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X-Men: Children of the Atom logo
X-Men: Children of the Atom logo

Colossus[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Piledriver or +
Aerial Piledriver or + or
Drop Back Toss or +
Body Hold + or on downed opponent, throw with
Giant Swing + , and/or
Power Tackle +
__Cancel +
X-Ability Super Armor +
Super Dive +
__Early Dive +

Cyclops[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Double Jump
Optic Drill or + , direct with or
Downward Optic Drill or + or
Body Slam or +
Alternate Attacks + or , except for
Optic Blast +
Gene Splice + ,
Rapid Punch + + , or
Neck Breaker Drop + +
Leg Throw or + or , close
Mega Optic Blast +
Control Beam + , direct beam with joystick

Iceman[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Ice Boulder +
Slash Kick +
Freeze Grab or +
Aerial Ice Drop or + or
Ice Drop or +
Ice Beam +
Ice Avalanche + of the same strength
X-Ability Ice Fist +
Arctic Attack +

Juggernaut[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Taunt +
Grab & Combo or +
Ground Toss or +
Juggernaut Body Press +
Juggernaut Body Hold + or on downed opponent, throw with
Double Clutch Fist +
Juggernaut Earthquake +
Object Lift + , close to object
X-Ability Cyttorak Power-Up +
Juggernaut Headcrush +

Magneto[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Taunt +
Magnetic Trap or + , direct with or
Force Throw or + , direct with or
Electromagnetic Disruptor ( in )
Magnetic Blast
Hyper Gravitation +
Electromagnetic Shock +
X-Ability Flight +
__Land + during Flight
X-Ability Magnetic Tempest + , only works on blue section of his stage
__Release + , only works on blue section of his stage
X-Ability Force Field + , works one time
X-Ability Magnetic Stage Change +
Magnetic Shockwave +

Omega Red[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Air Dash or , press to cancel
Upward Coil Drop or +
Aerial Power Bomb or + or
Power Bomb or +
Coil Reveal , or +
Omega Strike +
__Strike Cancel + during Omega Strike
__Strike Restrike + during Omega Strike
Carbonadium Coil + or
__Coil Cancel during any Carbonadium Coil
__Coil Smash + or during any Carbonadium Coil (2x)
__Coil Throw any direction + or during any Carbonadium Coil
__Death Factor during any Carbonadium Coil
__Energy Drain during any Carbonadium Coil
Omega Destroyer +

Psylocke[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Double Jump
Upward Leg Throw or +
Aerial Roll Slam or + or
Roll Slam or +
Psi-Blast +
Psi-Blade +
Psi-Blade Arc + , ,
Psi-Blade Curve + , ,
X-Ability Body Quintuple + or
Psi-Thrust + , at the start hold in any direction
__Secondary Psi-Thrust any direction + or during Psi-Thrust

Sentinel[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Sentinel Kick ( or +)
Blow Away or +
Grabbing Rocket Punch or + , direct with or
Body Press + , works in super jump
Body Hold + or on downed opponent, throw with
Rocket Punch +
__Cancel +
Sentinel Force: Dive + , direct with or
Sentinel Force: Straight + , to come closer
Sentinel Force: Carpet Bomb + , hold to delay bombs
X-Ability Hover +
Plasma Storm +
__Power Up during Plasma Storm
__Multiple Waves during Plasma Storm

Silver Samurai[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Rolling Toss or +
Aerial Flip & Stab or + or
Flip & Stab or +
Shuriken + (direct with or )
Hyakuretsutoh (Button)
Hyakuretsutoh (Motion) + ( for more hits)
__Fumikomi Hyakuretsutoh during Hyakuretsutoh
X-Ability Blink +
X-Ability Thunder Katana +
X-Ability Ice Katana +
X-Ability Flame Katana +
X-Ability Bushin +
Lightning Katana +
Triple Shuriken + (direct with or )

Spiral[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Grab & Punches or +
Spiral Buster or + , direct with or
Aerial Spiral Buster or + or , direct with or
Leg Toss or + or
Downward Punch +
Scratch Punch +
Upward Kick +
Six Hand Grapple + , direct with or
Quick Drop +
Dancing Swords + , press to aim
__Downward Swords + during Dancing Swords
__Forward Swords + during Dancing Swords
__Upward Swords + during Dancing Swords
__Exploding Swords + during Dancing Swords
__Spinning Swords + during Dancing Swords
__Seeking Swords + during Dancing Swords
X-Ability Switch Dance +
X-Ability Teleport Dance +
__Reveal ( +) or during Teleport Dance
X-Ability Power Dance +
X-Ability Speed Dance +
X-Ability Invisible Dance +
Metamorphosis + , press to grab

Storm[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Electrocution Hold or +
High Wind Toss or +
Lightning Ball ( or +)
Float hold , or
Air Dash (any direction +) or
Typhoon +
Wind Barrier Stand or + when knocked down
__Controls speed with or , direct with or
Lightning Attack (any direction +) + of the same strength x2
X-Ability Flying +
X-Ability Gust or +
Lightning Storm +
Hail Storm +

Wolverine[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wall Jump Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Shoulder Mount Adamantium Hell or +
Aerial Shoulder Mount Adamantium Hell or + or
Ground Mount Adamantium Hell or +
Diving Kick +
Knee Kick
Double Claw
Repeated Claws
Sliding Claw +
Tornado Claw + ,
Drill Claw any direction + of the same strength, can make in walls
__Wall Drill Claw any direction + or during Drill Claw in wall
X-Ability Berserker Charge +
X-Ability Healing Factor +
Berserker Barrage + ,

Secret Character: Akuma[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Gou Hadouken +
Zankuu Hadouken +
Shakunetsu Hadouken +
Gou Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku +
X-Ability Ultimate Throw + , works as a counter
X-Ability Ashura Senkuu or + or
Messatsu Gou Hadou +
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu +