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Once René and Michelle have appeared outside the café, you will have to walk to the left, jump onto the garbage can, jump to the right onto the awning, pick up the two pigeons, drop down to the ground, continue walking to the right, jump over two more garbage cans, and pick up the petrol can; you shall then have to jump back over the aforementioned third and second garbage cans, walk back to the left, and jump at the entrance to the café to go inside.

Once inside the café, you will have to walk to the right, throw the petrol can at Edith, to make her start singing (and Ernest LeClerc, who joined the show in 1989 to replace his brother Roger, and is seated at the piano, start playing it), causing two German guards to put their fingers in their ears as a result; you will then have to jump up to collect the thirty smiling faces above that second German guard, then continue walking to the right and collect the three additional ones on the stools, jump onto the bar, pick up the phone, and beer mug, jump onto the table, and over Herr Flick, throw the beer mug at Mimi to make her start waving her handkerchief and cause a third German officer to just walk back and forth behind her as a result, collect the four additional smiling faces (adjacent to a grandfather clock), jump onto the table and pick up the pig's head, walk back to the left and enter the door to the back room.

Once inside the back room, you will have to: walk to the right, jump onto a table, pick up the first knockwurst sausage (containing a forgery of the Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies), jump back to the left onto a sideboard, jump to the right onto the cupboard, to collect the two gold coins on its top, drop down to the ground, and throw the pig's head at Helga to stun her and make her drop her bra; once you have picked it up, you will have to walk back to the left, jump over a stove, dash under a fourth German guard as he jumps, throw the bra at Yvette to make her adjust her suspenders (then cause the fourth and a fifth German guard to stare at her as a result!), jump onto another table, pick up the cake, jump onto a cupboard to collect a third gold coin on top of it, drop down to the ground, walk back to the right and enter the door back to that front room. Once back in that front room, you'll have to walk back to the left, jump onto the bar (and over Herr Flick again!), jump up the stairs to the first floor, jump to the left, collect four more smiling faces, jump onto two chests of drawers and over two more German guards (but these ones are wielding guns!), collect seven more smiling faces, pick up the boot, then retrace your steps back to the stairs and jump to the right - and you'll now have to throw the boot and cake at two more gun-wielding and jumping German guards to stun them, collect five more smiling faces, jump onto the bed and the wardrobe, pick up that bear, drop down to the ground, jump to collect two more gold coins, retrace your steps back to the stairs, and jump up a second flight of stairs to the second floor (collecting four more smiling faces in the process). You will then have to continue walking to the right, jump onto the bed, and collect three more smiling faces, walk back to the left, climb up a ladder to the attic, throw the bear at a tenth German guard to stun him, climb up a second ladder, throw the telephone at a kingfisher that is flying towards you to cook him, jump to the left to collect six more smiling faces (and grab onto a pigeon's perch), then fly to the left to collect five more gold coins (once René and Michelle collect ten of these, they will become invulnerable, for a very short period of time), drop down to the ground, climb back down the first ladder, retrace your steps back to the stairs and jump onto the left platform, jump onto the sideboard, pick up the phone, and enter the door to the bathroom; once inside the bathroom you will have to jump onto the platform the bath is standing upon and collect five more gold coins, then pick up the bottle in front of an eleventh (sleeping) German guard on the toilet, walk back to the left, and enter that door back to the second floor.

Once you are back on the second floor, you will have to: retrace your steps back to the first ladder, climb back up it to the attic, throw the phone at the tenth German guard to stun him, walk over to the right side of the attic to make the floor crumble, then drop down through the hole to the second floor (collecting five more smiling faces in the process), pick up the second knockwurst sausage after landing on the sideboard, drop down to the ground to pick up the two bottles (and make the floor crumble again), drop down through the hole to the first floor, retrace your steps back to the stairs and walk down them to the ground floor, retrace your steps back to the stools and enter the door to the cellar; once inside the cellar you will have to walk down third flight of stairs (collecting six more smiling faces in the process) and grab onto another pigeon's perch then fly upwards to collect three more gold coins (and thirteen more smiling faces), drop down to the ground and enter the door to the "wine" part of the cellar. Once inside the "wine" part of the cellar, you must walk to the right, throw the boot at General Von Klinkerhoffen to stun him (a hammer will appear and start hitting him over the head), duck under a bat that is flying to the left, throw the helmet at a twelfth German guard to stun him, jump onto ten wine crates, and up to the hole in the wall, continue walking to the right, collect five more gold coins and pick up two bombs, and go back to the door - and you shall then have to continue walking to the left, throw one of the bombs at a thirteenth gun-wielding German guard to stun him and enter the hole in the wall leading to the sewer.

