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Some shortcuts do not work in the base game, such as the advanced camera controls and the load and save hotkeys. The new controls were only introduced through expansions with Dinosaur Digs and Marine Mania.

General Controls[edit | edit source]

Right-click Mouse right click or  Esc  Cancel action, deselect tool and or close panel
 Alt  +  Enter  Toggle fullscreen (can be finicky)
 Ctrl + S  Save game
 Ctrl + l  Load a saved game
 Space  or  Pause Break  Pause/resume Game
 Alt + F4  or  Esc  Save and or quit current game
 F1  View in-game help menu
Camera Controls
Move mouse Mouse to edge of screen
 ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → 
Move left/right/down/up
 Home  /  End  /  PageUp  /  PageDown  Move diagonally
 Ctrl + / Rotate view left/right
 Ctrl + ↑  /  ↓  Zoom in/out

View Options[edit | edit source]

 Ctrl + B  Hide/Show Buildings
 Ctrl + F  Hide/Show Foliage (ground, water, etc.)
 Ctrl + V  Hide/Show Guests
 Ctrl + G  Hide/Show Grid

Zoo Creation[edit | edit source]

Left-click Mouse left click (holding item) Place object/item
 Del  Clear tool
 Backspace  Undo
 +  /  -  Increase/Decrease Grid
 C  Construct Exhibit
 D  Adopt Animal
 H  Hire Staff
 B  Buy Buildings/Objects
Construction Controls
Left-click Mouse left click + or drag Construct paths/fences etc
Clear Tool: Left-click Mouse left click + or drag Remove paths, fences etc. Drag to remove area
Terraforming Tool: Left-click Mouse left click + drag Raise/lower land/water

Zoo Management[edit | edit source]

Left-click Mouse left click object/person View information
Left-click Mouse left click selected animal/person again Move selected animal/person
 M  Show Messages
 F  Display File Options
 O  Display Scenario Objectives
 Z  Display Zoo Status
 G  Display Guest Info
 E  Display Exhibit Info
 A  Display Animal Info
 S  Display Staff Info