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Resident Evil contains many creatures, ranging from your stereotypical zombie to a biological killing machine. While some possess almost no threat, others can be a bit troublesome. This page contains detailed information about each enemy, as well as each boss in the game. They're organized in their order of appearance.

Regular enemies


  • Health: 18 ~ 99
  • Speed: Slow, Moderate
  • Threat: Low
  • Sounds: Shuffling feet, moaning
  • Appearance: Bald with a green shirt and brown pants, short hair with a lab coat and black pants, or completely nude
  • Attacks: Bite (moderate damage), vomit (low damage)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Shotgun or Beretta
  • Description: A zombie refers to any person who has been infected with the T-Virus and turned into a reanimated corpse. Modeled after the classic Romero zombie, these enemies seek human flesh. They're fairly slow, so you can dodge them most of the time. They don't pose much of a threat, and many can be easily taken out with some Beretta shots or a single Shotgun blast to the head (however, in the game's progression, the zombies' health range and endurance levels increase, so you'll have to simply try to evade them by staying to one side, distracting them, and quickly move to the next). Some may pretend to be dead on the ground, so watch out (you'll know when they're dead when they begin to bleed).


  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Moderate
  • Threat: Low
  • Sounds: "Caw" sounds, wings flapping
  • Apperance: Large crows with some of their flesh missing
  • Attacks: Peck (low damage)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Avoid completely
  • Description: During the initial viral outbreak in the Arklay Mountains, most of the crows were immediately infected with the T-Virus after eating an infected creature. An infected crow is larger than a regular crow and will immediately attack any living creature that wanders into its territory. It's very weak and can be totally avoided, so don't even bother shooting at one (they can be taken down in one shot by any weapon). It's also very sensitive to noise, so shooting near or running past one will immediately make it agitated.


Cerberus (aka zombie dogs)
  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Fast
  • Threat: Low
  • Sounds: Claws scratching on the ground, growls
  • Apperance: Dobermans with most of their flesh missing
  • Attacks: Bite (moderate damage)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Shotgun or Beretta
  • Description: A Cerberus was used as a subject by Umbrella to test the effects of the T-Virus. They were given the code number MA-39 and were named Cerberus after the mythological three-headed guardian of Hades. They were seen in the Arklay Research Facility and running loose in the Arklay forest area. They're very fast but weak, and can be taken down in a couple of Beretta shots or a Shotgun blast. After getting shot once, they'll cower and start to charge again. You can use this time to shoot them again from a safe distance.


  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Moderate
  • Threat: Low
  • Sounds: Slithering noises, hissing
  • Apperance: Small slithering snakes
  • Attacks: Bite (low damage)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Avoid completely
  • Description: These snakes were also test subjects for Umbrella, and part of a much larger experiment, the Yawn. They're loose around the Arklay Mountains facility, tending to stay outside in the Courtyard. Most of the time, they'll drop from above, immediately trying to bite you once they land. However, they pose no danger and are not poisonous, so you can avoid these enemies completely. Snakes tend to stay in groups, so if you see one, chances are more will be coming into the area.


  • Health: Low (miniature), moderate (large)
  • Speed: Fast
  • Threat: Low (miniature), moderate (large)
  • Sounds: Tapping sound
  • Apperance: Small and very large spiders
  • Attacks: Bite (moderate damage), venom spit (low damage, poisonous)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Stomping (miniature), Shotgun or Bazooka with Flame Rounds (large)
  • Description: Umbrella conducted many experiments with various spiders; the first were the Web Spinners, born in the Arklay Research Facility. These spiders lost their ability to spin webs due to their increase in size. However, they still retain their ability to crawl over walls and ceilings and will leave behind a swarm of baby spiders when killed. The largest hazard of these enemies, however, is their poisonous venom. They shoot this from far away, so maintain a safe distance and use a Blue Herb if poisoned. The shotgun is the preferred weapon to use, as it can take them out quickly. The miniature spiders pose no threat, as they can just be stomped on (just simply run over them, and they're gone).


  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Moderate
  • Threat: Low
  • Sounds: Buzzing noise
  • Apperance: Tiny wasps
  • Attacks: Sting (low damage)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Avoid completely
  • Description: Wasps thriving in the Arklay Research Center's Residence have grown to a huge size from the viral outbreak. They are no different from a normal wasp except for the size, but they do build a large hive in the mansion. You only encounter them in one room, and they pose no threat, so simply avoid them and run away. Many wasps will chase after you, so run as fast as you can into another room; this will reset the room the wasps are in and make it safe to go back inside.


The dangerous Hunter
  • Health: Moderate
  • Speed: Fast
  • Threat: High
  • Sounds: Claws scratching on the ground, screeching noises
  • Apperance: Human-like reptiles with large claws
  • Attacks: Swipe (moderate damage), jumping swipe (high damage), decapitation (instant death)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Shotgun, Bazooka with Acid Rounds, or Colt Python
  • Description: Hunters are bipedal reptilian-like creatures with large claws and teeth, and are noted for the loud shrieking noises they make when they encounter and pursue prey. They are actually B.O.W.s (Bio-Organic Weapons) designed by the Umbrella Corporation by combining a fertilized human ovum with reptilian DNA and then implanting the T-Virus into the resulting creature. The Alpha models, the first in the series, appear in this game, and are extremely dangerous. They are fast and have powerful attacks, and can take a good amount of firepower to take down. If encountered, they should immediately be taken out, as they pose a very large threat. If you are in danger mode and near a hunter, it will immediately try to decapitate you, so heal yourself before trying to take one on. The best weapon to use is the Colt Python, as it can them out in one shot (two shots in the Director's Cut version).


