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Ability-granting enemies[edit]

Sparky Rocky
Sparkies will jump around on the ground. If Kirby gets close, they will pause to shoot electricity around them. They grant the Spark ability. Rockies are very heavy and usually just walk around slowly. They make a noticeable sound and shockwave whenever they land. They grant the Stone ability.
Flamer Floaty the Drifter
These disc-shaped enemies will often try to drop down to Kirby's current position, than shoot forward at Kirby. They grant the Burning ability. Floaty the Drifters are living parasols that usually jump around on the ground. Waddle Dees sometimes hold them to slow their fall. They grant the Parasol ability
Spikey Load Kibble
Spikeys will extend the spikes on their back at Kirby when he gets close. They grant the Needle ability. Load Kibbles try to harm Kirby by throwing bladed boomerangs. They grant the Cutter ability.
Master Pengy
Master Pengies slide along the ground on their bellies, and can breath ice at Kirby to freeze him. They grant the Ice ability.

Miscalleanous enemies[edit]

Waddle Dee Bronto Burt
Waddle Dees are one of the most common denizens of Dream Land. You can be sure to see a lot of them during your travels. Waddle Dees are usually very passive, only walking around at varying speeds and sometimes jumping. Some Waddle Dees are more hasty, running across the screen from behind, but they will be stopped in their tracks if Kirby faces them. Bronto Burts are common flying enemies. They have a variety of flight patterns, but the most common is a sine wave.
Cappy Blipper
There living mushrooms consist of two parts. Inhaling them will first remove their caps, revealing their living stalks underneath. You must either inhale them twice or attack them with a copy ability to defeat them. Blippers can often be found swimming around in water sections. As soon as they spot Kirby, they will attempt to chase after him.
Poppy Bros. Jr. Broom Hatter
Poppy Bros. Jr. are jesters that simply move around. You can often find them balancing on balls, or sometimes even tomatoes. These magical janitors are usually preoccupied with sweeping the floor to bother you, but they can hurt you if you touch them.
Shotzo Kabu
These invulnerable, stationary cannons often appear in levels to serve as obstacles. They can target where you are and fire cannonballs at you. Kabu are odd enemies, often floating and whizzing about at high speeds. They can often appear spontaneously to ambush you when you get close.
Squishy Gordo
These squids appear both underwater and on the ground. Either way, they mainly move in erratic vertical motions. Gordos are completely invincible spike balls. They are either stationary or move on a set path. Simply avoid them when you encounter them.
Scarfy Mumbies
These enemies' cute appearance hide a vile demeanor. Trying to inhale them will cause them to turn cyclop-like and chase after you, after which they will self-destruct. Whether you kill them with an attack or they end explode by themselves, there will be a moderately large blast that can damage you if you're too close. Mumbies, like Scarfies, cannot be inhaled. They passively float around the screen, and can sometimes appear out of thin air.
Glunk Elieel
Glunks can be found in and out of the water, attached to different surfaces. They spit projectiles out in the direction they're facing. These eels often dwell in pipes, leaping out when Kirby gets close enough. After doing so, they will simply hop across the ground.
Crack-Tweet Bouncy Ty
This enemy first appears as an egg. If Kirby attacks it or gets near, the chick inside will emerge, after which it will simply jump around. Attack it once more to defeat it. Bouncy Ty can leap far and high with their springs.
Propeller Bomb Sir Slippy
Propeller Bombs are threatening enemies due to their ability to instantly remove your Animal Friend. They are harmless if you approach them alone, but they will actively chase after you if you are accompanied with an Animal Friend. While chasing you, they also gain increased health, being uuninhaleable and taking a lot more hits to kill. However, Propeller Bombs will give up if you manage to evade them long enough. Sir Slippies are frogs which are usually found swimming underwater. If you see them on the surface, they will hop around on the ground.
Blade Butch
These swordsmen is commonly found along the halls of Dark Castle. They cannot be inhaled and their swords can nullify projectiles. Adept at throwing axes, these enemies can use their axes as boomerangs and even detonate them in midair. They cannot be inhaled.
Masher swing their huge maces around to attack. They cannot be inhaled.


