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Box artwork for Xeno Crisis.
Box artwork for Xeno Crisis.
Xeno Crisis
Developer(s)Bitmap Bureau
Publisher(s)Bitmap Bureau
Year released2019
System(s)Sega Genesis, Windows
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksXeno Crisis at PCGamingWikiXeno Crisis ChannelSearch

Xeno Crisis is an arena shooter in which up to two players take control of battle-hardened marines embarking on a deadly mission to confront an alien menace and get home alive! Run and gun your way through thousands of adversaries as you explore the research outpost, searching for survivors, and ultimately confronting the origin of the outpost's demise.

Featuring seven areas and a legion of deadly enemies and intimidating bosses, Xeno Crisis is a formidable challenge, and you'll need to make wise use of the various weapons and upgrades to stand a chance. Only with a combination of lightning quick reactions and guile will you be able to complete your mission, but be warned - only the most adept of players will be able to see the true ending!

Table of Contents
