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These enemies feature heavily in the first third of the game, which represents the Kid's native land of Caelondia. These are also the enemies that appear in waves in the Kid's Dream.


Squirts are the weakest and most common enemies of the Windbag variety, though they make up for this in speed and numbers. Smaller Squirts will always attack the Kid in groups, and though larger Squirts are more comfortable attacking the Kid solo, they charge at the Kid with impressive speed and possess greater strength than their smaller variants. One last variant of the Squirt is the green Squirt, which tend to flee from the Kid whenever they see him. Though Squirts usually spawn from underground, they will occasionally be thrown at the Kid via dispensers that must be destroyed in order to prevent any more from spawning.

Outside of the battles in the story stages and the Dreams, Squirts are fought in The War Machete's Proving Grounds. They can also be utilized as allies via the Squirt Lure Secret Skill, and can be obtained as a pet for the Bastion via the Ragged Hood Memento in The Workmen Ward.


Gasfellas are the second type of Windbag enemy encountered by the Kid, and come in four varieties. The first of these is the smallest and most common, often attacking in groups. These blue Gasfellas attack by slamming down their axes at the Kid, though these attacks are slow and easily dodged. Bigger Gasfellas are also blue, and attack in a similar manner to their smaller variants, albeit they swing their axes much quicker. Larger than these are green Gasfellas, which have even quicker attacks that consist of charging at the Kid with impressive speed.

The final and largest type of Gasfella is blue just like the smaller variants. Their attacks are slow but they possess great strength, often choosing to target the ground below rather than the Kid himself. Their attacks are so strong that they are actually capable of destroying segments of the ground, limiting the space that the Kid has to dodge against subsequent enemies. Thus, if they spawn in a group, it is recommended that you target these Gasfellas first.


Scumbags are blob-like enemies that drop slime upon defeat, and are the final type of Windbag enemy encountered by the Kid. The harmful slime dropped by Scumbags not only does damage to the Kid if he comes into contact with it, but also slows him down. Their behavior otherwise depends on their size. Smaller Scumbags attack by charging at the Kid, leaving a trail of slime behind them. These attacks take some time to charge and are thus easily blocked. As they take damage, they will become smaller in size, but attack more quickly, until finally they evaporate completely into puddles of slime. Larger Scumbags spew puddles of slime all around them rather than charging at the Kid, making them less dangerous but tougher to destroy due to their greater health.

Security Turret[edit]

Security Turrets are stationary enemies that fire harmful projectiles at the Kid. Their attacks can be blocked easily with the use of the Bullhead Shield, and can even be reflected back at them via counter-blocking. However, the ways in which they fire differ depending on the color of the turret. Blue turrets fire a slow single shot, and are thus the easiest to defeat. Green turrets fire five quick shots. Yellow turrets fire shots that follow the Kid. Lastly, Ura turrets fire lasers that cannot be reflected back at the enemy, and thus can only be blocked.

Mechanical Pyth[edit]

Mechanical Pyths are bull-like enemies that charge at the Kid for a lengthy period. Block this charge using the Bullhead Shield, until it takes a break to recharge. While in this break period, it will simply sit in place. This is the perfect opportunity to attack it. If it is not defeated before it starts to charge again, simply block and repeat.

Find the Plush Pyth Memento in the Pyth Orchard, where this enemy is first encountered, and show it to Zulf at the Bastion to summon a pet Pyth.

The Wilds[edit]

These enemies feature heavily in the second part of the game. Since this is where the Singer is found, these are the enemies that appear in waves in the Singer's Dream.


These pesky birds are capable of flying around the map, making them difficult for the Kid to catch without a ranged weapon. However, when they crowd him, the Fire Bellows work remarkably well against them. Peckers come in three sizes based on the stages in their life, with each size representing an increase in difficulty. The smallest Peckers are the youngest, and are only capable of flying at the Kid and pecking at him, as their name suggests. Older Peckers are larger in size, and fire needles at the Kid from a distance. Last of all are the adult Peckers, which are the largest variant and present the greatest threat. Adult Peckers charge at the Kid with a quick swoop, knocking him back and dealing great damage in the process.

Find the Pecker Nest memento at the Colford Cauldron and speak to Zia about it at the Bastion to summon a pet Pecker.


These plant-like monsters are stationary enemies, though this isn't to say they should be taken lightly; they shoot needles at the Kid's position with a rapid rate of fire, dealing great damage to him in a small amount of time. However, this rapid rate of fire makes their attacks easy to counter-block with the Bullhead Shield, as they can be counter-blocked multiple times within one burst. Different variants include the purple Pincushion, which follows the Kid's movement as it shoots, the gray Pincushion, which fires in one direction, and the green Pincushions, which fire needles in eight different directions when the Kid comes near.


These dangerous plants fire harmful projectiles upon lowering their petals; when the Kid attacks, they will react by halting their attack and returning to a defensive stance with their petals raised. They will take much less damage in this state, even with a powerful offense (the exception to this is weapon upgrades that ignore armor). Thus, the best strategy against them is to wait until they lower their petals, block or dodge their attack, and attack back. Wait again for them to lower their petals after they react, and repeat.

Like the Pincushion, Wallflowers attack differently based on the color that they appear in; yellow Wallflowers fire one projectile at a time, blue Wallflowers fire three times, pink Wallflowers fire many projectiles at once, black Wallflowers fire projectiles that surround them and then shoot out after their defeat, and green Wallflowers fire many projectiles at once in the shape of a semicircle.


