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Like many other computer games, the PC version of Quake 2 has highly customizable controls. The default controls are more or less a template that players can modify to suit their needs. Furthermore, customization of controls expands further than what is available in the menus. Players can bind keys using Quake 2's powerful console (accessed via tilde or  ~ ).

For example, a player can type the command "bind g god; give weapons" to set the  G  key to toggling invulnerability and giving all weapons. Quake 2's quick save feature is also a similar command string. According to the config.cfg file where the player's configuration is stored, quick save is the following command: bind F6 "echo Quick Saving...; wait; save quick" The quick load command is similar.

Action Default control Console Command
Fire weapon  CTRL  or Mouse left click +attack
Forward  ↑  +forward
Backpedal  ↓  +back
Turn left  ←  +left
Turn right  →  +right
Jump  SPACE  +moveup
Run  SHIFT  +speed
Strafe  ALT  +strafe
Strafe left  ,  +moveleft
Strafe right  .  +moveright
Crouch  c  +movedown
Look up  a  or  pgdown  +lookup
Look down  z  or  delete  +lookdown
Show full inventory  TAB  inven
Use inventory item  ENTER  invuse
Drop inventory item  '  invdrop
Previous inventory item  [  invprev
Next inventory item  ]  invnext
Use invulnerability item  i  use invulnerability
Use rebreather item  b  Use rebreather
Use environment suit item  e  use environment suit
Use power shield item  p  use power shield
Use quad damage item  q  use quad damage
Switch to Blaster  1  use blaster
Switch to Shotgun  2  use shotgun
Switch to Super Shotgun  3  use super shotgun
Switch to Machinegun  4  use machinegun
Switch to Chaingun  5  use chaingun
Switch to Grenade Launcher  6  use grenade launcher
Switch to Rocket Launcher  7  use rocket launcher
Switch to HyperBlaster  8  use hyperblaster
Switch to Railgun  9  use railgun
Switch to BFG10K  0  use bfg10k
Open console  ~  toggleconsole
Open main menu  ESCAPE  togglemenu
Open save menu  F2  menu_savegame
Open load menu  F3  menu_loadgame
Open controls menu  F4  menu_keys
Open server menu  F5  menu_startserver
Quick Save  F6  save quick
Quick Load  F9  load quick
Quit screen  F10  menu_quit
Take screenshot  F12  screenshot
Open mission/help menu  F1  cmd help
Show multiplayer score  x  score
Chat  t  messagemode
Pause game  PAUSE  pause
Salute motion  j  wave 1
Taunt motion  k  wave 2
Wave motion  l  wave 3
Point motion  u  wave 4
Middle finger motion  h  wave 5