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File:KotORII Map Secret Tomb.png
Map of the secret tomb

Shyrack Cave[edit]

The entrance from the Shyrack Cave is in the middle of the left side of the secret tomb. Within the tomb, Force point regeneration rate is doubled for a dark side (alignment 40 or less) character, whereas a light side (60 or more) character regenerates no Force at all unless using items with Regenerate Force Points bonuses.

Cost of Force powers is also reduced by 5 if dark side and increased by 5 if light side, after alignment adjustment but before any Force form increase.

Entry Chamber[edit]

You walk down a hallway to a door which opens as you reach it, letting you enter a chamber and triggering your first vision: Malak, standing before a line of five Jedi. You join them, with Cariaga Sin and Talvon Esan to your left, and Nisotsa, Xaset Terep and Bastila to your right. Malak speaks:

Malak: Do not heed the words of the Jedi Council. The Republic will fall if we do not act now. Already the Mandalorians have taken three systems along the Rim. They will only grow more powerful with time. Come stand with me. We will use our might to help the Republic in its time of need. Join Revan and I. Together, we will battle this menace.

Cariaga Sin goes over to Malak:

3. Enough games, draw your lightsaber and fight!
Malak: You would... fight your fate, Jedi? Violence before reason, excellent. You make a worthy addition to our ranks.

You engage in combat. Otherwise:

1. I've been here... This is when you recruited me for the Mandalorian War. 2. This is a test. All of this is just a test.
Malak: All life is a test. And sometimes the student can be a teacher, too. You know it even now.
Malak: The Jedi Council is wise, but will take too long to deal with this threat. We must act now to stop the Mandalorians. I have heard of you. Your masters speak well of you, of your skills in battle. Join us.

Talvon Esan goes over to Malak:

5. Do you know you're just a vision?
Malak: But the war is real. The suffering is real. The death toll the Mandalorians inflict are all very real.
1. I joined without hesitation. Against the wishes of the Council. 2. You won't take me to the dark side! 3. The war doesn't turn out how you expect. 6. I forgot how pompous Malak was before he tasted real power.
Malak: The Jedi Council is wise but can make mistakes. History has proven this time and time again. Malak: The dark side? This is survival. Malak: The Mandalorians must be stopped. And if the war ends with their defeat, then anything else is a small price to pay. Malak: I am proud that Revan and I will be taking up our lightsabers for the good of the Republic, without the blessings of the Council.
4. You should listen to the Jedi Council.

In every case:

Malak: The Council seems content to watch, to debate, while entire systems fall to the Mandalorians. If we don't act now, there may be no Republic army to assist in the future. I sense you will join us. What are your reasons?
3. The strongest of the order went there. I sensed opportunity. 4. I wanted to fight, to use my abilities to kill the enemy.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Malak: A wise decision. Conflict often reveals much hidden within a person... their true strength.


1. I had to do it. The Council was taking too long. The Mandalorians would've won. 2. I'm not going to tell you why. 5. Joining you was a mistake. A terrible mistake that haunts me to this day. 6. I couldn't sit by while so many suffered.
Malak: You should trust in yourself - and in your instincts. Malak: If you cannot examine your life and your choices, then you are weaker than I thought. Malak: Who we truly are is defined by our actions. To deny your actions is to deny yourself, your nature. You show weakness with your words. Malak: A good reason. Delay would have brought ruin, and there was much suffering. You had to act.

In every case, Nisotsa now goes over to Malak:

Malak: It was within our power to end the war. And the Council chose to debate behind closed doors while planets burned.
2. I still won't tell you anything. My reasons are my own.
Malak: This is pointless then. You stand alone in this, Jedi. Soon you will see things my way.

You engage in combat. Otherwise:

4. When aren't they wrong? They're misguided fools. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Malak: You have learned much. You no longer need to obey their hollow teachings.


