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Pins and insignias are awards, similar to achievements and trophies, yet differ in their own ways. Most notably, neither pins nor insignias count for gamer points. Instead, insignias and pins both add varying amounts of experience to the player's experience level. Earning pins and insignias are a quick way of gaining levels, which in turn will help the player obtain the other weapons.


With the exception of kill streak pins, pins can be earned over multiple lives. Also note that each pin can also be categorized by its shape.

Some pins have somewhat misleading descriptions. The Squad Member pin, for example, refers to completing orders that are given by your squad; obtaining a defend order means to receive orders to defend a flag or objective (via the communicate button) and then killing an enemy from a position close to the objective you were ordered to defend.

Picture Name Criteria Tips Experience
Assault Rifle Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 7 enemies with assault rifles Rather easy to achieve with the assault class. Since this doesn't have to be acquired in one life, a desperate player can simply charge into the middle of the enemy base and get at least one kill before dying. If repeated seven times, the pin can be yours. It's far more tactically sound, however, to simply play the game through. 100
Grenade Launcher Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 4 enemies with grenade launchers. This can prove difficult as 40mm grenades are more often used for eliminating cover versus being an offensive weapon. That said, however, a single HE-Frag grenade can kill an enemy in a single direct hit. Even smoke grenades can kill if a lucky hit is scored. 100
Sniper Rifle Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 7 enemies with sniper rifles. Easily gained if cover is used. Since it doesn't have to be done in a single life, counter-snipers aren't really an issue. To be sure you get a kill, aim for stationary or distracted players, compensating for bullet drop. A rifle that causes a lot of damage in a single shot - the M95, for example - can help greatly. 100
Handgun Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 4 enemies with handguns. Easily gained if you're forced to go into close-quarters fighting as a recon sniper. Be sure to select a pistol effective for your current fighting range; a fast-firing pistol for close quarters, for example. 100
Shotgun Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 4 enemies with shotguns. Easily gained by any class using a shotgun. Effective in close-quarters fights, or even as a sniper rifle if the 12 gauge slugs specialization is equipped. Since most players assume the recon class is used for sniping and is vulnerable at close quarters, it's quite easy to turn the tables on them by equipping the close-quarters shotguns and coaxing your adversaries in close. 100
Rocket Launcher Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 5 enemies with rocket launchers. Easy to do on any vehicle-centric map, as rocket launchers cause plenty of damage against vehicles. A lucky hit on a fully-loaded transport (A blackhawk or a HMMV, for example) will net you most or all of the necessary kills. Use tracer darts to help for targets further out or the more mobile helicopters. 100
Light Machine Gun Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 7 enemies with light machine guns. The LMG is in many ways similar to an assault rifle. It suffers poorly on the move, but simply set up in a spot and use fully automatic fire to mow enemies down. As a medic, you should throw down medkits to keep you healthy and help mitigate the amount of damage from return fire. Just be aware of snipers, as your LMG isn't the best in terms of accuracy. 100
Submachinegun Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 7 enemies with submachineguns. The SMG is similar in many ways to an assault rifle, but it also is far less accurate. Try to act with surprise when using the SMG, and engage enemies at short range and in short bursts. 100
Emplacement Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 5 enemies with stationary weapons. The trick here is to locate the emplacement right for you. A lot of people choose to leave the stationary weapons behind out of habit, as it makes them sitting targets for snipers. Bad Company 2, however, has some armoured turrets that are bulletproof from the front. These turrets, especially the ones sitting by the back, are the key to gaining this pin. If an enemy tank is closing in, try to use the stationary anti-tank weapons; they'll cause a lot of damage, and once it's destroyed you can switch to a nearby stationary machine gun to get the rest of the pin. It doesn't matter if you die, since usually you'll be on defence if you're using an emplacement. 100