Once you are inside the sewer, walk to the left, climb down a third ladder, walk to the right, and pick up the third knockwurst sausage (while watching another bat which is flying backwards and forwards), walk back to the left, climb down a fourth ladder, walk to the left, throw the second bomb at Von Smallhausen to stun him, jump up to collect thirty-one medals and crosses, climb down a fifth ladder, collect twelve more medals and crosses, throw helmet at a fourteenth gun-wielding German guard (to stun him), walk to right, climb up a sixth ladder, walk to the right, climb down a seventh ladder, walk to the right to collect seventeen more medals and crosses, pick up the petrol can, throw said petrol can at a fifteenth German guard to stun him, climb up an eighth ladder, walk to the right, climb up a ninth ladder, walk to the left, then climb up a tenth ladder, to come out of a manhole; once you find yourself in the street you shall have to throw the saucepan and lamp at Lieutenant Gruber and Colonel Von Strohm to stun them and make them drop a bear and cake (Gruber will start sucking his thumb as well while Von Strohm will start imagining a saw going through a log), pick up the fourth knockwurst sausage, bear and cake, jump up to grab onto a third pigeon's perch, fly up to collect four more gold coins while watching out for another kingfisher that is flying back and forth, grab onto a balloon to descend back down to the ground and go back into the sewer. Once back in the sewer, you'll have to retrace your steps back to the bottom of the ninth ladder, then walk to the left, and go through the tunnel to a second part of the sewer.

Once in the second part of the sewer, walk to the left, start climbing down an eleventh ladder, walk to the right, throw the cake at a sixteenth German guard to stun him and collect five more medals and crosses, walk back to the left, continue climbing down the eleventh ladder, walk to the left, collect four more medals and crosses while watching out for a third bat that is flying backwards and forwards, walk back to the right, continue climbing down that eleventh ladder while watching out for a seventeenth German guard, walk to the right and go through the tunnel to a third part of the sewer; once inside the third part of the sewer, you will have to drop down to a small platform to collect a medal (that is by itself), climb down a twelfth ladder, jump onto another small platform to collect a cross that by itself, jump to the right, throw the bear at an eighteenth gun-wielding German guard to stun him, jump up to collect eighteen more medals and crosses up above you, climb up a thirteenth ladder, walk to the left, throw the saucepan at a nineteenth German guard to stun him, drop down onto a third small platform, jump onto and climb down a fourteenth ladder, jump onto a fourth small platform to collect four more medals and crosses, drop down to the ground and throw the lamp at Officer Crabtree to make him drop six more gold coins and the fifth knockwurst sausage. Once you have picked them all up, continue walking to the left, climb up a fifteenth ladder, walk to the right, collect another cross that is by itself (while watching out for a fourth bat that's flying back and forth), walk back to the left, continue climbing the fifteenth ladder, walk onto the right, climb up a sixteenth ladder, walk to the right, duck under a fifth bat that is flying to the left, drop down to the platform below, jump onto three more small platforms and throw the pineapple at a sixth bat that is flying to the left to stun him, jump onto the next platform, throw the bear at a twentieth gun-wielding German guard to stun him, jump onto that next platform, climb down a seventeenth ladder, walk to your left in order to collect twelve more medals and crosses, pick up the cap and fish, jump up to grab a fourth pigeon's perch, fly up to collect five more gold coins and twenty-seven more medals and crosses, grab onto a second balloon to descend back down to the top of the seventeenth ladder, retrace your steps back to platform you dropped down onto after ducking under that fifth bat, jump to the left, and go through the tunnel to a fourth part of the sewer - and once you're in the fourth part of the sewer you will have to walk to the left, climb up an eighteenth ladder while watching out for a twenty-first gun-wielding German guard, walk to the left, collect four more medals and crosses while watching for a seventh bat which is flying backwards and forwards, walk back to the right, continue climbing the ladder, go to the right, throw the fish at a twenty-second gun-wielding German guard to stun him, collect four more medals and crosses, go back to the left, continue ascending the ladder, walk to the right, and go through the tunnel to a fifth part of the sewer.

Once inside the fifth part of the sewer, you will have to: walk to the left, climb down a nineteenth ladder, walk to the right, then go through the tunnel leading to a sixth part of the sewer; once in that sixth part of the sewer, you will have to walk to the left, climb up a twentieth ladder, throw the cap at Monsieur Alfonse to make him remove his hat in respect of the dead (two more German guards will also remove theirs as a result) drop down to the ground, walk to the right, climb up a twenty-first ladder, collect up four last medals, pick up the sixth and final knockwurst sausage, drop down to the ground, walk to the left, go back through the tunnel to the fifth part of the sewer, retrace your steps to that tunnel which originally led to this part of it, walk to the right, climb up a twenty-second ladder and go through a tunnel to the exit of the sewer; once you are in the exit of the sewer you will see what is a straw-stuffed dummy of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) wearing a dress and high-heeled boots as the "level clear" jingle is heard from the Amiga.