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Quest mode is a gameplay mode available only on quest servers. It pits players in a team of up to four against NPC monsters which increase in number as players go to higher levels of quest mode. To progress through a quest mode game, destroy every NPC in a room to advance to the next room. After all rooms have been cleared, items gained throughout the mission are distributed to each participant. In addition to standard scenarios, there are boss scenarios, gained through the sacrifice of quest items in different combinations in the waiting room. NPC attacks in any scenario can be physical or magical depending on the monster, with magic abilities having various effects, from healing NPCs, to slowing down players.

Players normally carry automatic weapons such as machine guns, rifles and submachine guns, because of their large ammo capacity. Revolvers and pistols are sometimes also brought for their larger ammo capacity over the shotgun, and rocket launchers may be brought for their splash effect on hitting the ground or an enemy.


Easy as pie. Nothing else. Until you start upgrading the levels of the quest. Bigger enemies come at you and kill you immediately. For beginners, this is where their first quest begins.


Note here that these stages don't come in order. They have to be random.

  • Hallway: Common area. Pretty simple. Shoot down all the enemies you want. You should be able to get through this one.
  • Hallway 2: This hallway is different. It has a really long hall sort of shaped like a U with no curves. Both ends are where most monsters appear, so stay in the middle of the hallway and shoot.
  • Garden: Its a big area taken from the Garden level except at daytime and the huge pillar in the center is gone. Standing on top of the huge garden walls can help you - unless there's Goblin Gunners, then just kill them first before attacking the others.
  • Hall: If you've been in a lot of duel matches, you know this place a lot. This is also known to be the place where you fight the Goblin King. Your best plan would be to move and shoot.
  • Staircase: This isn't as big as it looks to be. It's actually very tight and it was taken off from the underground area from the Garden level. No center pit, so it's easier. However, most people die here, so it's best to kill the goblins before they reach you!
  • Cellar: Square room with pillars and torches. This room is wide open but not much jumping range. The best you can do is walk around shooting monsters.
  • Library: Yep, directly from the Mansion. Unlike the mansion version, you cannot stand on the bookshelves, so this level isn't as easy as you think it would be.
  • Mansion: Not really a look on the mansion's real look. It's actually the center, having its 2nd floor lowered, no huge staircase, and no statue or chandelier.
  • Dining Room: Taken off the Mansion, this is a very tight room where goblins are free to attack you out of nowhere. Be careful, they can mob you just in an instant.

Mansion quest monsters

The mansion quest map is based off of the regular maps for Mansion and Garden, with the Goblin King as the boss.

  • Goblins are the "grunt" goblins, and carry daggers. Kill them last, as they cannot do much damage unless there's a large mob.
  • Goblin Gunners are the "rifler" goblins and fire at you with their rifles. They generally aren't too dangerous, but too many can quickly overwhelm you.
  • Goblin Wizards are the "healer" goblins, and when up close, can do a Massive Strike, which can be dangerous, as it can stun you for a few seconds, which is enough time for a large mob of goblins to kill you. After killing any Elder Goblins, kill the Goblin Wizards.
  • Goblin Generals are the larger armored grunt goblins, and do more damage than Soldier Goblins.
  • Elder Goblin are the "shaman" goblins, and can fire fireballs and slow you down. Kill them first and stay near their corpse, as they sometimes drop Crimson's Necklace.
  • Palmpoa happens to be a tiny creature. Some people claim it to be very powerful. Found in other Gunz version.
  • Palmpou are the stronger versions. They cast an even more powerful attack.


  • Goblin King is the first boss that is in the Mansion quest. By combining what you found from the Armour Goblins, you can summon him. He is not really hard, but he is still powerful. Carrying a huge hammer, he can do a quick slash or pound you really hard. Sometimes he shoots fireballs at you.
    • Combination: Crimson's Necklace + Goblin's Skull
    • Quest Item: Goblin King's Skull, Goblin Rocket and Goblin hat(either man or women)
  • Cursed Pampoa/The Death to Many is a little tiny creature, however powerful. It's mighty attack can destroy you immediately. Its attacks cause stars to fall on you with a powerful impact. This boss is hard to do.
    • Combination: Cursed Pampow Doll
  • Quest Item: N/A


Fairly hard quest. It gets really hard when you first start, and it gets harder too. Right when you hit level 2, you will have to face some of the hardest bosses in the game.