Explosives Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 4 enemies with explosives. Although grenades work here, they're generally not the most efficient way to go. Instead, try using anti-tank mines on a vehicle-centric map. AT mines are often discounted by players who attempt to rush in with vehicles, thinking they're bulletproof. C4 also works, but only through judicious use; equipping the detonator makes you vulnerable to any attack not coming from within range of your set explosives. 100
Melee Efficiency Pin In a round, kill 4 enemies with melee weapons. Easy to do on maps with predictable sniper spots, such as Port Valdez while defending. Find a bush to hide behind and then simply stab the snipers as they start to snipe for you. In some situations, the knife can be more powerful than the gun, since most weapons don't kill in a single strike while the knife does. If low on ammo and in close quarters, it can sometimes pay off to simply rush at an enemy with your knife rather than try to shoot him. 200
Anti-Vehicle Efficiency Pin In a round, destroy 4 enemy vehicles. The explosives pouch and enhanced explosives specializations pay off here, as well as the tracer dart gun. Judicious use of rocket launchers can punch holes in enemy armour, especially if using the RPG-7, which causes more damage. The tracer dart helps on faster-moving targets, and can help you fire from behind cover. 100
Combat Efficiency Pin In a round, reach a kill streak of 6. Medics and recon usually get this pin, as medics can heal themselves and recon players simply snipe from cover or out of range (usually both). If you're a medic, work with a assault player to keep each other healed and stocked with ammo, respectively. Mutual cover can help considerably too. Since this is a kill streak pin, staying alive is more important than getting kills; if you die, after all, you'll have to start over again. If you're a recon, be sure to relocate after a few kills so your position isn't revealed to counter-snipers. 100
Combat Excellence Pin In a round, reach a kill streak of 8. Medics and recon usually get this pin, as medics can heal themselves and recon players fire from outside normal ranges. This requires a bit more skill and luck than the Combat Efficiency pin, but similar tactics apply. As with the Combat Efficiency pin, staying alive is more important than getting kills; if you die, you'll have to start over again. 200
Kill Assist Pin In a round, do 7 kill assists. This pin is easily achieved by almost any class and by any player of any skill level. Teamwork is what the game is all about, so killing an enemy who was wounded by one of your allies happens often enough on its own. The Saviour and Avenger pins also work alongside this pin. 100
Saviour Pin In a round, do 2 saviour kills. A saviour kill is achieved by killing an enemy who is firing on one of your allies. This pin can be gained easily enough by shooting at a distracted enemy. If you see an enemy engaging an ally, his attention is focused on his target. Use this opportunity to kill him. 100
Avenger Pin In a round, do 2 avenger kills. Remarkably similar to the saviour pin, except this pin is achieved by killing an enemy who has already killed an ally instead of killing an enemy who is simply attacking a friendly. A good method of gaining this pin is during rush, when an enemy sets a charge. Some players will rush in to disarm the charge, making them easy targets for the attackers who have set the charge. The attackers often camp in an area close to the M-COM. They'll often reveal themselves when they shoot at the defenders trying to disarm; take this opportunity to kill them in turn. 100
Headshot Pin In a round, do 5 headshots. This achievement can be gained by snipers, but it can be gained by other classes as well. Most players - especially new ones - will usually aim at the torso as it presents a larger target. Instead, be sure to run around with your weapon pointed at head level. Then fire when the situation presents itself. Just be sure to fire in bursts to compensate for recoil. As with getting kills in general, it's far easier if you have the element of surprise. 100
Ace Pin In a round, be the best player. The best player in this game is determined by points, not by kills. Therefore, this pin can be awarded to someone who has less than a 1:1 kill/death ratio. The major point-scoring actions are spotting enemies and by healing, resupplying, and reviving teammates. Throwing motion sensors into battle like party favours can also be effective, as motion sensor assists are worth considerably more than standard spotting. Also stick close to your squad; resurrecting a squadmate is far more valuable in points than resurrecting another player not in your squad. 200
Gold Squad Pin In a round, be part of the best squad. This pin can be gained through luck, or by frequenting a server and knowing who the best players are. Once you're in a squad, follow the strategy listed under the ace pin. Also aim for any other pin you can get; they are worth quite a few points as well. Note that you need to be part of the best squad, not be a one-man squad - stick close to them and support your squadmates whenever possible. 200