These enemies behave similarly to frogs, croaking and jumping up high beyond the Kid's reach. However, their attacks are actually very dangerous if the Kid takes them head-on. These attacks consist only of quick jumps that have them land with their full weight on the Kid's position. He can avoid these attacks easily by dodging, making the only issue attacking; they are protected from the front by a mask of armor, making only attacks to their back effective. This can be remedied by weapon upgrades that pierce armor, the best of these being the Brusher's Pike, which not only has this upgrade but also has a long reach that allows the Kid to make short work of these otherwise difficult enemies.

Like many other enemies, the Lunkhead has a larger variant that is less common but deals much more damage than its smaller counterpart. Use the same strategy to deal with them.


These enemies are small in size and will usually spawn by popping out of the ground in groups. However, don't let their size fool you; their hardy shells make them highly resistant to any of the Kid's weapons. Their defenses are lowered when their eyes are open, as they will be when they float after the Kid while his back is turned. To defeat them, attack them immediately after turning around, with a quick weapon such as the Fang Repeater or the War Machete. Otherwise, they will attack by making contact with the Kid and combusting, which they forewarn by glowing red.


This stationary enemy attacks the Kid only by trapping him in a cage that rises on his position from the ground. While this attack isn't exactly deadly on its own, it becomes more of an issue when the Kid is surrounded by other enemies, making him easy prey for them. Break out of the cage if caught by either defeating the Bootlicker or by smashing it with a melee weapon. When accompanied by other enemies, attack the Bootlicker first; attacking it repeatedly will cause it to first lose its body, then its head.

To avoid getting caught completely, attack the Bootlicker from a great distance with a weapon that has a long range, such as the Breaker's Bow or the Galleon Mortar.


This stationary enemy fires projectiles into the sky which then rain down on the Kid's position. If there are any distractions alongside it in the form of other enemies, defeat them first, allowing you to focus only on the attacks of the Lungblossom. The Kid can attack the Lungblossom with melee or ranged weapons between attacks of its own; simply wait for it to fire before dodging in the opposite direction that the projectiles land in, then strike as much as possible before it fires again. While the Lungblossom is first introduced as a pair in the story, it presents the greatest threat in the Stranger's Dream, in which it is large and surrounded by Security Turrets; dodge constantly as you destroy the Turrets before shifting your focus to the Lungblossom.


Anklegators are enemies that burrow through the ground, with only their pointy horns visible before landing on the Kid's position, after which they rise out of the ground with ferocity. Anklegators can take damage only when they rise up out of the ground, presenting a conundrum; the Kid must wait in one spot until the Anklegator attacks, putting himself in danger in the process, in order to attack it. Its attacks can be avoided by dodging right before it rises, though it may take some practice to get the timing right. After it takes a few hits, the Anklegator will progress in speed until it is defeated. It is first introduced in the story in the form of Queen Anne, the largest and most powerful Anklegator of all that resides in Roathus Lagoon.

The Anklegator can be acquired as a pet after the Anklegator Egg memento has been retrieved from Roathus Lagoon. Speak to Zia at the Bastion after obtaining it to summon this pet to the hub.


This stationary enemy attacks by releasing clouds of poisonous gas that linger in the air until they have drifted far enough from their source. While these clouds do not do much damage to the Kid themselves, they become deadly weapons when paired with other enemies, as they impair the Kid's vision (which affects the player in the form of a blurry screen) and the damage that they do slowly adds up. Fortunately, despite having a decent amount of health, they are easily defeated. However, be warned that they drop multiple clouds of gas that drift out from their position after they have been defeated.


These enemies feature heavily in the final part of the game. Since the Survivor is of Ura descent himself, these are the enemies that appear in waves in the Survivor's Dream.


Rattle-tails are white birds situated in Ura territory that attack by burrowing into the ground, after which rocks rain down on the Kid's position. These rocks cannot be blocked, and the Kid cannot hurt the Rattle-tail with a ranged weapon if it has burrowed into the ground; he must instead dodge the rocks that fall while making his way to it in order to strike it with a melee weapon, forcing it out of its hiding place and rendering it helpless. While Rattle-tails vary in size, with small Rattle-tails appearing in the Survivor's Dream, the damage done by their attacks do not. Even at their largest, Rattle-tails should not present much of a threat to the Kid, as long as he can force them out of hiding.

Ura Warrior[edit]

Despite an attempt at peace, the Ura seem fated to do battle with the Caelondians, and these Ura Warriors make up their armies. While they carry a variety of different weapons, their strength and speed remains constant across all forms, as they are even capable of teleporting toward the Kid once they are ready to attack, or teleporting away if they feel threatened. These elements combined make them some of the game's more difficult enemies, particularly when they attack in groups. When attacked by both shooting Ura and melee Ura, try to find cover from the shooters and focus on the Ura Warriors with melee weapons, as these will approach the Kid for attack first. The different variations of the Ura Warrior are as follows:

  • Ura Warriors that carry halberds will move toward the Kid in order to perform a single strike at a time. Block their attacks and strike back with a melee weapon or dodge away from them before they can get too close in order to fire a ranged weapon.
  • Scimitar-toting Ura Warriors strike much more quickly than those that carry halberds, making them more dangerous. Block their attacks and strike back before they attack again.
  • Gun-toting Ura Warriors will fire a few shots at a time at the Kid before requiring a reload. Block their shots and attack them within the space between their shots.
  • Ura Warriors equipped with crossbows are capable of firing multiple arrows at a time, and some even carry poisoned arrows that blur the Kid's vision and do additional damage if he is hit by them. Use the same strategy in dealing with them as with the Ura Warriors equipped with guns.