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The Chinese Market is where the game's prologue takes place. You will be playing as either Joe or Charlie, depending on which mode has been chosen; the Theatrical Cut, Movie Night, and the first player in Shared Story cover Joe's perspective. The Curator's Cut and the second player in Shared Story cover Charlie's perspective. The differences between the two perspectives here are minimal, as this prologue also serves as the game's tutorial, nor are there any collectibles to be found.

Dockside Market[edit]

If the player character is Joe, he will go to the fortune teller first. If the player character is Charlie, he will go to the training dummy first.

The fortune teller serves as an introduction to making choices and interacting with objects. Joe and Charlie can choose to act skeptical with the fortune teller (head choice) or ask a serious question (heart choice). They can then choose which tile to pick up, with each of these also constituting a head or a heart choice. However, regardless of the choice made here, Joe and Charlie are unhappy with their fortunes.

Karate Master

10 Gamerscore points
Karate Master
Beat the Training Dummy

The training dummy serves as an introduction to action sequences, made up of QTEs. To view the order of the QTE, click below. Performing this entire sequence successfully will unlock an achievement/trophy. If playing as Charlie, he will move on to the fortune teller. If playing as Joe, the two will head back toward their ship.

Training Dummy QTE
  • Punch the top-left with R2 button.
  • Punch the bottom-left.

The dummy will then speed up, represented by a timer added to the targets. If the targets are not punched in time, the dummy will attack back and the game will end. The next sequence is as follows:

  • Punch the top-right.
  • Punch the top-left.

The dummy will then speed up once again, attacking before Joe or Charlie can target it. The sequence is as follows:

  • Dodge with Circle button.
  • Dodge with Square button.
  • Dodge with Circle button.

The final sequence consists of attacks mixed with dodging, as follows:

  • Punch the top-left.
  • Punch the bottom-right.
  • Dodge with Circle button.
  • Punch the bottom-right.
  • Dodge with Circle button.
  • Punch the bottom-left.
  • Dodge with Square button.
  • Dodge with Circle button.
  • Punch the top-left.


If playing as Joe, he will wake up in the ship's sick bay. He can investigate the picture on the bedside table, the locked door next to it, and the locker across the room. Pick up the key that falls out of the locker and use it on the locked door. Walk down the hall to find Charlie. If playing as Charlie, he will wake up in the brig. He can investigate the blood on the wall, the letter on the desk, the letter on the shelf, and the safe by the door, but otherwise must wait for Joe's arrival. Once Joe frees Charlie, he can also investigate the brig, but this has no effect on the story. Continue down the hall to trigger a "keep calm" sequence. This requires you to press the button prompted as the line above it overlaps with the blue spaces that represent heartbeats. Continue down the hall after the man runs off.

Interact with the door at the end of the hall, repeatedly pressing Cross button to force it open. Keep following the only path and eventually Joe will pick up a gun while Charlie picks up a knife. In the scene that follows, the pair are split up, and they will each be forced to make some quick decisions. However, regardless of the actions taken here, the outcome will remain the same. The game's main cast will then be introduced in the present day.