Nemesis Pin In a round, kill an enemy 5 times. Not easily gained, but bound to happen sometime. Since every player is different, making them your nemesis will be different every time as well. 200
Payback Pin In a round, kill your nemesis. This pin can be achieved semi-intentionally, by making yourself an easy target to a player you're certain you're going to kill. However, it's usually best to wait for this pin to come naturally to you. 100
Squad Member Pin In a round, obtain one attack and one defend order. This pin isn't easily gained by new players as the description of the pin is poorly worded. The trick to gaining this pin is to set the squad's objective, and then accomplish it. Since a defend and an attack order must be completed, it's best to get this pin on a conquest map. When the game starts, put your crosshair above the nearest objective and hit the socialize button (Q, back, or select for PC, Xbox, and PS3 respectively). When a red symbol appears next to the objective, you'll know the objective was set. Capture the objective to complete an attack order. Do the same on a friendly flag, and then kill an enemy who is standing near it to complete a defend order. 200
Wheels of Hazard Pin In a round, do 3 road kills with any vehicle. Quite difficult to gain, as road kills are difficult for different reasons; tanks are too slow and vulnerable up close (especially without a gunner or with the alternate weapon upgrade), quad bikes are fast but small and hard to aim, while HMMVs can easily be shot at with RPGs and TOWs as they come close. Helicopters are vulnerable at low altitude, and boats are only effective on enemies near the coast and tend to be uncontrollable once they leave the water. The best vehicle for roadkilling is usually a light vehicle, like the HMMV, Vodnik, or CAV, which is big enough to plow through enemies and fast enough to catch them off-guard. Try using the CAV buggies on the new Harvest Day map, as it is very large with very few obstacles. Don't try to approach snipers directly though; a lucky shot can quickly end your road rampage. 200
Car Warfare Pin In a round, kill 4 enemies with cars. As mentioned in the Wheels of Hazard pin, cars like the HMMV, the Cobra, and the Vodnik are generally too fragile for frontline combat. Probably the best way to obtain this pin and the Wheels of Hazard pin is to use the CAVs in Harvest Day. The CAV is fast, small, and larger than a quad bike, so it can roadkill any enemies who aren't spotted by the CAV's 360 degree grenade launcher user. 100
Tank Warfare Pin In a round, kill 7 enemies with tanks. Tanks are the new artillery, so a tank gunning enemies from long range, raining death and confusion from afar, will get this pin easily enough. As will the gunner, especially against enemies who attempt to sneak up on the tank to C4 or use the repair tool on it. The tank gunner is inside the tank, so it's possible to use the tank as a mobile machine gun. Any tank specializations can help as well. 100
Naval Warfare Pin In a round, kill 2 enemies with sea vehicles. This pin is difficult due to the rarity of sea vehicles and the predictability of their movement patterns. With only two sea vehicles in the game - the personal watercraft and the PBL - the choice is obvious. Use the PBL's grenade launchers to rain death from afar on enemy positions. PBLs move quite predictably and are quite vulnerable to sniper fire, so it's best to work quickly and in multiple lives. 100
Air Warfare Pin In a round, kill 5 enemies with air vehicles. The best maps to get this on are ones where there air superiority is already yours. Valpariso is a good example; the Americans have access to a Blackhawk and a UAV while the Russians don't have anything similar. On maps like these, the biggest threats are tracer darts and guided missiles. Tracer darts can be removed with the smoke countermeasures package, so the Blackhawk pilot should always have this equipped (especially since the pilot is without a weapon and thus gains nothing from upgrades like the alternate weapon package). If the pilot is skilled at manipulating his heli and dodging enemy attacks, the gunners should be able to get this pin quite easily. 100
M-COM Attacker Pin In a round, blow up 4 M-COM stations. This objective can be tricky, as a lot of it hinges on your ability to get deep within the enemy base and ultimately blow the M-COM up. The hard parts are getting into the base and then protecting the M-COM until the explosive blows up the M-COM. Being on the forefront of the attack is an obvious must, and having a good squad watching your back is a very big plus. To increase your chances of blowing up the M-COM, try choosing a large map like Arica Harbour, Nelson Bay, or Isla Inocentes with only a few people in it. Tanks can also destroy M-COMs inside buildings by shelling the building and collapsing it on top of the M-COM. Avoid Squad Rush mode - there are too few M-COMs in that mode to obtain this pin. 100
