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Future Stages[edit]

The next four stages take place in a future era. These are the last four stages before you reach the final boss stage. From this point on, if you lose all your lives and use a continue, you will always restart from Stage 17. The object that you must collect throughout each stage appears to be ROM cartridges. Protect your life as much as possible.

These bipedal robots have a harder time preventing themselves from falling into the holes you create. They are also to robots which carry items about. Be sure to foil as many as you can to collect items that will make completing these stages easier.

The larger rolling robots are a bit smarter, and will not fall into holes so easily. Be aware, all robots are quite fast. You may not find it so easy to keep away from them once they start chasing you down.

Stage 17[edit]

There's a little bit of everything in this stage. Some bombing, some springboards, and some warping. The lower left corner where you start is fairly wide open, and leaves you prone to enemy attack. You first goal is to walk up to the top of the left side of the stage where you can collect some bombs. You may find it helpful to bomb the enemy spawn panels to reduce the number of robots chasing you, although you probably won't stick around in this area long enough for it to make a difference. Once you are loaded up on bombs, return south a little bit until you see the blocks to your left. Start blowing them up in order to reveal the two hidden cartridges inside. Then carefully make your way to the warp in the lower right hand corner. Only warp when the robot on the other side of the wall above you is moving away from the other warp. Collect the cartridges nearby, and use the springboard to leap to the left. Collect the cartridge where you land, and use the next springboard to collect the other cartridge below you. Then use the springboard to leap back out to the alley on your left. Proceed to the upper right hand corner, collecting any cartridges that you find, and head over to the exit on your left. Collect the last cartridge south of the exit, and escape.

Stage 18[edit]

This stage is divided into four distinct quadrants. This drastically cuts down on the number of enemies you have to deal with at one time. Clear the lower left quadrant that you start in, and proceed to the warp near the center of the bottom of the stage. On the other side, you have two smart robots to deal with as you attempt to clear out all of the cartridges in the alleys. It may be better just to trap them and not bury them, and leave lots of holes behind for them to continuously fall into and climb out of. Head to the next warp near the center of the right wall, and move into the upper right quadrant. There is only one item providing robot here, but you'll have to head into its alley in order to collect all of the cartridges, and reach the springboard that will propel you into the final quadrant. In this last quadrant, there is one of each robot. Try to bury the item providing robot to collect an item that will give you an advantage while you clear out this final quadrant and run for the exit.

Stage 19[edit]

The biggest enemy in this stage won't be the robots, it will be your own patience. If you are not careful, and do not clear the stage of cartridges before using the springboards to leap into the center with the exit, you will become trapped and have to wait for all of your remaining time to run out before you are allowed to try again. Looking at the stage layout, you may be able to surmise that it is possible to loop around the entire stage in a counter-clockwise direction, but not in a clockwise direction because of the single springboard in the upper right hand corner. Therefore, it is best to head right along the bottom of the stage, and then up along the right hand side. When you have clear out the top section, use the springboard to hop over the water. Being very careful to avoid the robots who might approach you, be sure to collect all three cartridges that are place around the wall surrounding the exit, as well as the two cartridges placed up at the top. Then continue on to clear the upper left hand corner, and head back down to the start. To reach the island below the exit, you must use the springboard on the right side. Once there, you must collect the last two cartridges on the far ends of the island while avoiding one smart robot. Finally, when you are glowing, and are sure the stage is clear, use the springboard on the narrow island to reach the exit in the center.

Stage 20[edit]

You've made it to the final stage of the futuristic era, and it is surprisingly straightforward. No hidden items, no bombs, no warps, and no springboards. Not even terribly open areas where you can get ambushed. After everything you've been through, you'll find this stage considerably easy. Little to no walkthrough should be necessary at this point. Simply continue down each alley in an effort to locate and collect all of the cartridges. Trap and bury each robot as you encounter them. Once you collect every cartridge, head through the exit. One more bonus room separates you from the final stage in the game, or possibly being sent back to repeat the stage again if you uncover the wrong warp tile.