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Box artwork for Yes, Prime Minister.
Box artwork for Yes, Prime Minister.
Yes, Prime Minister
Developer(s)Oxford Digital Enterprises
Publisher(s)Mosaic Publishing
Year released1987
System(s)Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64/128, BBC Micro
Designer(s)John Wood, Richard Yapp, Richard Horrocks, David Pringle (ZX),
Dermot Quinn (C64)
ModesSingle player
LinksYes, Prime Minister ChannelSearch

Yes, Prime Minister (fully titled Yes, Prime Minister: The Computer Game) is an adventure game that was developed by Oxford Digital Enterprises for Mosaic Publishing and released on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and BBC Micro in 1987; it is based on the BBC series of the same name (which ran from 1979 to 1987 and was originally entitled Yes Minister until 1984). The series was also spoofed as "Goodbye, Prime Minister" in an episode of Spitting Image in 1986.

Story[edit | edit source]

This is from the back of the cassette's inlay card, the front of which is shown in the image to the right:

A week, they say, is a long time in politics. Try surviving just five days as
Prime Minister. You are Jim Hacker - the nation's No. 1. You decide the
strategy. You make the decisions. Crises will occur, and it will be up to you
to resolve them using all the flair, charm and intellect which the British
public has come to associate with you.
As ever, you will receive the support, sympathy and respect of two loyal Civil
Servants: Bernard Woolley, your Private Secretary, and Sir Humphrey Appleby,
the Cabinet Secretary. Bernard will often try to provide a diplomatic edge to
your more precipitate decisions - humour him, as he is really trying to help.
As for loyal Humphrey, you will have to judge just where his loyalties lie:
take note of his advice, but remember that Civil Servants are occasionally
economical with the truth.
Your performance as international statesman and national leader will be closely
monitored. Only you can ensure that the week does not end in Parliamentary
chaos and scandal. Don't forget that diplomacy is about surviving until the
next century - politics is about surviving until the end of the week!
© BBC Enterprises Ltd MCMLXXXVII

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