M-COM Defender Pin In a round, defend 4 M-COM stations. Far easier than blowing up four M-COMs, this pin can be easily obtained by simply staying within a 40 metre radius of an M-COM and killing anyone who you can see. 100
Rush Winner Pin Win a Rush round. Simply win a round of Rush. 100
Conquest Winner Pin Win a Conquest round. Simply win a round of Conquest. 200
Squad Deathmatch Winner Pin Win a Squad Deathmatch round. Simply win a round of Squad Deathmatch. 100
Squad Rush Winner Pin Win a Squad Rush round. Finding a Squad Rush server can be tricky, due to it supporting only eight players. Once you're in, simply win the round. 100
Flag Attacker Pin In a round, capture 4 flags. On Conquest, simply stand near a flag to start capturing it. The capture bar is located at the right of the screen, close to the ticket count. If you're desperate, you can let the enemy capture flags, giving you an opportunity to grab them back. Be sure to hit the socialize button and you may obtain the Squad Member pin as well. 100
Flag Defender Pin In a round, defend 4 flags. On Conquest, simply kill any enemies who are currently capturing a friendly flag. Be sure to hit the socialize button and you may obtain the Squad Member pin as well. 100
Resupply Ops Pin In a round, do 7 resupplies. Although assault classes don't have the luxury of being able to see which friendlies are low on ammo, they can still drop ammo for friendlies. Usually the best places to put ammo are in front of snipers or near any point your team needs to hold down for a short while. 100
Surveillance Ops Pin In a round, do 5 motion mine assists. Motion sensors are best thrown into areas of suspected enemy activities. Throwing motion mines is far more efficient at spotting a missed sniper than running around for yourself. It's also a good idea to simply throw them into the enemy base. Any enemies who are killed in the radius of your motion sensor will net you a motion mine assist. 100
Medical Ops Pin In a round, do 5 revives. Teammates dying is inevitable on any map. As a medic, simply run around and start resurrecting friendlies using your defibrillator. To make yourself a dedicated resuscitator, equip the Lightweight Combat Pack to increase your sprinting speed to friendlies, and the Ceramic Armour to help mitigate damage. 100
Maintenance Ops Pin In a round, do 7 repairs. On any vehicle-centric map, simply whip out your repair tool and start fixing it up as it takes damage. Tanks are the most prone to damage, as cars often explode before you can repair them and Quad bikes are disposable. Repairing a UAV is also possible if it flies low enough. 100
SPECACT Assault Excellence Pin In a round, get 8 kills with the M16 SPECACT. A skilled shooter with the M16 easily enough. Simply defeat 8 enemies using the weapon to get the pin. 100
SPECACT Assault Efficiency Pin Reach a kill streak of 5 with the M16 SPECACT. Similar to the SPECACT Assault Excellence Pin, except the user mustn't die. Therefore stay close to medics to try and stay alive. 100
SPECACT Engineer Excellence Pin In a round, get 8 kills with the UMP SPECACT. Although the UMP is quite accurate, it isn't the best for fighting long-distance. Try to engage enemies at short to medium distances. 100
SPECACT Engineer Efficiency Pin Reach a kill streak of 5 with the UMP SPECACT. As with the Assault SPECACT Efficiency Pin, stay close to a medic and prioritize your own survival ahead of killing enemies. 100
SPECACT Medic Excellence Pin In a round, get 8 kills with the MG3 SPECACT. The MG3 is terrible at long range and doesn't do a lot of damage per shot. Use medkits to keep yourself and your teammates alive, and use fully automatic fire to try and mow enemies down. 100
SPECACT Medic Efficiency Pin Reach a kill streak of 5 with the MG3 SPECACT. The MG3 is terrible at long range and doesn't do a lot of damage per shot. You'll probably want to set up in a window overlooking an objective and mow down any enemies who try to set a charge. Be sure to flee from enemy armour. 100
SPECACT Recon Excellence Pin In a round, get 8 kills with the M95 SPECACT. The M95 doesn't have a lot of bullet drop, and since a single well-placed shot to the head instantly kills an enemy, this pin shouldn't prove too difficult. 100
SPECACT Recon Efficiency Pin Reach a kill steak of 5 with the M95 SPECACT. The M95 doesn't have a lot of bullet drop, and since a single well-placed shot to the head instantly kills an enemy, this pin shouldn't be too difficult. Be sure to relocate after every shot to make yourself less vulnerable to counter-snipers. 100


Insignias are closer to achievements than pins are. Insignias can only be earned once, but once earned they give a single large boost of experience. Most insignias are simple grind achievements and merely require time to obtain.