  • Stone Room (Quest 1, Stage 1): First room only appearing in level 1. Only monsters that appear here are the skeletons. Just fire away.
  • Passage (Quest 1, Stage 2; Quest 2, Stage 1): Movement here is required as mages will be sent wave after wave. Be careful and kill the mages first.
  • "Eighth" Path (Quest 1, Stage 3; Quest 2, Stage 2; Quest 3, Stage 1): Yes, the whole path goes around like an eight. Just follow along and kill the enemies.
  • Stairways (Quest 1, Last Stage; Quest 2, Stage 3; Quest 3, Stage 2; Quest 4, Stage 1): Everyone knows this level because it's on every quest! Famous for how hard this is. It's a long stairway, and summons the Skeleton Mages and Skeleton Warriors. As the stage begins, dash or tumble to the other end immediately. Technique here is speed as you'll be dashing around shooting the Skeleton Warriors off your tail.
  • Passage 2 (Quest 2, Stage 4; Quest 3; Stage 3; Quest 4; Stage 2; Quest 5, Stage 1) If that didn't blow you off, THIS will. It's a very narrow path and summons all three skeletons you have faced off so far. The really annoying enemies here are the Mages and Warriors, so deal with them first. The best technique is to have someone climb in front of the nearest huge rock (comfirming that person is high enough) so enemies will come under him but will be unable to connect their attacks. The other three players shoot the enemies while staying where they spawned. If by any chance you run off to another area, the monsters will turn and attack you, making it more difficult.
  • Pillar Room (Quest 2, Last Stage; Quest 3, Stage 4; Quest 4, Stage 3; Quest 5, Stage 2) Here's where it all turns up to mess your mind again. This stage has all three enemies plus the Skeleton General. Stay in contact with these because you might get the Large Skull. Also this is where you fight Superion.
  • The Bridge (Quest 3, Last Stage; Quest 4, 4th Stage; Quest 5, Stage 3) This one is challenging. There is a long path leading from one end to another. All four enemies will appear as well as the Cursed Corpses/Unholy. Defeat them and don't forget to collect the Mysterious Skulls that might appear. This is where you can find Aneramon.
  • Passage 3 (Quest 4, Last Stage; Quest 5, Stage 4) This place is pretty easy to survive in. Lots of room, but lots of monsters too. Be careful of the Unholy and make sure you do not run into the pillars.
  • Shrine (Quest 5, Last Stage): Sort of like the combination of the Pillar Room and the end of the deathmatch version of the Pathway, where they have the stairs. All the enemies you have fought so far will appear here. The Lich appears here.

Dungeon quest monsters

  • Skeletons are "grunt" skeletons, and carry small swords. They can generally be ignored until the end, as they don't do much damage and attack slowly.
  • Skeleton Mages fire slow moving fireballs and fast moving arrows at you. These fireballs cannot hit you unless you are not moving or if you move into them, and the arrows do not do much damage, but it can add up. These mages are the annoying ones and are advised to be killed first, as you'll never know when they'll hurl arrows at you or if a fireball out of thin air will end in your demise.
  • Skeleton Warriors are the slightly larger fellows of the Skeletons but there's a difference. They now carry giant swords and run faster at you. Fairly annoying to new people, but relatively weak to veteran players.
  • Skeleton Generals are gigantic dark-blue giant skeletons that can do a large smash attack. Stay near their corpse as well, because they drop Large Skulls.
  • Cursed Corpses are upgraded Skeleton Mages. They can cast a lightning spell that slows you down, and also have lightning projectiles that blast towards you, which is more damaging than the Skeleton Mages'. They drop Mysterious Skulls.
  • Richies are small versions of the Lich. Not much to worry about, since they only have 40 HP.