1. We never gave them a chance to reveal their plan. 3. I think they were making a mistake. We barely won the war, just in time. 5. I don't know what they were planning. But I should've trusted in their wisdom.
Malak: Yes, that's right - without us the Republic would've been no more. And the Council...
Malak: Their vaunted wisdom bred only inaction. And that would've led to destruction greater than anything born of the dark side.

In every case, Xaset Terep now goes over to Malak:

Malak: So if you could do it all again... the real question is would you? The Mandalorians await on the edge of space eager to crush the Republic. You know how this turns out. Would you do it any different? Knowing what it costs you, knowing what it costs the rest.
1. I wouldn't do anything differently. My choices have made me the person I am today. 3. And miss the carnage of war? Never. 2. I would've heeded the Council's warning. 4. I already told you it was a mistake.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Malak: So knowing all that would transpire, would you still follow Revan and I? Excellent. Malak: So do you see so far that you know that it would be for the best? Such arrogance.

Finally, Bastila goes over to Malak:

Malak: And now you are all alone. Would you join me now? You didn't follow Revan and I down our path. Join us. Your journey hasn't ended yet.
1. Wait... Bastila didn't join you. She warned us all to obey the Council.
Malak: She didn't join us that day, but in time she came to our way of thinking. And even before then she wavered and wondered what would've happened. It is a familiar path... there were those who wished to follow you to war, yet remained behind. They came to hate you for the choices they wished to make.
3. What's in it for me?
Malak: More power than the Jedi can ever offer you.
2. I didn't follow you then, and I certainly won't now. 4. I will join you.
Malak: Are you so certain? Every step along the way we did what we thought was right. Perhaps the same path lays before you. But the time of words are done. Now it is time you experienced the full power of the dark side. Malak: The first lesson will be carved in your flesh. Pain is the ultimate teacher. And the lesson begins now.
Journal Entry Added A Hidden Power
You have entered the hidden tomb. The door sealed shut behind you. You'll have to find another exit.

You engage in combat, and every door remains locked until you've defeated Malak.

Bastila (main character level 28)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 80 (light)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 153
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude -70
Reflex -70
Will -71
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 23 17
Energy 6-726-72
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Clothing Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Jedi Defense27


Jedi (main character level 28)
Set 1
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 80 (light)
Awareness -1
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 4 -3
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 90
Force -
Defense 25
Fortitude -79
Reflex -79
Will -80
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 23 -
Energy 1-37-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Lightsaber or Lightsaber or Lightsaber or Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Jedi Defense26


Bastila and the four other Jedi are light side, and like all light characters (Alignment 60 or more) in the secret tomb they're granted Saves: All -100: such a huge penalty ensures they never save against your Force powers (they have none of their own). They simply disappear once they or Malak are defeated, and no experience is received.

Malak (main character level 28)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 22
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 15 +2
Wisdom 15 +2
Charisma 20 +5
Vitality 340
Force 42
Defense 36
Fortitude 90
Reflex 92
Will 91
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 29 -
Energy 9-63-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense30 Power Attack23

Death Field Force Push Force Lightning 33 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Force Breach Master Speed Improved Energy Resistance Force Armor Knight Valor Improved Heal

Thus you should focus on defeating Malak (although if you can debilitate the others with an area of effect Force power, then you can do so). Malak is dark side, and like all dark characters (Alignment 40 or less) in the secret tomb he's granted Saves: All +60: such a huge bonus makes it almost certain that he'll save against your Force powers.

If you are defeated:

[The final attack did not kill you. But you feel the taint of the dark side coursing through you.]
1. What is happening to me? 2. Kreia, what is this? 3. I feel... weak, like I've lost a part of myself.
[No response. You can still feel Kreia through the bond, but for whatever reason, she does not answer.]
Dark Side Points Gained: -6

In either case, Malak and any surviving Jedi disappear, and you regain up to 400 Force points:

Journal Entry Added A Hidden Power
You were confronted with a vision of the past, when Malak recruited you and other Jedi for the Mandalorian Wars. You had to choose whether or not to go with Malak and the others.

