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  • Escape from the Favela
  • Fight your way to Nikolai's LZ in the market
  • Reach to the secondary LZ
  • Get to the Pave Low at the south edge of the rooftops.


This mission starts where Takedown finished. Follow Captain MacTavish up the hill into a large open square where you are fired upon from buildings. Take cover behind the wall on the left hand side. Pick off the individual enemies on the buildings and move up when the area is clear. After it is clear, make your way down the street, go into the house on the right for the first piece of intelligence in this mission. Continue down the road, go on the raised area on the left hand side and kill all the enemies near the house, it should be fairly easy because of the height advantage. After most of the enemies are dead, rush towards the door of the house, around 3 enemies will come out, kill them by firing from the hip, then go inside and go up to the top floor, they may be two enemies there if your team haven't killed them. After the enemies on the balcony are dead, shoot the remaining enemies on the ground, then get out of the house and go round the left hand side, there will be some intelligence on some barrels. After you go forward, the game should save.

Shoot any enemies you can see then go into the house straight in front of you. There may be an enemy inside, kill them if they're there, then continue forward to the next house, throw a flashbang through the door the kill the enemies through the window. Go prone in the doorway and more enemies will come, kill them then throw a flashbang to your left onto the rooftop outside, go out and kill the remaining enemies. Go into the house on the left if you feel you need to recover, then go back outside and kill everyone in the next building. Your team should move up and tell you to go into an alley. Firstly, on the other side of the road to the alley is some intelligence. Get it, then go down the alley, kill the one enemy through the door and the two on the roof, you may also want to clear the three remaining troops on the ground to the right. If you want to do this then hide in the building and wait for them to come to you. After the ally has been cleared out, go back the way you come and rendezvous with your team. Depending on how far they've moved up, you might or might not have to shoot some enemies coming from the right, if you do, then there will be a lot more enemies to kill. Kill any that you can see, then rush to use their cover. There will be a good place to cover near two fences, kill the enemies in the open-topped truck then pick off the rest.

After the game saves, continue forward and turn left, on the left-hand side of the next area there will be a white door, enemies will kick it down when you get close, kill them then go prone in here, after you're recovered, look through the other side of the room and kill all the enemies, then go backwards and check for any survivors. If there aren't any, go down the left hand side to tackle the next area. There will be two or three enemies in the alleyway then carefully pick off the enemies. After they are all dead, in the middle of this area, there will be a lot of cages with chickens in close together, kill these and any other chickens you see until you get the achievement. Then continue on to the LZ. As soon as you see the area, rush across the football pitch to get the intelligence inside a window behind the far goalposts. Now kill any enemies to your sides and follow your team to the helicopter.

Colonel Sanderson

10 Gamerscore points
Colonel Sanderson
Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in 'The Hornet's Nest'.

You will miss the jump and fall down, you will now be unarmed so you have to be careful. Rush forward into the house and go right through the room, after yo go through the house, exit and rush down the alleyway in front of you. Rush through the door and up the stairs of the house and you will find yourself back on the rooftops. Rush forward and to the right and you will find some wooden walkways, go over these to the objective, then go directly to the right. Go forward and follow the instructions to go left when you are told, slide down the roof and walk forward until you feel you're in sprinting distance of the final jump, this is probably the hardest bit. Sprint and jump to finish the mission.


25 Gamerscore points
Complete 'Takedown' and 'The Hornet's Nest' on Veteran Difficulty.


  • At the start of the mission, where the enemies shoot from, there will be two houses on the left, inside the rightern-most house there will be a piece of intelligence.
  • After fighting outside a large multicoloured house, go round the left of this house, the intelligence will be outside on top of two barrels at the side of the house.
  • When you are told to go down an alley, on the right hand side of the road, there will be a building, on the top floor there will be some intelligence.
  • After Nikolai fails to land, you will be near a football pitch, behind the far goalposts there will be a window, the intelligence is in this window.