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You'll start in the cave where Josh dropped you off. Go past the house and keep going until you reach a new type of enemy - infected spiders. They don't pose too much of a threat, but can get pretty annoying. Climb up the ladder and you'll face more spiders. Cross the bridge and go into the tunnel for another spider attack. Look under the torch at the start of the cave and you'll see a sparkle. Get it down with an explosive and collect the jewel. When you get past the next horde of spiders. Shoot the skulls and the torch near the door for more jewels. When you reach a door, open it with your partner and you'll reach the next area.


Jump down and follow the doorways while opening the chest along the way. You'll eventually reach a bridge which will be split apart by Majini, and you and your partner will be separated. If you end up on the left, jump down and meet up with your partner where they are. If you're on the right, shoot the Majini that come to ambush your partner and meet them at the chest. Once you're both there, open up the chest which happens to be a trap. Land by pressing a button or lose health. Kill the spiders and open the door with your partner to be lead into a four-way path. Three paths hold treasure chests with jewels, and one is the right way in which more Majini will come to attack. Fight the ambush and open up the chests to collect the treasures. Make your way into the door and fight the Majini there. Once they're all gone, turn the switch with your partner and make a run to the door while trying to avoid the rolling obstacles. Whether you or your partner makes it, they'll get the door open and get rid of the rolling obstacles, making it easy to collect the gold and ammo you've left behind in the vases. When you've collected all you need, go down the stairs and open the door with your partner.

Turn the corner and activate the trap. Now get ready for a QTE! Tap a button to run and press a button to jump across the gaps. The final gap will have Sheva fall. If you're playing as Chris, press the shoulder buttons quickly to pull her up and the sequence will end. Pull the chains and you'll make it into more ruins.

Statues and Moving Staircases[edit]

Have you/your partner walk straight and you/your partner walk left. You'll both reach chains. Pull them and if you went on the upward path, go back. A new path will be opened. Collect the jewel left behind by the large statue and go up the stairs to find another statue. Do the same for this one and turn around for another new path. Go left and you'll be ambushed (it was bound to happen sometime) by more tribal Majini. Take a turn and go forward (the path with the gap isn't the right way, but you could probably find gold/ammo left behind by an enemy there). Go up the stairs and pull the chains. Now for another split path. Someone has to go to the right of the statue you just moved and another will have to turn around, go down the stairs and then left to find the other chain. Watch out for the enemy ambush though. Both Majini and infected spiders will come to attack you.

Completed Chapter 4-1

15 Gamerscore points
Completed Chapter 4-1
Complete Chapter 4-1 on any difficulty setting.

When both chains are pulled, go to the new path to find the final statue. Pull the chains on this one to activate a boss fight. The creature that came to attack you on the cliffs is back. This boss fight will be a little harder then the one on the cliffs. You'll be fighting it in a smaller area. The best tactic is to have one distract it by dodging its continuous attacks and have the other shoot its back. When its killed, go all the way up the staircases and to the exit to end the chapter.