The only door that remains locked is the one through which you entered. The hallway beyond the left door turns right, and the chamber beyond the door at its end contains two Shyrack Wyrms, with rubble in the corner to the right of the entrance; the hallway beyond the right door turns left, and the chamber beyond the door at its end contains another two Shyrack Wyrms, with a wicket footlocker by the middle of its back wall.

Shyrack Wyrm (main character level 28)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 13
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 174
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 30
Reflex 31
Will 30
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 28 -
Bludgeoning 4-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Item(s) Received Rubble
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Shyrack Wyrm (4) (level 28)
Item(s) Received Wicker Footlocker
  • ?

Shyrack Breeding Grounds[edit]

There are two Shyrack Wyrms in the hallway beyond the door opposite the entrance:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Shyrack Wyrm (2) (level 28)

This hallway leads straight to a locked door, with a severed arm holding a datapad on the floor to the right:

Item(s) Received Severed Arm Holding Datapad This datapad is blown out and inoperable. However, its final message remains burnt into the display: "The others were confident they could sneak past the shyrak breeding grounds. I was ordered to lock the door and await their return. I hope they can find us a way out of this tomb. These visions threaten to break through all the discipline I've gained in my training."
Journal Entry Added Jedi Entombed: Bonus Mission
You discovered the datapad of a member of a Jedi expedition to explore the hidden tomb. Further exploration of the tomb may reveal what became of the members of the expedition.
Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 40

The breeding grounds contain 10 Shyrack Brood and 2 Shyrack Wyrms:

Shyrack Brood (main character level 28)
Set 1
Level 21
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 3 -4
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 341
Force -
Defense 25
Fortitude 19
Reflex 22
Will 20
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 23 -
Bludgeoning 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Shyrack Brood (10) (level 28)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Shyrack Wyrm (2) (level 28)

Chasm Room[edit]

The hallway exiting the top right corner of the Shyrack breeding grounds leads to a door, which triggers your second vision when opened, of five Republic soldiers led by a captain:

Republic Captain: Comm says we've lost another heavy droid transport. How can we break through the Mandalorian lines without support? The path is mined and the place is crawling with enemies. I know we've got our orders to press forward, but we're at quarter strength. We can't, General. It's impossible. We need to retreat.
1. This is Dxun... the heart of the Mandalorian crusade. 2. I remember we charged the line. The losses were... terrible. 3. We had to charge. Our forces were fully committed - we would either win the battle, or lose the war. There was no real choice.
Republic Captain: We know, General. But we just don't have enough men to accomplish our objective, no matter how important. Republic Captain: General, it would be suicide to go forward. There's just too few of us! Republic Captain: But we won't help by throwing our lives away to storm the path. Too many Mandalorians, too few of us.
4. The battle is an invaluable opportunity. We will fight on.

In every case:

Republic Captain: We already lost half the men just getting to the path. They've got the rest of the company pinned down by the crash site. You can't possibly ask the troops to go forward. If you ask us to charge, will it make a difference? Will our sacrifice mean something?
1. Only Revan could answer that. Even afterwards no one could piece together exactly what happened. We won, though. 2. Taking the path was just one of a hundred feints. It was unnecessary for victory. 3. War calls for blood. Yours was taken that day. Searching for meaning is pointless.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Republic Captain: We... we will press forward if you ask it. The path is mined. If you ask us to charge, there will be losses, General.
3. I stand by my decision. At the time it was the right thing to do. 4. We have orders, we follow them. 5. The only casualties that mattered in that war were Jedi. Now charge!
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Republic Captain: I'll tell the men, General. Everyone, you heard the General. Charge, charge!


Demolitions 1. [Demolitions (6)] Let me go first this time. I'll try and disable the mines. 2. Not this time, I'll go up there alone.
Republic Captain: Thank you, General. Thank you.