The annoying Chimera
  • Health: Moderate
  • Speed: Extremely fast
  • Threat: High
  • Sounds: Claws scratching on the ground, screeching noises
  • Apperance: Human-like reptiles with large claws
  • Attacks: Swipe (moderate damage), grab (high damage)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Colt Python or avoid completely
  • Description: A Chimera (which received its name from the mythical Greek creature) is a B.O.W. that was created by inserting fly DNA and the T-Virus into human tissue. They were being manufactured inside the Arklay Research Facility's basement lab and adopted that section of the facility as their habitat during the Mansion incident. They are extremely fast, dangerous, and have the ability to crawl a long floors, walls, and ceilings. Thankfully, you only face a couple towards the end of the game (except in Rebirth mode). Even though they posess a superior speed, it's still possible to outrun one, but if you have to take one down, it's recommended that you use the Colt Python.



The gigantic snake, Yawn
  • Health: Moderate
  • Speed: Moderate
  • Threat: High
  • Sounds: Slithering noise, large hissing noise
  • Apperance: Gigantic snake
  • Attacks: Bite (moderate damage, poisonous), devour (instant death)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Shotgun, Bazooka with Acid Rounds, Colt Python (2nd encounter), or avoid completely
  • Description: The Yawn is a snake-based B.O.W. that was originally a specimen that escaped from the laboratory and grew to huge proportions as a result of exposure to the T-Virus. It got its name from the lab's researchers due to the fact that it appears to be yawning before swallowing its prey. It is first encountered in the Mansion's attic, but can be avoided completely in order to grab the puzzle piece from its burrow. If you are bitten, you will be poisoned, which can only be treated by the serum found in the Mansion's drug room. Players will encounter the Yawn again in the piano room, where they will have to finally kill it for good (Rebirth players will also encounter it in the Guardhouse for the Doom Book Vol. 1 quest). When fighting the Yawn, keep your distance, dodge the bites (if possible) and keep running. Use either the Shotgun, Colt Python, or the Bazooka with Acid Rounds.


The Neptune
  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Fast
  • Threat: Moderate
  • Sounds: Splashing
  • Apperance: Large, mutated shark
  • Attacks: Bite (moderate damage), devour (instant death)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Avoid completely
  • Description: Neptune, named after the Roman god of the sea, is a B.O.W. that was created by implanting the T-Virus into a great white shark. It was given the development code of Fi-3 and was created specifically to test the effects of the virus on a sea creature. The Neptune is only encountered in the Aqua Ring in the Residence, and must be outrun by the player before it's too late. It's also accompanied by two smaller offspring, although they don't pose as much threat as Neptune does.

Plant 42

The carnivorous Plant 42
  • Health: High (without V-Jolt), moderate (with V-Jolt)
  • Speed: Moderate
  • Threat: High
  • Sounds: Shriveling noise
  • Apperance: Gigantic plant with huge roots
  • Attacks: Whip (moderate damage), venom spray (low damage, poisonous)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Shotgun, Bazooka with Flame Rounds, Colt Python (Director's Cut)
  • Description: Plant 42 is a large plant infected with the T-Virus, and it was part of the experiment on botanical subjects by Umbrella researcher Henry Sarton. With a massive flower-like nucleus protected by distorted petals and extremely powerful vines, Plant 42 grew to invade the residence, using its roots to feed on the water in the Aqua Ring beneath it. It is vulnerable to a chemical (V-Jolt) players can make, which eliminates the giant plant's first stage and weakens it greatly. Without V-Jolt, however, the fight can be very tough and last for a very long time (it takes almost thirty shots with the Colt Python in Director's Cut, for instance). It is highly recommended you complete the side quest for the V-Jolt in order to make your life much easier. During the fight, avoid the roots and the poisonous venom spray that comes from the ceiling (you can easily see when it's about to fall).

Black Tiger

The Black Tiger
  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Moderate
  • Threat: High
  • Sounds: Tapping noise
  • Apperance: Gigantic black and red spider
  • Attacks: Bite (moderate damage), venom spray (low damage, poisonous)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Shotgun, Bazooka with Flame Rounds, Flamethrower
  • Description: The Black Tiger is a type of spider that has undergone further mutation. It is twice the size of a regular mutated spider and has the ability to spin webs. However, it is very easy to kill, as it's extremely vulnerable to fire. One or two shots from a Bazooka with Flame Rounds, and this creature's finished. The Flamethrower is also sufficient to take this boss down very quickly. Just like the other spiders, the Black Tiger has a venomous spray, so don't go too far away and use a Blue Herb if poisoned.


The T-002 Tyrant
  • Health: Moderate (1st encounter), high (2nd encounter)
  • Speed: Moderate (1st encounter), fast (2nd encounter)
  • Threat: High
  • Sounds: Scratching noise with claw
  • Apperance: Large, mutated humanoid with a very large claw
  • Attacks: Slash (moderate damage), knock-down (moderate damage), impale (instant death)
  • Best Weapon to Use Against: Colt Python or Bazooka with Acid Rounds
  • Description: Umbrella's ultimate bio-weapon, the Tyrant (T-002 model) is one of Umbrella's first attempts at creating a super soldier. A Tyrant subject was once a human who was injected with the T-Virus, and because of an extremely rare DNA occurrence, the human subject became a Tyrant (any human without this special kind of DNA would just become a zombie). This model comes with an extremely large claw, and is very fast and deadly. For the first encounter, simply stand far away and start shooting with the Colt Python. For the second encounter, you'll have to try to dodge Tyrant's claw swipes by running to his right (since his claw is on his left hand).