  • Superion the Tainted is the first boss you can get the combination for when you start doing lvl 2 quests. However, he is fairly tough to handle and tedious to kill. As a bigger version of the Giant Skeletons, he is very powerful with his slash and powerful swings. His fireballs can deal a lot of damage too.
    • Combination: Large Skull + Skeleton Doll
    • Stage: Pillar Room
    • Minions: Skeletons, Skeleton Mages, Skeleton Knights
    • Quest Items: Torn Page 61, Demon Hand, Demon Bringer, Superion's Sword, Enormously Huge Skull
  • Aneramon the Wicked/Unholy is yet another hard boss to deal with. The combination is similar to Superion's. His minions are really annoying and his attacks can be a pain in the neck. Just like his minions, lightning is his most common attack, as well as stun.
    • Combination: Mysterious Skull + Skeleton Doll
    • Stage: Long Bridge
    • Minions: Skeleton Mages, Skeleton Knights, Cursed Corpses
    • Quest Items: Torn Page 61, Odd Gun x2, Aneramon's Sword, Devil's Dictionary, Leather Wrap Shoes
  • Lich/Richie is the first of the toughest bosses yet. By combining what you have found from Superion and Aneramon, the king of all dragonic skeletons will be yours to fight. His minions can easily distract you from attacking the Lich himself. His powerful attacks include fireballs and a tail swipe.
    • Combination: Devil's Dictionary + Enormously Huge Skull
    • Stage: Shrine
    • Minions: Skeletons, Skeleton Mages, Skeleton Knights, Skeleton General, Cursed **Corpses
    • Quest Items: Torn Page 61, Lich's Tail, Wings of Castastrophe


Newest quest since October 2007. Most stages are taken from the Prison map, while some aren't.


  • Jail (Quest 1, Stage 1): There's not much interesting going on here, so just kill and move on.
  • Hallway (Quest 1, Stage 2): Small hallway, is it? Kobolds and the mages come in so be careful not to get mobbed.
  • Shower Room (Quest 1, Stage 3; Quest 2, Stage 1): A very small room, its area is similar to the Dining Room in the Mansion quest. I warn you again to destroy any monster in your path.
  • Hallway 2 (Quest 1, Stage 4; Quest 2, Stage 2): The other hallway. Same looks. In quest 1, you meet up with a new monster - the Kobold Warrior.
  • Jail Room (Quest 1, Last Stage; Quest 2, 3rd Stage; Quest 3, Stage 1) Similar to that of the first Jail, except no stairs or 2nd floor.
  • Sewers (Quest 2, Stage 4; Quest 3, Stage 2): A short pathway. It's filled with water, but since it's pretty narrow too, keep your head up - lots of enemies will come. Along with the Drain is a small room. Not a good idea to go in there.
  • Cellar (Quest 2, Last Stage; Quest 3, Stage 3; Quest 4, Stage 1): Similar to the Drain, only it goes in a straight path. A small dining room with crates comes along too, so you have enough room to take the Kobolds down.
  • Hall (Quest 3, Stage 4; Quest 4, Stage 2): The most tight room you'll ever be in.

This place is so small getting mobbed here will be very easy. You can't wall run, and the waters here make the quest items hard to see. This is where you fight the Kobold King/Giant Lizardman.

  • Drain (Quest 3, Last Stage; Quest 4, Stage 3): This is the one in the Prison I map. Lots of room here, so this stage shouldn't be too hard.

Prison quest monsters

  • Kobolds are the first enemies you see. They are small and carry axes around. They're not very stronger but being mobbed can be annoying.
  • Kobold Mages are the white kobolds. They hurl green slime at you and shoot

green arrows at you. Not much damage but annoying. They don't move much, so it's easier to take them down.

  • Kobold Captains are the bigger blue guys. Their weapon is a Double Handed Axe and they do big damage. They are similar to the Skeleton Warriors. Watch out for these guys because they drop the Gold Earrings.
  • Kobold General are the big red guys. They can cause earthquakes and slow you down. Platinum Earrings come out of them, so keep an eye on what they drop.


  • Kobold King/Giant Lizardman is a bigger version of the Kobold Generals. Really powerful, but weak in many ways. He can heal and spit poison breathe. It's not really hard, but the area where you fight him is really tight that once he appears you'll be forced to deal with him in a cramped amount of space.
    • Combination: Platinum Earring + Gold Earring
    • Stage: Drain
    • Minions: Kobold Soldiers, Kobols Mages, Kobold Knights
    • Quest Items: Lizardman Gloves, Torn Page 61, Battle Axe
  • Broken Golem is the second of the toughest boss to fight. His unique attack is that you can get hit out of nowhere. It's pretty annoying after a while. Like his fellow mages, he can shoot green energy at you.
    • Combination: High-Class Gear + Kobolds Doll
    • Stage: Jailroom
    • Minions: Kobold Soldiers, Kobols Mages, Kobold Warriors
    • Quest Items: Android Mask, Torn Page 65, Shattered Iron, Broken Gear