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Revision as of 17:04, 13 May 2024 by Ewasser33 (talk | contribs) (Took out unnecessary info regarding Arcanine)
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Now that you have calmed the sea and its inhabitants are back to normal, are you able to take a vacation?

In Ringtown

Vacation time!

Use the Dragonite Bus and go to Ringtown to talk to Spenser. He's amazed that you caught a Kyrogue and says it been a lot of huge missions lately. He asks if you are tired and if you say yes, he will tell you that Cameron has planned a vacation stay for you and Solana/Lunick in Summerland. He tells you to meet up with them in Summerland. Murph says he'll handle things in Ringtown while you are gone. You will automatically be flown to Summerland

In Summerland

Upon arrival, you realize that it's extremely hot in Summerland and you head into the base where Cameron talks to you. He mentions that it's a terrible time for a vacation here due to the abnormal heat waves and earthquakes. He also says that Solana/Lunick went to the Jungle Relic to investigate the underground volcano and he's lost contact with them. An earthquake happens and Cameron tells you that the vacation is canceled and you need to find Solana/Lunick at the Jungle Relic and then assigns you the mission to find out what's causing the anomalies along with Solana/Lunick.

Summerland Rescue Duo!

Beginning Summerland Rescue Duo!

When you are ready head out of the base and the screen cuts out then you are in the Jungle Relic. Go all the way right and capture the Electrike. When trying to capture it, build up your Partner's Gauge.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Electrike ElectrikeRecharge Electric2

After this, go left and then up. You will find a Lava Pool blocking your path to go up. It requires 3x Soak to get rid of.

Lava Pool blockibg your way

The only way for now is to take the path left all the way to where the fire challenge entrance is and catch the Rhydon next to the stairs as you need its 3x Crush field move.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Rhydon RhydonCrush Crush Crush Ground8

Once captured head up the stairs and you will find Plusle/Minun next to a big rock. Use Rhydon to break it and Solana/Lunick will come out. They say a tremor happened and they got trapped due to the rock falling. After they thank you, you guys hear a roar. Head into the cave entrance and go left to find 2 Poliwrath.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Poliwrath PoliwrathSoak Soak Soak Water11

Encounter them at the same time and use Minun/Plusle to paralyze them then capture them both at the same time. If you happened to take damage then use Electrike to recharge.

Go out of the cave and go right then take the path all the way up to find a Magmar whom you should capture to help you later on. After capturing it then go down both flights of stairs and capture a Beldum. Go back up the stairs and go left to find a Manectric whom you should capture for recharging purposes later on. If you didn't use Electrike then release it.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Magmar MagmarBurn Burn Fire6
Beldum BeldumTackle Psychic5
Manectric ManectricRecharge Recharge Electric3

Once done the head back to the lava pool and use Poliwrath to extinguish it.

Head all the way up to the next area and continue going up to the stairs. To the right is a lone Go-Rock grunt who you'll take care of in a second. Go up the stairs and capture the Manectric. Ho back down the stairs and confront the grunt. She says she is trying to revive the Go-Rock Squad by starting with petty crimes. She then attacks you with 2 Metang for interfering.

The last Go-Rock grunt attacking you with 2 Metang
PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Metang MetangTackle Tackle Psychic8

Quickly loop around both Metang to trap them in a fake capture then use Magmar and loop around them to form fire inside your loops to complete the capture. The grunt says it's silly to revive a squad since she's by herself. Go down the stairs into the next area. Go right then down to take the stairs to the next area. Go left and up until you see a save machine and stairs. Take the stairs and go up through the next area then inter the cave entrance. Inside here is an Arcanine.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Arcanine ArcanineBurn Burn Burn Fire7

Use Minun/Plusle to paralyze Arcanine then complete the capture. When done, go back through the previous areas to get to the save machine. Go left, pick up the Manectric if you used one of yours already, and take the stairs to the right to go to the next area.

Follow the path up and you will find a few Charmander and Charmeleon. Capture one of each for your Browser.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Charmander CharmanderBurn Fire3
Charmeleon CharmeleonBurn Burn Fire5

While on your way to Charmeleon you will see a hole in the ground. After you capture Charmeleon, go down this hole to the next area.

The hole to jump down to proceed in the mission

After you jump down, a cutscene will happen with an earthquake occurring and a door opens up. Head up and go through the door to find out what's inside. Inside in none other than the Legendary Pokémon Groudon! Solana/Lunick are surprised to see it up close in person and they say it's in pain and you should capture it.

Finding Groudon
PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Groudon GroudonNoneGround17

Groudon can be a brutal capture if you don't use a Poké Assist as it frequently fires beams and its large with requiring 16 loops. It also starts the battle with shooting out a fire circle which expands the whole screen. Luckily, you have a Poliwrath to trap it inside a bubble! Once it's inside the bubble then complete the capture. Once captured, Solana/Lunick realize that Groudon has 4 gouges on its neck which were caused by Kyogre and it came here to heal resulting in it thrashing around in agony and starting the volcano. They treat the Groudon and say it can leave now then you leave as well. You report everything to Cameron and he apologizes for this ruining your vacation but Solana/Lunick say it was a blast and that they didn't mind. He then says the mission is completed.

Clearing Summerland Rescue Duo!

Mission Clear!

side note: Cameron jokes about the latest mission heating up passions between you and Solana/Lunick