Picture Name Criteria Tips Experience
Long Service Assault Weapons Combat 500 Kills with assault rifles A simple grind achievement that shouldn't take too long if you play the Assault class enough. 5,000
Long Service Resupply Ops 100 Resupplies A simple grind achievement that shouldn't take too long if you play the Assault class enough. Medics and recon classes in particular generally lack ammunition, and engineers often need to reload their rocket launchers or AT mines on vehicle-centric maps. 5,000
Squad Resupply Ops 100 Squad Resupplies A simple grind achievement that shouldn't take too long if you play the Assault class enough. Stay close to your squad and throw down ammo. Use the ability to spawn on top of your squadmates to your advantage. 5000
Squad Combat Assistance 100 Squad Assists Refers to saviour kills, vehicle repairs, avenger kills, revives, ammo resupply and motion sensor assists. Respawn at your squad if possible. This will increase the chance of a squad assist. 5,000
Long Service Radio Warfare 100 Tracer Dart Plants Simply equip the tracer dart gun and shoot it at an enemy vehicle to tag it. 5,000
Elite Marksman Combat 500 Headshots ? 10,000
Distinguished Sidearm Combat 100 kills with pistols Use the Weapon comparison to choose a pistol suited to your fighting style, and then start using it. Otherwise the game is a simple grind achievement. 5,000
Superior Service Duty 1 day spent online Accumulate a total of 24 hours spent online to earn this achievement. Obviously, it does not mean 24 hours of continuous playing, just 24 hours total. 5000
Distinguished Service Duty 2 days spent online Does not mean 48 hours of continuous play, but rather a total of 48 hours accumulated of online play. 5,000
Elite Service Duty 5 days spent online Does not mean an entire working week of continuous play, but rather a total of 120 hours accumulated of online play. The writers of this guide do not condone spending an entire working week playing this game. 10,000
Exemplary Combat Service Get all combat pins. Some pins are easy to obtain while others require considerable effort. Obtain at least one of each of the shield-shaped combat pins to obtain this insignia. 5,000
Distinguished Weapon Knowledge Get all weapon bronze stars. Bronze stars are obtained by successfully killing enemies. Each weapon needs a different body count to obtain the star, but usually it's around 25 or so. See the Weapon comparison for additional information. 5,000
Distinguished Vehicle Knowledge Get all vehicle bronze stars. Bronze stars are obtained by successfully killing enemies. Each vehicle needs a different body count to obtain the star, but once it's gained it applies to all vehicles of its category. For example, the bronze star for light vehicles can be obtained by killing 5 enemies with a HMMV and 5 enemies with a Cobra to obtain the bronze star for all light vehicles. 10,000
Exemplary Battlefield Knowledge Get 10 silver stars. Silver stars are the next step up from bronze stars, requiring about 25 or 50 kills to obtain. Simply use the same weapon as much as you can to obtain this insignia. 10,000
Elite Battlefield Knowledge Get 5 gold stars. Usually obtained at around 100 kills or so, gold stars are the second best star type available. Continue to grind from silver stars to upgrade them further. 10,000
Valourous Battlefield Knowledge Get 2 platinum stars. The highest star possible, platinum stars are distributed only to your most oft-used weapon or vehicle. 10,000
Rush Good Conduct Destroy 100 M-COM stations. The slowest yet safest way to destroy M-COM stations is to bring buildings down on top of them. As a tank, it is possible to shell a building into oblivion and take the M-COM station out along with it. Aim for the supporting outer walls (inner walls are invincible) to bring the building down and destroy the M-COM. Alternatively, you can always run up to it, set a charge, and guard it the old fashioned way. 5,000
Conquest Good Conduct 50 Flag Captures Stand near flags to capture them. 5,000
Distinguished Combat Efficiency 50 Combat Efficiency Pins Read the pins section of this page and obtain the Combat Efficiency pin 50 times to obtain this insignia. 5,000
Distinguished Combat Excellence 50 Combat Excellence Pins Read the pins section of this guide and obtain the Combat Excellence pin 50 times to obtain this insignia. 10,000
Distinguished Explosives Combat 100 kills using mines. Mines are very effective on defence, especially on maps where a single tank is used to support an infantry charge, such as Valpariso. Although the mines make you very vulnerable to helicopters, a single mine is usually more than enough to eliminate a tank. 5,000
