy Dragon.

Red Captain Roundup

If you don't yet have a Red Captain, and have the 2P Tama and can spare some time for grinding, now would be a good time to train her up and unlock confuse, head back to The Watchplains, imprism a Red Captain, and train it up to unlock a Fire Mirajewel. This will allow you to be a bit more lenient with your stacks, since you won't need two mirages with fire attacks to unlock a Fira, which will be incredibly useful for the boss.

  • If you do have a Red Captain, either through Hex Eye or Loco Weed, you can skip the 2P Tama grind and just train it up for the Fire Mirajewel.
Mirage Families

Going back to what was said in Chapter 1 about groups within the same family storing their points seperately, if you have the Red Captain unlocked, and you have either a Goblin or Goblin Guard, you can transfigure them into a Red Captain for free, and get yourself a second Fire Mirajewel. This strategy can be applied to any Mirages with multiple groups within their family, such as the Glow Moogle into a second moogle for an extra Cure Mirajewel, or a Reaver Mu into a Mu for an extra Libra Mirajewel. You'll also notice that as you unlock skills on these alternate groups, their sync bonus will not only carry over, but will keep increasing. More on that later, but just know that higher sync means higher stats.

  • Now is a good time to talk a little more in-depth about Mirajewels. Mirajewels with passive abilities, such as HP+, will stack with other Mirajewels of the same passive. However, Mirajewels containing active abilities, like Fire, will not stack with another Mirajewel of the same ability.
Mirages in Icicle Ridge
Name HP Fire Ice Thunder Air Water Earth Light Dark Poison Confusion Sleep Blind Oblivion Berserk Slow Death Imprism
Ice Bat 269 -50 50 0 0 0 0 -50 50 0 -50 -25 0 0 25 0 25 Inflict Blind
Quachacho 248 -75 50 0 0 25 0 25 -25 -25 -25 -25 0 25 25 25 -25 Restore HP
White Nakk 300 -50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 25 0 Ice Attacks
Baby Paleberry
(Slip 2 and 3)
355 -50 50 0 0 0 0 25 -25 25 -25 0 25 0 25 0 -25 Physical Attacks
Right Claw
(Slip 2+)
328 25 -25 25 25 -25 -25 25 -25 25 0 25 0 -25 -25 0 0 ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce HP
(Slip 2+)
325 -50 50 0 -25 0 25 -50 50 0 -25 -25 0 -25 25 -50 50 Inflict Oblivion
(Slip 2+)
381 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 -50 0 0 0 25 0 -25 0 0 Physical Attacks
Mini Flan
456 -50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 25 50 75 50 75 50 25 Physical Attacks
Holy Dragon
(Secret Area)
5390 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 -50 95 45 95 95 70 95 95 100 Light Attacks

In the final area you will see Grandfenrir up ahead. The fight is fairly easy, and it should die after a couple rounds of Fira's, but when it gets low on health it will summon 4 more White Nakk, assuming theyre all dead. You should also be wary of its Gnaw, as well the onslaught of Gnaw's and physical attacks from its accompaniment, as they have a tendency to make you wobble, which can be trouble because if you get unstacked you'll be stunned for a turn, as well as decreasing your defense and health, allowing them to pick you off quickly. An easy way to get around this is to kill three Nakk's, then wait until Grandfenrir lays down due to low health, and then kill the fourth Nakk.

Don't worry about ice resistance; despite being ice creatures, the only ice attack is from Grandfenrir using Ice Storm, which is an All-Target Tier 1 ability. If you don't feel comfortable risking it, using a stack with Tama and Cockatrice, and a stack with Red Nakk and Deathskull plus a Fire Mirajewel, will grant you 25 ice resistance on both stacks as well as access to Fira from both stacks. If you picked up a Cure Mirajewel from the Moogle or 2P Serafie, you can also slot that into either the Tama stack to unlock Cura, or the Nakk stack to unlock Cure on both stacks.

  • If you have the DLC Mirages, a good alternate setup is one stack with 2P Serafie, Cockatrice, and another stack with Red Bonnetberry, Deathskull, both with Cure and Fire Mirajewels from 2 Red Captains (Transfig a Goblin group Mirage for one), and 2 Moogles (Transfig a Glow Moogle for one).
Mirages in Icicle Ridge (Boss)
Name HP Fire Ice Thunder Air Water Earth Light Dark Poison Confusion Sleep Blind Oblivion Berserk Slow Death Imprism
White Nakk x4 300 -50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 25 0 Ice Attacks
3530 -50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Unimprismable

Afterwards, heal up and continue north to Saronia Harbor.