Efreeti Jumpershoot
Efreeti's attack pattern is simple. It will hop around the screen to get into position, then charge at Kirby as a large fireball. It can either launch itself horizontally or diagonally downward. It creates stars that can be inhaled whenever it charges into a wall or the floor. Efreeti grants the Burning ability. This living parasol can rotate itself rapidly to fly around the screen. It can also toss its slippers at Kirby, which can be inhaled and spit back to damage it. Jumpershoot grants the Parasol ability.
Master Green Mr. Frosty
Master Green has power over electricity, which it can manifest as lightning bolts that it shoots at Kirby. It can also surround itself with electricity, as well as send an electric wave travelling across the ground. Lastly, it can create a star and launch it at Kirby, which can be inhaled and used against it. Master Green grants the Spark ability. Mr. Frosty will frequently run across the room, trying to grab Kirby. If he succeeds, he will freeze Kirby and throw him across the room. Mr. Frosty can also generate ice cubes and toss them at Kirby, which can be inhaled and spit back to do damage. Mr. Frosty grants the Ice ability.
Blocky Waiu
Blocky is a simple mid-boss. He will attempt to ram into Kirby or jump up high and try to land on Kirby. Whenever it slams into a wall or the ground, it creates stones that can be inhaled and spit back to damage it. Blocky grants the Stone ability. Waiu is a tricky mid-boss, being able to move around so quick it creates images of itself. It can also throw fiery projectiles and slash with its katana. Lastly, Waiu can throw cutter blades at Kirby. Once the blades bounce of the wall, they can be inhaled and launched back at Waiu. Waiu grants the Cutter ability.
Captain Stitch
Captain Stitch is unique in that it is completely invulnerable while it is surrounded by spikes. However, it often sheds its spikes while attacking Kirby. It will either charge into a wall or launch its spikes at Kirby. the spikes can be inhaled to be used against Captain Stitch. It grants the Needle ability.


Whispy Woods Nruff and Nelly
Whispy Woods will start out by throwing apples at you, which can be inhaled and spat back at him. He can also attack with his spiky roots, and once his health drops below half, blow air bullets that can hurt you. Nruff will run along one of the three levels in his arena, accompanied by Nellies. He can also toss bombs around the screen. The Nellies can be inhaled and spat back against Nruff to damage him.
Sweet Stuff Ice Dragon
The battle with Sweet Stuff takes place entirely underwater. It can summon starfish, Squishies and even Gordos to attack you, fire beams at you from its angler, or charge across the screen. Attacking the starfish will send them flying back at Sweet Stuff, which does significant damage if it hits. Despite its chubby appearance, the Ice Dragon can hover in the air with its tail. Other than the usual charging and leaping at you, it can also freeze you with its icy breath, kick a wave of ice across the ground, and cause icicles to fall from the ceiling. The icicles can be inhaled to be used against the Ice Dragon.
Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright Kracko and Co-Krackos
Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright team up to attack you. When you're fighting Mr. Shine, he will throw fireballs or charge at you, while Mr. Bright will cause a meteor shower to occur. When fighting Mr. Bright, he will also throw projectiles and try to charge at you, while Mr. Shine unleashes a rain of fire at the ground. They can also team up to perform a screen-covering eclipse attack. Both the stars from the meteor shower and the stars generated by the fiery torrent can be inhaled and used as weapons against them. Kracko starts out by peeking at you from the clouds and firing a short sweeping beam. It will then leap out, followed by Co-Krackos, then launch its spheres at you, or surrounding itself with the spheres and exploding them. Once it is defeated once, Kracko enters its second phase, letting it rain electric water at the ground or send a beam that can travel in multiple directions. The Co-Krackos and the spheres from Kracko's first form can be inhaled and spat back at Kracko.
King Dedede
The possessed king will often doze off in the middle of battle, giving you chances to do more damage. As for his attacks, he can try to clobber you with his hammer, leap across the screen toward you, dive tackle you or try to inhale you and spit you out. Once you hit him multiple times, he will become angry and his attacks will have explosions added to them. He can also launch projectiles at you after failing to inhale you. King Dedede creates plenty of stars from his attacks that can be inhaled and used to damage him, but inhaling the stars is much easier than done.
Dark Matter
Dark Matter has two phases, and both of them are fought in midair with the Rainbow Sword. In his first phase, he can slash with the sword of his own or shoot beams with his blade. He can also charge across the screen or charge up a dark sphere and send it at you. The sphere can be attacked to deflect it back at Dark Matter, doing significant damage to it. For its second phase, Dark Matter can launch its scales at you, charge across the screen, shoot lasers in a circle and launch lightning that streaks across the screen. The scales, like the dark bolt, can be attacked to deflect them back at Dark Matter for increased damage.