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Windows Action
 W  Move forward
 S  Move back
 A  Move left
 S  Move right
 R  Reload
 E  Action
 Z   X   C  Voice commands
 K  Microphone
Mouse left click Fire weapon
Mouse wheel Switch weapon
 Q  Quick weapon switch

The most effective way for beginners to shoot is to use bursting, that is, firing for 3-5 shots then releasing to control recoil. More advanced users will use the click-click-click method of rapid clicking to reduce recoil further, but this takes practice. Another effective way of killing when pressured is 'spray and pray'. This is where the user holds down fire until the enemy dies. This is ineffective at long range due to recoil but at close range, it can be effective if the player can move the mouse against the direction for recoil while firing.