All doors are locked until the vision ends. The bridge across the middle of the chasm splitting the room is mined:

Awareness Average Frag Mine (6) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

If you disable, recover or trigger all of them:

Republic Captain: And now we fight!

Otherwise, you cannot speak to the soldiers but you can speak to their captain again to order the charge:

Republic Captain: General! Is the way clear?
1. Not yet. 2. [Lie] Yes, the path is clear. Go ahead, I'll cover you. 3. I have new orders for you. Charge!
Republic Captain: I'll tell the men, General. Everyone, you heard the General. Charge, charge!

Six Mandalorians rush into the room ready for battle on the opposite side of the chasm. You, the Republic soldiers and their captain charge across the bridge, triggering any remaining mines as the Mandalorians fire on you before engaging in melee combat.

Mandalorian (main character level 28)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Soldier
Alignment 0 (dark)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 174
Force -
Defense 33
Fortitude 91
Reflex 89
Will 89
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 28 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 28 -
Piercing 4-19-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Even if you made no effort to clear the mines, the Republic soldiers and their captain should still be able to defeat the Mandalorians without you (albeit with heavier losses). However, these Mandalorians are dark side and thus granted Saves: All +60, making it almost certain that they'll save against your Force powers.

If you are defeated then, as with the first vision, the final attack doesn't kill you but you move (much) closer to the dark side of the Force. In either case, any survivors disappear and you regain up to 400 Force points.

Having crossed the bridge, turn left up the path past the exit in the top right corner to the door in the middle of the top wall, beyond which is a chamber containing a Shyrack Wyrm; from the bridge turn right down the path to the door in the middle of the bottom wall, beyond which is a chamber containing another Shyrack Wyrm, with rubble by the left wall and a wicker footlocker in the back right corner.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Shyrack Wyrm (2) (level 28)
Item(s) Received Rubble
  • ?
Item(s) Received Wicker Footlocker
  • ?

Jedi Entombed[edit]

The hallway beyond the door in the top right corner of the chasm room leads to a chamber containing a Hssiss: there are also two Shyrack Wyrms in the hallway beyond the door in the bottom wall on the right, which turns left and ends in a locked door.

Hssiss (main character level 28)
Set 4
Level 21
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 8
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 255
Force 85
Defense 39
Fortitude 33
Reflex 33
Will 33
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 33 -
Slashing 8-44-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 450 Killed Hssiss (level 28)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Shyrack Wyrm (2) (level 28)
Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 40

The chamber beyond has rubble in the corner to the right of the door, and a dead Jedi lying between four pillars in the middle. However, selecting this dead Jedi causes two Hssiss to appear every time (unless the Restored Content Mod is installed), which can be exploited to gain levels.

Item(s) Received Rubble
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 450 Killed Hssiss (2) (level 28)
Item(s) Received Dead Jedi This is the journal of the Jedi Nebelish. Most of the data has been purposefully deleted. One entry remains: "The visions. The visions! They thought to trick me by taking the form of my fellow Jedi, but my discipline is so strong - I tricked them back. One fell to the shyrack, and the others fell to my lightsaber."
Journal Entry Added Jedi Entombed: Bonus Mission
You found the corpse of the Jedi Nebelish. From what you can piece together, it appears several Jedi came to investigate this tomb. Some fell to the tomb's traps, and the rest were slain by Nebelish, who was driven mad by the visions.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Found corpse of Jedi Nebelish

Meditation Spot[edit]

Beyond the door in the top wall of the first Hssiss chamber is a hallway leading to a meditation spot, where your third vision, Kreia, awaits. She speaks as you enter:

Kreia: You are to be commended for making it this far.
1. Kreia? What are you doing here? 2. If you knew of a shortcut to get to here, why didn't you tell me? 3. It's good to see a friendly face in here.
Kreia: You've revisited the dark moments of your past, and now you must face the present.
1. What do you mean? 2. I am ready for whatever this tomb will throw at me. 3. Yes, there had better be some very worthwhile presents for enduring this tomb. 4. Oh I get it. This is another vision. You're not really Kreia.
Kreia: Your confusion is natural. The others and I will help you understand.
1. The others? 2. What others? We are alone here. 3. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Atton: Get away from her! She's a dark Jedi!
1. Atton? Where did you come from? 2. Why do you say that? 3. No, Atton. This is just a vision, not Kreia. 4. Okay, I'll play along. What makes you think Kreia is a dark Jedi?
Kreia: Atton, I've had enough of your snide contempt!
1. Kreia, calm down! 2. You should really back down, Atton. 3. Despite our differences, we need to work together.
Kreia: I will protect myself from this foul-mouthed ruffian! Atton: No, I won't allow her to corrupt you! I will protect you, even from yourself.
Bao-Dur: Hey, what's the commotion here?
Kreia: Stay out of this Bao-Dur! This is a personal dispute between Atton and myself.
Bao-Dur: You're threatening Atton with a lightsaber, and I'm supposed to just stay out of it? No!
1. Can I just say something? 2. Everybody, put away your weapons! 3. Why do I even bother?
T3-M4: Boo? Beep bee bee!
Kreia: The three of you would challenge me? You sorely underestimate the power of the force.

Handmaiden appears, or Disciple (if he's joined your party):

Atton: Think again, Kreia! Your dark influence will end!
Kreia: Your "friends" are all arrayed against me. Will you stand for this?
1. What they are doing is wrong. I will stand with you, Kreia.
Kreia: I will be honest with you. I have fallen to the dark side. Does this change your decision?
1. I will protect you, Kreia, so that you may be redeemed later. 2. We are on the same side, you and I. 3. You are a dark Jedi? Then you must die! 4. I won't protect a Dark Jedi. I'll just step back and let my friends deal with you.
Light Side Points Gained: +4 Dark Side Points Gained: -2


2. My friends are right, Kreia. You have been manipulating me from the very beginning.
Kreia: You of all people would judge me so? Am I not worthy of redemption?
1. You are right Kreia. I will defend you, so that you may live to pursue redemption. 2. You are beyond redemption, Kreia. Prepare to die! 3. Okay, I won't attack you. But I won't stop my companions from doing so.
Light Side Points Gained: +2 Dark Side Points Gained: -2

In either case, if you choose to defend her then the rest of your party is hostile, and if you choose to attack her then only she is hostile. If you choose to do nothing, then everyone is hostile:

3. I think I'll just stand back and watch. 4. You are all just visions anyway. It doesn't matter what I do.
Kreia: So you will do nothing? Apathy is death. Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects.
Atton: Apathy is death.
Bao-Dur: Apathy is death.
T3-M4: Bee bee beep tweet tweet!
Disciple: Apathy is death. Handmaiden: Apathy is death.
Kreia: Apathy is death.
Journal Entry Added A Hidden Power
The third vision pitted all of your companions against Kreia. You had to choose whether to defend an evil Kreia, attack her, or do nothing.

The doors at the ends of the two hallways exiting the chamber are locked until the vision ends. The rest of your party are paper tigers at this point: inflicting any damage dispels them, so if hostile then a single use of a damaging area of effect Force power like Force Wave or Force Storm defeats them all in a single round.

Kreia (main character level 28)
Set 2
Level 40
Class Jedi Consular
Alignment 0 (dark)
Awareness 8
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 340
Force 240
Defense 40
Fortitude 97
Reflex 97
Will 100
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 45 -
Energy 6-60-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Clothing Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Force Sensitive


The dark vision of Kreia is much more substantial, although she has no Force powers: however, since she's granted Saves: All +60, it's almost certain that she'll save against your own Force powers. If you defend her then after defeating your party she remains, and if you speak to her then you repeat the previous dialog and combat a second time: this is obviously a glitch. If you are defeated:

Dark Side Points Gained: -6

In either case, you regain up to 400 Force points.

