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Ghost Town[edit]

After landing, follow the path through the mess and to a large door (check nearby for salvage). Continue through and fend off the mechs, then check the nearby bunks for a medi-gel and more salvage. Open the door and...surprise!!! It's Tali. It seems you and she have a common goal once again, so it's time to help her search for her missing quarian. Outside you'll have to fend off a wave of flying drones. Dispatch them and head inside the next building to find a med kit. Head toward the loading dock to find even more drones and another med kit. Now use Left dpad and Right dpad to send your squad mates to covered firing positions. When you're ready to begin this little boss battle, take cover right in front of the door.


15 Gamerscore points
Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries
8 entries

The YMIR Mech has a few layers of defense and some powerful weapons. Use cover but don't stay in any one place for too long. Make use of Miranda's Overload and disruptor ammo (if you have access to it) to more easily take down the YMIR's shield. Once its shield fails, use Jacob's incendiary ammo and Miranda's Warp to put a sizable dent in its armor plating. When the armor gives, hit it with everything you've got left to turn it into slag.

With the mech down, explore the area for a med kit and some iridium. Don't forget to check the nearby remains of the YMIR for a Heavy Weapon Ammo upgrade — a piece of research data. Now enter through the closed door here to find Veetor. He seems... distant and will need some help to talk to you. During this scene you will be given the option of performing an interrupt; if you have a higher Paragon score you can perform a Paragon interrupt (LT button), interfering with the computer monitors, while if your Renegade score is higher you can perform a Renegade interrupt (RT button), shooting a computer screen with your pistol. Performing either of these actions will force him to pay attention to you. After discover the culprit behind the attack on this colony you can either release Veetor to Tali's custody, or take him back with you. Despite there being an option for it, Tali is unable to join you.

As you're debriefed by the Illusive Man it will become clear that you need to assemble a new team. You're given a handful of dossiers and a personal pilot. Yup, Joker's back. And it seems Cerberus has given you both a shiny new present. A brand new ship, the Normandy SR2. Before moving on, take some time to get to know the crew of the new Normandy and you'll pick up a few assignments from the ship's cook, engineers, and doctor. Check out some of the controls of the Normandy as well for some additional codex entries.