Distinguished Melee Combat 100 kills with the knife. Easily obtained if you use the knife in close-quarters combat. A knife instantly kills, unlike a rifle, so if you lure an enemy into a building you can often sprint up to him and knife him as he walks through the door. 5,000
Distinguished Remote Explosives Combat 100 C4 kills. Distracted tank players are often easy pickings for C4. An observant gunner, however, can make the tank considerably stronger against sneak attacks. Try to use terrain to your advantage and C4 a tank when both its gunner and its driver are distracted. Alternatively, you can try putting C4 around an objective, setting a charge, and then detonating your C4 when defenders come to defuse the charge. Think devilishly, as C4 is devastating if used properly. Note that C4 is used not only by the recon class but also by the Assault class if an all-class weapon (i.e a shotgun) is selected. 5,000
Squad Tactical Ops 50 squad spawns on you Whenever you choose to spawn on a teammate, think about why you're choosing to spawn there. Usually it's due to a superior tactical advantage, or simply being closer to the fight than walking all the way from base. Once you've come to a good conclusion, try to put yourself in a situation where spawning on you is far more behooving than spawning back at base. Afterward, simply wait for your squadmates to die and respawn at your current position. Note that the 50 squad spawns do not have to happen in a single round. 5,000
Squad Repair Ops 100 Squad Repairs Similar to the standard repair ops insignia, except here you have to repair a vehicle a squadmate is in. You can help your squadmates toward this pin by being inside a vehicle they're repairing, as repairing an empty vehicle counts for nothing. 5,000
Long Service Maintenance Ops Repair 100 friendly vehicles As an engineer, simply run around and repair whichever vehicles you can. Note that a friendly player must be inside the vehicle you're repairing; repairing an empty vehicle counts for nothing. 5,000
Long Service Light Weapons Combat 500 kills with submachine guns. As an engineer, simply use your SMG to kill as many enemies as you can. How long this takes you hinges entirely on your skill level and the skill of your enemies. 5,000
Long Service Support Weapons Combat 500 kills with light machine guns. As a medic, your LMG will be your primary weapon, so be sure to use it. How long this takes you hinges entirely on your skill level and the skill of your enemies. 5,000
Long Service Medical Ops 100 Heals As a medic, simply drop medpacks on the ground to automatically heal nearby teammates. Drop them whenever the guys you're with are pinned down and need to hold a position. 5,000
Squad Medical Ops 50 squad heals and 50 squad revives. As a medic, you should stick with your squad whenever you can. In most pick up matches, the squad rarely stays together, but it still benefits you to heal your squadmates whenever you can. Squad revives are easily enough performed with the defibrillator. Dead squadmates shine a brighter shade of green than other dead friendlies on your minimap. 5,000
Squad Retaliation Ops 20 squad avenges and 20 squad kill assists A simple grind achievement encouraging players to shoot at enemies who've killed your squadmates, and enemies your squadmates are attacking. 5,000
Long Service Tactical Weapons Combat 500 kills with shotguns. Shotguns may be equippable by any class, but without the 12 gauge slugs enhancement, they are difficult to use outside of close-quarters. 5,000
Distinguished Grenade Combat 100 kills with grenades. Every class equips grenades, but no one carries a lot of them. Therefore you're going to want to sit near an ammo point and throw them like party favours. Grenades are most effective against enemies in cover. Keep in mind that grenades bounce, so you may want to aim closer to your target and try to bounce the grenade into the spot you want it. 5,000
Elite Melee Combat 200 kills with the knife A simple grind achievement that should come naturally if you use the knife effectively. Aside from shotguns, the knife is the only thing that kills in a single shot at close range. 10,000
Elite Multiple Target Combat Get 50 double kills. This insignia should be gained simply through playing the game. Targets generally worth a double kill are loaded vehicles, as only disposable vehicles like the Quad Bike and the Personal Watercraft can be operated to their fullest extent without a second person. 5,000
Distinguished Marksman Combat Get 100 headshots. This should be easily obtained by any class, as headshots can be performed at any distance. When not sniping, run around with your weapon at head level, then simply use the scope to aim for the head. 5,000
Exemplary Vehicle Service Get all vehicle pins This one can prove hard due to the difficulty in getting the Sea Combat pin, the Car Warfare pin, and the Wheels of Hazard pin. The others, however, aren't too difficult. 5,000
