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Difficult Battles

After you are properly prepared, return to the main room of the Myria station. Go to the door in the left corner of the room, which, thanks to Key Card A, you can finally open. This will take you to the final area of the Myria Station. You find yourself in a long corridor. The enemies that will appear during the random battles in this area are extremely tough and they can put you in trouble if your level is not very high. You will have to contend with enemies such as Goo King, Mist Man (a much more powerful version of Armor) and the fearsome Vampire. However these enemies, once defeated, leave large amounts of experience points and zenny, so it is certainly a good idea to kill as many as possible, to increase your level for the final battle. There are no items to collect in this area, so the quickest way to get past it is this: go right at the first intersection, left at the second and left again at the third. Walk through the door to enter a new area.

Maze of old bosses

Treasure to find
  • Cupid's Lyre
  • Moon Tears
  • Swallow Eye
  • Hourglass

You will enter a kind of labyrinth made up of contiguous rooms. The access doors to these rooms have a light above them. Rooms you have already entered are marked with a blue light, while those you have not yet gone into have a red light. However, some doors with red light must be opened on the other side to be unlocked. At the bottom of this labyrinth there is also a room with a diary, where you can save your game and carry out all the usual camp operations, while in the adjoining room there are beds where you can rest. This is your last restore point. There are no random battles in these rooms, but you will find several bosses and sub-bosses that you have previously faced (which are called “Samples”), plus a new one. Sometimes these bosses will also appear in groups of two or more. Below is the list of bosses that can be encountered:

  • 3 Nues
  • 2 Huge Slugs
  • 2 Mikbas
  • Dodo
  • Angler
  • 2 Ammonites
  • Manmo
  • 5 Rokies
  • Gaist
  • 3 Stallions

None of these battles should give you any problems, but if you want to get to the area where you can save and rest right away, the shortest route is this: take the door to the northwest in the first two rooms, then proceed straight north-east until you reach the room with the diary. This way you will only encounter 5 Rockies and 3 Stallions. After you have rested, you can explore all the other rooms at your leisure. To proceed towards the meeting with the goddess you will have to go down the ladder that you find in the room with the diary, but before doing so it is best to prepare yourself properly and explore all the other rooms. Then proceed to search for items and eliminate all copies of the old bosses. It is not necessary to face all these battles to proceed, but it is advisable to do so, to accumulate experience points in view of the final battle, which is now near. Also, there are some useful items to collect in this maze. Given your experience level at this point in the game, none of these battles should be difficult to win. In fact, it can be fun to see bosses who have put you in trouble in the past being defeated so easily. The only one that could create some problems if your level is not very high is the "new entry" Dodo (Sample 4), probably a remnant of a cut part of the game. It has a high HP value and an attack that can paralyze you. Maybe use Ryu's Ultimate Kaiser form to take him out quickly.

When you have cleared all the rooms, stop for a moment before going down the ladder. If you still have some pending things to fix, now is the time. For example, you can go back to Caer Xhan to buy what you think will be useful for the final battle. You can go fishing or pay a last visit to the Masters, to learn new skills. You can complete any unfinished side quests, such as the fairy village or desert trips. You can also take advantage of the powerful enemies found in the previous corridor to accumulate experience points and increase your level. If you are particularly patient and determined, you can also try to defeat the Berserker and ArchMage in the Container Yard. When you're finally ready, save your game using the diary and go down the ladder.

Last steps

As soon as you get off, Honey will escape. Chase her down the corridor. As you previously learned, Honey is a Navigator and she will open a large gate that blocks your way. Get on the elevator at the end of the corridor to go down to the innermost area of Myria Station. Continue southwest. From this moment on along the way you will encounter holograms that will give you a lot of information about the history of the world and what Myria has tried to do. Finally, the last pieces of the mosaic will fall into place. Enter the next room. From here on, you will no longer have to face random battles, nor are there any items to collect. Keep following the path by gathering information. At the only junction you will encounter, first go north-west to enter a room where there is another hologram, then go back. Get on the small elevator in the center of the room… and you will have reached the end of your long journey. The Eye of God on Ryu's head will light up and the goddess Myria will appear in front of you.

The Goddess

Even Myria's appearance will not be new to you. Myria will explain to you why she fears the power of the Broods so much and after a long conversation, she will ask you to give up your power, for the good of the world. What a surprise! This time, however, you will have the opportunity to decide what to answer her. Talk to all members of the group to hear what they have to say and finally turn to the goddess again to communicate your decision. If you choose to give up your power, Myria will congratulate you on your spirit of sacrifice and she will take you away with her. You will not have to face any final boss, but you will witness a rather disappointing ending, which among other things will not allow you to save the game and start it again. If you choose to follow your own path instead, Myria will get angry and say that she will have no choice but to kill you (another big surprise). Choose three party members and their formation to face the final battle.

Boss Fight - Myria

HP: 20.000

The final battle of the game is obviously long and challenging. To face it, choose the characters you are best with and who have a higher level of experience. Myria has the most powerful attack spells in the game, such as Inferno, Blizzard, Sirocco and Myollnir. At other times she will use Venom, which causes various status changes to all the party members. Two other attacks to fear are Death and Evil Eye, which paralyzes the affected character. From time to time then, Myria will cast Sanctuary on the group, which nullifies all support spells, which therefore will be of little use to us in this battle. Every now and then, Myria will heal herself with Restore, but that's just a nuisance. So equip yourself accordingly, preferably with accessories that protect you from various elements and status alterations. To win this battle without too many problems, it is practically essential to use Ryu's Ultimate Kaiser form. This way you will be able to cause massive damage to Myria, especially if you use skills like Shadowwalk and Bonebreak. Use any remaining Wisdom Fruits to maintain Kaiser form. The other two members will have to heal the group (try to always keep everyone's HP at maximum) and deliver their best shots when they can. If you find yourself in trouble, don't hesitate to use rare items like Moon Tears, Hourglass and Multivitamin. Now it is useless to economize on items, you are in the final battle. Use everything you have in your inventory. Be careful: when Myria's HP start running low, the goddess will begin to use her final attack, Holocaust, which causes massive damage and status changes to the whole party. Quickly heal and keep attacking, you are now close to victory. After defeating Myria, you can enjoy the game's ending. Well done!


After watching all the credits and the final scene, with the fin sticking out of the ground, don't rush to shut down the game. You will be given the option to save the game. Loading this save will restart the adventure outside of Caer Xhan. You will be free to travel the world and still face the goddess Myria whenever you want. Also, you can get some new items that you couldn't have before, such as the Master Rod and Fountain Pen from the fishing Grassrunner on the peninsula to the west of Junk Town. You will also be able to learn new skills from enemies and get new rewards at the casino in the Fairy Village.