Burial Chamber[edit]

The hallway exiting the meditation spot to the right leads to a door at the bottom of a slope, which opens to reveal your fourth and final vision: Darth Revan, with a dark vision of yourself to the right. If you've already completed Crafting a Lightsaber, then save game before entering:

1. Many people were wondering where the great Revan disappeared to. 2. So this is where the true Sith Lord is hiding. 3. It can't be... why are you here?

Darth Revan engages you in combat! The doors in the top, back and bottom walls are locked until the vision ends. He's granted Saves: All +60 so it's almost certain that he'll save against your Force powers.

Darth Revan (main character level 28)
Set 4
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 0 (dark)
Awareness 23
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 16 +3
Vitality 234
Force 63
Defense 40
Fortitude 101
Reflex 101
Will 100
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 31 31
Energy 11-839-81
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Lightsaber Lightsaber

Ignore Pain I Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Master Two-Weapon Fighting Advanced Jedi Defense32 Improved Power Attack27

Death Field Force Push Force Lightning 32 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Force Breach Master Speed Improved Energy Resistance Force Armor Knight Valor Improved Heal

Hidden Power[edit]

If Darth Revan defeats you then you only receive half the experience gained if you defeat him, otherwise the end is the same:

Kreia: You've succeeded in this trial. I am impressed.
4. I am sick of your counsel - and your voice inside my head. Influence Lost: Kreia (-8)
Kreia: We have been linked together in this manner for a reason. The dangers you faced here should have illuminated your need for fellowship.


1. This was all a test?
Kreia: The dangers you faced in this tomb were real, but these images of the past served to prepare you for your future.
2. Succeeded? I don't know, Kreia. I feel that this tomb has changed me... and not for the better. 2. I don't know, Kreia. I feel that this tomb has changed me... and not for the better.
Kreia: You overestimate the power of the tomb. Any change you feel is coming from within yourself. Instinctually, you know your true path. Trust in your feelings. They will lead you in conquering the many challenges that the future holds for you.
3. Was I supposed to learn something from this? 2. I do not need your preaching. 3. I want to talk about something else.
Kreia: Sometimes, a momentary insight is worth lifetimes of experience.
Kreia: You may not yet understand what you learned here. That wisdom will come in the future.
1. What do you know of the future?
Kreia: Surely you have felt what awaits... events are shaping themselves about you, seeking to draw you into their center.
1. I don't need anyone. I am powerful enough alone. 1. I knew such was my destiny - greatness is in my future.
Kreia: Take care not to give in to vanity and arrogance. This breeds complacency and stagnation, as exhibited by the Jedi Council. Their prolonged inaction led inevitably to their downfall. The galaxy will bend itself only to those of strength and conviction.
5. I'm ready to leave.
Kreia: Search the room you are in. You should be able to unlock a passage that leads outside the tomb.
Journal Entry Added A Hidden Power
You made it through the trials of the Hidden Tomb.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 2000 Defeated Darth Revan
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Defeated by Darth Revan
Item(s) Received Darth Revan

All doors in the burial chamber are now unlocked, and you regain up to 400 Force points. You could already have opened the Sith sarcophagus in the middle of the burial chamber to find the mummified Ludo Kressh:

Item(s) Received Mummified Ludo Kressh Item(s) Received Mummified Ludo Kressh

Now you'll find rubble behind the door in the top wall to the left, and a wicker bin and footlocker behind the door in the bottom wall to the right:

Item(s) Received Rubble
  • ?
Item(s) Received Wicker Bin
  • ?
Item(s) Received Wicker Footlocker
  • ?

Shyrack Cave[edit]

Go through the door in the burial chamber's back wall to return to the Shyrack cave, where a sealed door now prevents you from re-entering the tomb.