Elite Service Get all pins This insignia is straightforward enough; simply obtain at least one of each pin to obtain. 10,000
Combat Veteran 5,000 kills This is a simple grind achievement that can be obtained by simply playing. 5,000
Distinguished Retaliation Combat 5 nemesis pins, 5 payback pins. The strategy for both pins changes drastically as each player has his or her own method of fighting. Note that this does not have to be performed in a single round; this insignia merely counts pins. 5,000
Exemplary Marksman Combat 100 sniper rifle marksman headshots. Marksman headshots are performed at only the longest of ranges, with bonus points for every metre. Once you understand the effects of bullet drop and how much higher to aim for your target, this insignia should not prove too difficult. 5,000
Distinguished Anti-Vehicle Combat 500 Vehicles destroyed. This is a simple grind achievement that can be obtained by simply playing the game. 5,000
Anti-Vehicle Combat 200 vehicle damages. This is a simple grind achievement that can be obtained by simply playing the game. Use the RPG-7, as only damage beyond a certain point will count as a vehicle damage. 5,000
Squad Surveillance Ops 50 Squad Motion Sensor spot assists Whenever possible, throw motion sensors in the direction of squadmates ahead to help them spot enemies. If they manage to kill the enemy when he is in the radius of your thrown motion sensor, then you'll have achieved one squad motion sensor spot assist. Repeat this process 50 times to achieve the insignia. 5,000
Long Service Surveillance Ops 100 motion mine spot assists Whenever possible, throw motion sensors ahead of nearby teammates to help them spot the enemy without revealing their heads to snipers. Any kills of enemies within the thrown motion sensor will count as a motion mine spot assist. 5,000
Long Service Sniping Weapons Combat 500 kills with sniper rifles. This is a simple grind achievement that can be obtained by simply using the recon class' sniper rifles extensively. 5,000
Squad Teamwork Ops 20 Squad Defend Orders and 20 Squad Attack Orders This achievement can be obtained by performing the actions listed under the squad member pin. By pressing the socialize button when looking over an objective marker, you'll be able to tell your squad to attack (or defend) the given position. Successfully destroying the objective, capturing the flag, or killing an enemy who is trying to perform the objective will constitute a successful attack or defend order. 5,000
Distinguished Battlefield Knowledge Get all bronze stars Obtaining all bronze stars will prove difficult considering you must obtain them for vehicles as well. The water vehicles in particular are difficult, but not impossible. Some items capable of getting kills - namely the repair tool, defibrillator, and smoke grenade - do not gain bronze stars and thus do not count for this insignia. The M1 Garand also does not count. 10,000
Distinguished Artillery Combat 100 kills using mortar strike Using the mortar strike can be tricky, as you have to keep your head vulnerable to counter-sniper shots for several seconds. Even when you do this, the resulting mortars cover a very small area. The mortar strike, therefore, is best used on a bunch of enemies who are pinned behind a small rock or other obstacle. Call a mortar strike on the rock and the resulting mortars will hit also behind it, earning some kills. 5,000
Exemplary Vehicle Service Get all vehicle pins This shouldn't prove too difficult. The trickiest pins are the Car Warfare pin, the Sea Warfare pin, and the Wheels of Hazard pin. Obtain at least one of each of the hexagonal-shaped vehicle pins to obtain this insignia. 5,000
Exemplary Weapon Service Get all weapon pins This shouldn't prove too difficult. The trickiest pins are the pins are for weapons you generally don't use. Grenade launchers are a common one, as they are used more for bunker-busting than to kill enemies. Emplacements can be another, as the user is vulnerable to sniper fire. Obtain at least one of each of the circular weapon pins to obtain this insignia. 5,000
Assault SPECACT Knowledge 100 kills using the Assault SPECACT Kit. This is a simple grind achievement that isn't too hard to obtain once you purchase the SPECACT DLC kit. 5,000
Engineer SPECACT Knowledge 100 kills using the Engineer SPECACT Kit. This is a simple grind achievement that isn't too hard to obtain once you purchase the SPECACT DLC kit. 5,000
Medic SPECACT Knowledge 100 kills using the Medic SPECACT Kit. This is a simple grind achievement that isn't too hard to obtain once you purchase the SPECACT DLC kit. 5,000
Recon SPECACT Knowledge 100 kills using the Recon SPECACT Kit. This is a simple grind achievement that isn't too hard to obtain once you purchase the SPECACT DLC kit. 5,000